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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Angry Guns in America: Time for Change!

    This guy wants to ban handguns and so called assault rifles from everyone but police and the military?? He thinks the 2nd amendment is for hunting only? He would gladly turn in his weapons!

    Contact information:
    Nick Symmonds

    A tweet from Symmonds
    Nick Symmonds ‏@NickSymmonds 13h

    To everyone hating on my #GunControl proposal, where is your proposal? What kind of compromise would you like to see? Compromise is key.

    Guns in America: Time for Change

    Why I believe Congress needs to pass gun-control legislation.

    "As Americans, we have a long history with firearms. We also have a government built on compromise, so here is the compromise I propose: Ban assault rifles and handguns for everyone except police and military personnel. These weapons are made to kill humans and should be strictly limited. At the same time, allow responsible citizens to own rifles and shotguns. Rifles are for hunting big-game animals, shotguns are for hunting birds; non-automatic versions of these weapons should be available for those with an interest in hunting or target shooting."

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    As runners, we cover a lot of territory. Our runs take us from "safe" neighborhoods to more "dangerous" parts of town and everything in between. We pound the pavement, hearts pumping, lungs aching, unarmed with only a millimeter of dry-fit shirt to protect us.

    That would be a shame if something untoward happened to him.

    Well, not really.
    The USA is now a banana republic. Only without the bananas....or the Republic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    A lot of the new age "outdoorsy" types are very liberal. Read "Backpacker" or "Outdoors" magazine sometimes. Bunch of granola eaters, and hippies. This guy is just another elitist who thinks he knows better, and wants to dictate to everyone else what he believes. That shotgun he is toting is potentially dangerous. I think he needs to give it up, and take up knitting instead of hunting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    Who cares what nick has to say. Seriously. Fudd.

  5. #5
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    Nick is hung up on the word "compromise". Fact is that there are things that just cannot be compromised. None of us, including Nick, are willing to compromise our right to life, to be safe, to marry whom we will, to speak our minds, to worship as we see fit, or not to worship, to live where we want to live, to seek the occupation and avocational interest of our heart, to keep our own land, and to vote our conscience and best judgment in political matters. You cannot keep the right to keep and bear arms off the list because you capriciously and arbitrarily decide that it is an item that must be compromised.

    And Nick, my other plan is (which you requested) - get this - NO PLAN. We already heave enough very good laws on the books that are not enforced. Let's go after the criminals when they commit crimes and not put blanket constraints on the hundreds of thousands of respectful and law abiding citizens who do conform to both the letter and the spirit of the law.

    No, sorry Nick - no compromise here.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hokkmike View Post
    Nick is hung up on the word "compromise". Fact is that there are things that just cannot be compromised. None of us, including Nick, are willing to compromise our right to life, to be safe, to marry whom we will, to speak our minds, to worship as we see fit, or not to worship, to live where we want to live, to seek the occupation and avocational interest of our heart, to keep our own land, and to vote our conscience and best judgment in political matters. You cannot keep the right to keep and bear arms off the list because you capriciously and arbitrarily decide that it is an item that must be compromised.

    And Nick, my other plan is (which you requested) - get this - NO PLAN. We already heave enough very good laws on the books that are not enforced. Let's go after the criminals when they commit crimes and not put blanket constraints on the hundreds of thousands of respectful and law abiding citizens who do conform to both the letter and the spirit of the law.

    No, sorry Nick - no compromise here.

    Why are new laws even being discussed as an option if current ones are not being enforced?

    New Black Panther leader's gun charges dropped


    Most Shooters In Chicago Don't Face Charges (94% got no criminal charges!)
    It’s getting easier to get away with shooting people in Chicago.

    Last year, gunmen who shot and wounded someone got away without criminal charges 94 percent of the time, according to a Chicago analysis of police data.

    That’s even worse than 2011, when 91.5 percent of shooters escaped charges, according to the data.

    Chicago’s top cop said the “no-snitch” code of silence on the street is the biggest contributor in his department’s struggle to charge shooters.
    Last edited by ShooterInPA1; November 6th, 2013 at 09:13 AM.
    The USA is now a banana republic. Only without the bananas....or the Republic.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    This is the way The united states is headed, These idiotic liberal metrosexual yuppies think that the Second is for hunting and target shooting, not for defense of our liberty, lives and families. They think just because they live in a family with a tradition of hunting they are freaking EXPERTS and have a Moral High ground to expound the belief that the second protects nothing but hunting.

    Lets all read this together:
    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
    Nothing about target shooting or hunting.
    Hey! it does say "being necessary to the security of a free state" that this amendment benefits all by providing a way for the PEOPLE to protect us all from an "Un free state".
    And it also says :
    "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
    Since PEOPLE are endowed with "Rights" and Governments are granted "Powers" by the people, This means the right of the people is protected and SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON"
    But alas, we have been derelict in our duty to prevent the erosion of this right by the powers of the state
    Derrion Albert was my Hero.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    He is getting hammered on Facebook!! Bad move by Runners World to post this in a running magazine!
    There are at least 697 comments about the article......

