I am a huge fan of the website TheTruthAboutGuns.com and, although I've mentioned it here and there on this and other websites, I think it's worth another post.

The content and writing quality on TTAG is fantastic. This isn't one of those gun blogs that gets a new entry every other day or week or whatever. There are anywhere between five to ten or more new entries every single day. And it's all good stuff. No filler or junk.

Although the site hasn't been around too long yet (about a year and a half I think), I has become a major source of gun rights advocacy and truth for all things firearm related in this country. Editorials, equipment reviews, all sorts of user participation. All worth reading.

I don't know how many folks here spend time on TTAG but those of you who haven't checked it out yet, please have a click on the link I put up at the top of the page and take a look. TTAG will be in your Favorites Folder after the first visit.

One last thing, here is a link to a graph from an recent story on TTAG. It illustrates their readership by state. I was really surprised to see us trailing the state of Illinois. I have always viewed Pennsylvania as a very strong state in gun ownership and gun-related sports. More than Illinois I would think, a state where currently you don't even have the right to carry a firearm for personal protection.

So go have a look at TTAG when you get a spare minute and let me know what you think. Thanks everyone.