Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Levittown, Pennsylvania
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    Smile Are things better a second time around?

    Specifically when it comes to a shooting class that teaches a rather unique way of drawing and shooting. I am of course referring to the Israeli Fighting Pistol class that i attended for the second time on August 6th.

    Rather than make this post long winded, i wanted to see if people evolve when going through a repeated course.

    My takeaway from the first course (back in April) was as follows:

    1. When your heart rate is elevated, shooting becomes a freaking chore and a half. Shooting accurately harder still.
    2. Pointing and shooting - as long as the barrel is oriented in the right direction can be an effective method of shooting if you practice.
    3. Empty Chamber Carry - this was for the benefit of the course title. I suppose the instructors wanted to stay true to the origin of "Israeli Carry". You never once have to carry with an empty chamber, however, for this class, the firearm was holstered with an empty chamber and racking the slide and chambering a round was part of every single course of fire. Every time the instructors yelled ready, i had to fight the impulse to load the mag, rack a round, press check and holster. Drove me nuts.
    4. One handed shooting with your support hand outstretched to ward off/block anyone from walking in front of you was a little hard for me to remember as my support hand wanted to come up to the handgun EVERY SINGLE TIME.
    5. Single Action Only firearms are welcome. Infact, i was worried about running with my Sig during a multiple shot drill. Mine is a da/sa 226 and we had to take the first shot, then run and make the second shot up close. Well i learnt that as long as i kept the finger off the trigger, i wouldnt have to de-cock the pistol every time i took off running towards the target.
    6. Dry firing practice is absolutely the ticket to better shooting mechanics.
    7. I am horribly out of shape for a 37 year old. I NEEDED TO GET THAT FAT ASS IN THE GYM, EAT A FREAKING SALAD ONCE IN A WHILE!!

    Keeping all of the above in mind, i would go to the range at least once a week. spend a couple of hours each time and practice point shooting, racking the slide the way i was taught in the class and shoot away. I also lost 15 pounds by completely stopping all manner of fast food and walking 2 miles a day (pathetic, i know, but baby steps). I would also take some time every evening (about 30 minutes or so) dry firing. Did all this for a couple of months and was looking forward to taking the class again on the 6th of August.

    Here is my takeaway from the second time i ran the course.

    1. I did not need a mag pouch for my spare mag. My pockets worked just fine.
    2. I am horrendously right eye dominant. Shooting support hand was fucked up. It felt like a really terrible wheel alignment with everything pulling to the left - no where near centermass. It was then that i realized that i did not practice ANY off-hand shooting at the range trips.
    3. I can point and aim and shoot and not be slow and deliberate under pressure! Awesome feeling.
    4. I can run up to a target, shoot, do a calm threat scan and NOT HAVE A HEART ATTACK.
    5. Racking and shooting was second nature. I did not even have to think as muscle memory took over.
    6. Focused more on tightening my shot pattern - since i wasnt aiming, shot pattern is the best description for my point shooting "group".
    7. I like shooting with suppressors! We got to shoot some subsonic ammo and it was fantastic!!
    8. I like water. Drank like 3 liters of that stuff.

    As you can tell, takeaways are somewhat different and i certainly learnt a lot more about myself from a temperament and capability stand point. The one message that i took home with me was - when you attend a course, FOCUS ON LEARNING and dont worry about anyone else outpacing you.

    Have any of you gone through a similar evolution?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    USN Retired, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Are things better a second time around?

    Hate to see the long winded.
    Owner Trigger Time LLc 01 FFL/NFA Saylorsburg, PA. Sales/Service/Transfers/Training
    NRA CRSO/Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun inst. BSA Rifle/Shotgun Merit badge counselor. US Navy Marksmanship Team Staff

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Wayne, New Jersey
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    Default Re: Are things better a second time around?

    Clicked on the title because I thought it was about marriages. Second one is usually shit. Third is a charm.
    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    There is a place like that, but William Penn made sure to put a river between us and New Jersey, to keep out those hoplophobic riffraff.
    There is NO evidence of widespread journalistic integrity.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Are things better a second time around?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosco the Iroc View Post
    Hate to see the long winded.
    Its worse when there are cameras around...unless of course you are referring to the post itself. The long version was rather monstrous.

    Quote Originally Posted by olderguy View Post
    Clicked on the title because I thought it was about marriages. Second one is usually shit. Third is a charm.
    Sorry to disappoint. I am still working on my first one...So far so good...

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