    The latest from Nick Symmonds: Why I believe Congress needs to pass gun-control legislation:
    Guns in America: Time for Change
    Why I believe Congress needs to pass gun-control legislation.

    Brandon Musgrove Last I checked Runner's World was a running magazine. Shame on you for even considering this article for your publication.

    Dean Stover this has nothing to do with running or health

    Stacy Cunningham Gilbert Can we PU-LEEEZE let running be one of the only things NONPARTISAN?

    Travis Nolen Will you post my article on why I believe Nick Symmonds is an idiot.

    Ryan Talbot Why would you get involved in a political issue that has nothing to do with running and will alienate runners from your magazine?

    Brian Pickard I can not believe that Runner's World has published this. One of the great things about running to me is I get a break from all this type of talk. This article has nothing to do with running and I see no reason for it other than to state your politi...See More

    Michael Epstein If anyone is interested, 'Guns & Ammo' is offering marathon advice.
    141 · 17 hours ago via mobile
    8 Replies · 10 hours ago
    Kristen Lewallen Peck Big mistake RW!!! I open carry and conceal carry where I can't open carry. I'm a law abiding citizen and I have the right to protect myself and my family at all times. Criminals don't folllow the law. If they want to go ona shooting rampage, they will, regardless of what guns are legal or not.

    Slade Cole My running partners are smith and wesson

    Wes Faulk Running helps me escape the overly political rhetoric driven world we live in. Please take this down.

    Charles Kelso Exactly!
    Why does this have to invade the only place where I can get a break from all the debate? Grrr!

    Dave Tulowiecki Later. Just 'unliked' your page. Not getting my subscription renewed again. Next time you want to stomp on the constitution don't tell those of us who spent a lifetime supporting and defending it

    LaShawn Williams This was a bad choice of topic for Runner's World to choose. Disappointed.

    Patrick Doering How about sticking to running related topics and stay out of politics.

    Jason Aygun Bad move runner's world. I didn't even read the article because I could care less about a running magazine's stand on the bill of rights.

    Jamile Siddiqui Incidentally we banned handguns here in the UK in 1997, and saw a 40% increase in gun crime incidents in the UK. Gun control only punishes the law abiding, America don't make the same mistake as us Brits did.

    Nick Lyons Why does Runner's world always bring up political issues??? I run to get away from politics. I am just about ready to cancel my subscription and delete off my fb. Stick to running!!

    Scott Newton Is the abortion article coming next??

    Tim Carr Already had it...

    Michael Kendig Seriously Runners World, focus on running and not gun control. Your magazine has gone downhill the last few years with more focus to weight loss and apparel than real running. I will not be renewing my subscription, I never read it anymore really. Ultra running and trail runner are better magazines for true runners, hope they focus on running and not their political beliefs.

    Bronwen Britt Thompson Not cool!

    David Balmer You can keep your magazine and I'll keep my guns.

    Snerdly McNuttybuddy I take this article as a personal kick in the groin and here's why: One of the things I LOVE about running is that it unites ALLLLLL PEOPLE! From my first 5K to my first 26.2, I received absolutely nothing but support from the running community. I c...See More

    Walter Kozak I don't give a chit what this moron thinks nor this page when it involves my rights.

    Ryan Pearce Unsubscribing

    Aaron Werner Why is Runner's World even commenting on this? Gun control has noting to do with running and if you feel the need to enter the debate please cancel my subscription immediately!

    Heather Herman why is this topic on a running page?!

    Andrew Stolcers umm this is runners world?? might unsub this page just for this bias article

    Snerdly McNuttybuddy RW is NOT making any friends with this post or this story.

    Bill Aube Not about running and I disagree with his viewpoint although I am willing to take his guns since he is ready to give them up.

    Tasha Arnett Kane Really? Anti gun talk on here? I am a member of the NRA and a responsible gun owner who is also a runner. This should be a running site. Anti-constitutional talk has no place on this forum.

    Matt Cash First off, define 'assault rifle.'

    A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic. One shot per trigger pull. Anyone deranged enough-with enough of a mindset- could find a way to rack up a body count....See More

    See Why I like RUNNING! I don't read RW to hear about political agenda. At first I was going to be mild about my frustration over this article but I'm actually kind of pissed the F off. This is crap. We are runners. We love running because its freedom from a...See More

    Justin Snyder It is disgusting that runners world has taken to furthering political agendas! I do not want politics with my running. I guess it is time to cancel my subscription.
    And before anyone asks, YES I carry a concealed weapon for safety when running.

    Cara Herbig Wow. If I want left wing political commentary I will subscribe to, you know, ANY other media outlet page. Seriously, what's next? Obamacare for plantar fasciitis!

    Carolina Gardner Dear Runner's World, educate me about running.
    Or else I'll spend my money on Non-Political Publicatons!!

