Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania
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    Default Let's stop hammering each other

    Let’s stop hammering each other

    In my first post I made statements regarding the PA Constitution. I was told that I was wrong, that things had changed, that somewhere around 1969, while the words were still there, that the rights were gone. Later I mentioned (forgive me, this time it is only for example only) “democracy.” In one thread I used the term “Hell” (it was changed to “heck”) and I was warned about profanity. ( In other threads, however, suck-ass, bastard, and bitch, to cite a few, appeared, seemingly, with impunity) Additionally, I was told that this thread had been posted already and was removed. Now, however, there are three current threads all referring to the same topic. A recent thread posed a few hypothetical questions. BAD! Some forum members seem to hate a, so called, “what if” question. This, pretty much, happened in less then two months. Oh Well

    Well, I’m new and I figured I was (am) still on the backside of my learning curve. I’m generally a slow learner. But what I experienced was near zero on the “Let’s slap somebody around scale.” Others got a nuclear treatment.

    Look at the misery that was heaped on our Coast Guardsman (person?) Look also at some of the comments made about him as well as some of the exchanges in that thread. It is going on as of this morning. In one thread spelling was made an issue. (This should fall into the “cast the first stone” category) The pilot whose pistol discharged in flight got almost the full treatment. (That’s the thread that appears three times.) The one that seems to be radioactive now is the BradfordCOHunter thread. Most of the comments there seem to be gleefully sadistic. KILL KILL KILL And, it does not seem to be ending. Most recently, this morning in fact, Rule got a backhanded slap in the Coast Guard thing. Do we need this?

    There are a lot of good natured, back and forth exchanges but in others some things a uncalled for.

    This is a great site. It has a lot of knowledgeable members who share their knowledge freely. But, a sincere question, even if it describes questionable actions, deserves a helpful answer, not ridicule. Let’s stop hammering each other.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    Quote Originally Posted by sgser View Post
    Let’s stop hammering each other

    In my first post I made statements regarding the PA Constitution. I was told that I was wrong, that things had changed, that somewhere around 1969, while the words were still there, that the rights were gone. Later I mentioned (forgive me, this time it is only for example only) “democracy.” In one thread I used the term “Hell” (it was changed to “heck”) and I was warned about profanity. ( In other threads, however, suck-ass, bastard, and bitch, to cite a few, appeared, seemingly, with impunity) Additionally, I was told that this thread had been posted already and was removed. Now, however, there are three current threads all referring to the same topic. A recent thread posed a few hypothetical questions. BAD! Some forum members seem to hate a, so called, “what if” question. This, pretty much, happened in less then two months. Oh Well

    Well, I’m new and I figured I was (am) still on the backside of my learning curve. I’m generally a slow learner. But what I experienced was near zero on the “Let’s slap somebody around scale.” Others got a nuclear treatment.

    Look at the misery that was heaped on our Coast Guardsman (person?) Look also at some of the comments made about him as well as some of the exchanges in that thread. It is going on as of this morning. In one thread spelling was made an issue. (This should fall into the “cast the first stone” category) The pilot whose pistol discharged in flight got almost the full treatment. (That’s the thread that appears three times.) The one that seems to be radioactive now is the BradfordCOHunter thread. Most of the comments there seem to be gleefully sadistic. KILL KILL KILL And, it does not seem to be ending. Most recently, this morning in fact, Rule got a backhanded slap in the Coast Guard thing. Do we need this?

    There are a lot of good natured, back and forth exchanges but in others some things a uncalled for.

    This is a great site. It has a lot of knowledgeable members who share their knowledge freely. But, a sincere question, even if it describes questionable actions, deserves a helpful answer, not ridicule. Let’s stop hammering each other.

    First, let me comment on a few things.
    The word "Hell" was edited because those are the rules. No profanity in Thread TITLES. I PM'd you to explain why I changed it. I think that's a pretty polite "warning". In regards to the profanity in posts. It's allowed, and sometimes needed to get the point across correctly, but I know what you mean... some of it is excessive.(my opinion)

    If your thread was removed because it was a duplicate... well, that's the way it works. Sometimes a duplicate thread can be merged into an existing thread, sometimes not.

    You mention 3 existing threads that are duplicates. Rather than remaining silent, and now feeling you are being treated unfairly, click the "report a post" button and notify someone of the duplicate thread. We(mods)can't read every single thread/post.

    As for your last point... "Let’s stop hammering each other."

    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    The hammering I don't mind, but if only all the damn banging would stop...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    Well, Empty Mag, you make my point. You advised and explained without seeing how much skin you could take off. Some of us need all the help we can get.

    What do they say, Too soon old, too late smart? For me the first part was automatic, the second needs all the coaching it can get.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    Good post sgser. I agree sometimes that the amount of armchair commando type assaults get out of hand, but whatcha gonna do? It happens here and on almost all of the other boards that I belong to. I wil however say that the mods and staff here seem to be much more evn keeled on these matters.


  6. #6
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    I always avoid profanity so that is not an issue.

    There has never been anything posted here that has moved me to be so angry as to attack a brother gun owner.

    I wouldn't be concerned about what an anonymous poster had to say about me anyway. (that's what we all are)

    The few people I have met or done business with here have been great!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    This is how we oughtta solve our indifferences!

    Gary in Pennsylvania
    “No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
    “Argue For Your Limitations……And Sure Enough, They’re Yours.” Messiah's Handbook
    “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates 399BC

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    I either don't follow a thread when I see it starts to degenerate or don't read ( many many) threads when I don't follow(understand)the title.

    Being very selective on what posts I participate in minimizes my increase in blood pressure or the need to want to choke someone. I only scanned through the infamous Aran debaucle(correct me if I spelled that wrong) which seemed to raise the ire of quite a few here.

    I for one do not get into correcting people on spelling, grammer, punctuation, terminology,etc etc if I see what their point is. It is quite a bit easier to follow posts when spell check is used but is no big deal to me (after all I am a plumber who CAN spell Kat when spotted the K and the T). Understand that some posts are made when a person is winding down after a hard day and sucking down a brew or perhaps a few brews or perhaps many.

    I have had posts deleted when I broke the rules about posting in a want ad thread. lesson learned--moved on.

    Merging threads is no big deal as some think their idea for a thread has never been posted before so search function is not used.

    There are so many diverse personalities on this board that one can't post a thing without someone else having a differing opinion on it or the verbage used to make a point.

    We will never just all get along for that reason. That's what makes us tick and yet when we associate outside this forum, I have never heard a cross word spoken between two members.

    Carry on my wayward sons.

    Opinions are like anal apertures. They all stink but mine.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    I think this says it all !!!!

    Marry you, and ruin it all ? I say let's play in sin. ~Michele
    Do ya like warm oil massages ?~Me
    As long as it's gun oil.~Michele

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Let's stop hammering each other

    LMAO Shakey. God I HATE those uber-sweet cat pics!!!! They're sooo stupidly cute!!!!

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