    Cassie Douglas How about you guys stick to running news.

    Ralph Asprec VERY DISAPPOINTED in you folks at Runners World. Wrong time, wrong place.... Shall we await your stance on illegal immigration, the war on drugs, or your policy on the Middle East? Fail...

    Greg Son Stick to articles about running.

    Michael McGreevy Stick with running. Leave the liberal politics out! For that matter if fact all politics out. Your a running magazine! I carry 100% of the time.

    Rodney Witkos I live with the toughest gun laws in the country and our crime rates keep rising. Gun control fixed nothing. Stick to running advice,

    Nila Ccr This is not the venue for such a discussion, but, for the record, guns aren't the problem. People are. That's like blaming food for making people overweight. Claim responsibility, people!

    Devyn Wise Last I checked guns have nothing to do with running. Stay in your lane "runners world"

    T.c. Glotfelty No longer purchasing & un-liking immediately. Proud gun owner. My children deserve to be protected & it is their RIGHT. Seriously, shove it, RW.

    Chala Baker Stick to RUNNING. I plan to use my right to conceal and carry to PROTECT myself while out running. Your views are neither wanted NOR appreciated and if you continue to insert your opinions into my rights, RUNNER'S World, I will use my right to turn to other running pages and magazines. Out of line.

    Danny Topping This is a running magazine. Very disappointed! You're on the verge of being unliked. Stick to running topics.

    Gregg Talton Stick to running...NOT POLITICS.

    Eric McMullan Uhhh, what the fuck does this have to do with running?

    Christopher Barron WTF does this have to do with running? I almost wish I had a subscription so I could call and tell them why I'm canceling it.

    Lisa Weber Dislike. Shouldn't be in Runner's World. Keep politics OUT of my running!

    Christopher Little And runners world is jumping on the bandwagon. Awesome. Thought I could actually like a page and get tips on running or runner related articles.

    Maybe right after Boston I could see this article making sense, but unless someone was doing a 5k through LAX I don't see why this belongs in Runners World

    Ultraman Smith Then again, gun-control legislation would not have prevented what happened in Boston...

    Jessica Morris Wise Please do not post any more gun control articles. I run with a small hand gun.

    50 of 697
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    It’s true that guns don't kill people; people do. But when deranged individuals decide to kill, they too often use assault rifles and handguns.
    Here's some factoids for him, straight from the FBI's UCR for 2012, Table 20 (Homicides by Weapon).

    In 2012, there were 12,765 homicides. 8,855 of them were committed with firearms. Of those 8,855, 6,371 of them were committed with handguns. So he is partially right when he said "when deranged individuals decide to ill, they too often use...handguns." But of those 8,855, only 322 were committed with rifles.

    So while handguns accounted for 49.909% of all homicides in 2012...rifles (including those "assault rifles" he wants to ban and the regular ordinary hunting rifles he says is okay) accounted for only 2.522% of all homicides in 2012.

    In addition, 678 people were BEATEN TO DEATH by UNARMED ATTACKERS in 2012. That is 5.311% of all homicides in 2012 - more than twice as many as were committed with rifles.

    I'm curious as to his position on handguns that are clearly designed for hunting and trail use - such as the Ruger Alaskan or anything in 10MM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Guns in America: Time for Change!

    Quote Originally Posted by NRA Member View Post
    This guy wants to ban handguns and so called assault rifles from everyone but police and the military?? He thinks the 2nd amendment is for hunting only? He would gladly turn in his weapons!

    Contact information:
    Nick Symmonds

    A tweet from Symmonds
    Nick Symmonds ‏@NickSymmonds 13h

    To everyone hating on my #GunControl proposal, where is your proposal? What kind of compromise would you like to see? Compromise is key.

    Guns in America: Time for Change

    Why I believe Congress needs to pass gun-control legislation.

    "As Americans, we have a long history with firearms. We also have a government built on compromise, so here is the compromise I propose: Ban assault rifles and handguns for everyone except police and military personnel. These weapons are made to kill humans and should be strictly limited. At the same time, allow responsible citizens to own rifles and shotguns. Rifles are for hunting big-game animals, shotguns are for hunting birds; non-automatic versions of these weapons should be available for those with an interest in hunting or target shooting."
    Yes because Lord knows, the police are shining examples of both superb marksmanship and incorruptible morals

    Here's my compromise: stop calling AR15s and the like, which are not FA, assault weapons. Use the military definition, not the political one created to scare the unknowing public.

    Tell criminals if they decide to live a life of crime, to accept that it may be cut short by a law-abiding citizen who's armed.

    Enact National reciprocity; the right to self defense and self-preservation should not end at some imaginary line.

    Require that schools teach the basis of our nation, read the Federalist Papers, the debate of and reasons for enacting the Bill of Rights.

    Collect all the misguided souls who think the RKBA is about duck hunting, ship them off to the FEMA re-education camp run by yours truly so that they may be rehabilitated as useful and productive citizens.
    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

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