Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
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    Default Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    Boy, read this link and get your blood pressure up:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Loami, Illinois
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    Same old hackneyed Bloomberg Type sponsored Bull Shit. Those people have had more or less the same results off and on for years.
    If they would find anything other than this tripe their base would leave them.
    Courage is being scared to death--but saddling up any way. John Wayne

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Apolacon Township, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    Let's see where the mistakes are:

    1. On July 20, a gunman in Aurora, Colorado, used an assault rifle to murder 12 people and wound 58 others.

    Note entirely correct. The "assault rifle" (which it was not) jammed and the shooter switched weapons to his handgun and shotgun.

    2. “Right-to-carry” gun laws do not reduce violent crime.

    Studies by Lott et al refute this.

    3. Prohibiting high-risk groups from having guns–criminals, perpetrators of domestic violence, youths under age 21, substance abusers, and those with severe mental illnesses and closing loopholes that enable them to have guns are integral and politically feasible steps to reduce gun violence.

    Hard to believe that the author of this has never read or even heard of the 1968 Gun Contol Act that forbids purchase or possession of all firearms to persons in theis group! And as to "loopholes", there are none that "permit" such persons to have guns! The problem is weak or no enforcement of existing law by Federal authorities! Even the Aurora shooter had been identified as a risk to public safety, but, college and other other authorities were too weak-kneed to have him committed for at least observation and evaluation!

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Media, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    What do you expect out of an institution that holds endoctranating over educating. Their so called study is an expose on intellectual dishonesty that cannot be backed by any factual data. There a number of studies that are backed by legitimate research that totally blow their suppositions and faulty conclusions out of the water. Yes, "rails against guns". Any legitimate research doesn't start off with the intent of railing against anything.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    Nothing really new here. For many years there has been a "back door" attempt at gun control by labeling it a "Public Health" issue.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    West Chester, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    What I would really love to see a study on is WHO commits these homicides and WHY they committed the homicide.
    Hoplophobia is funny

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    What's really stupid is that there is no study there. They talk about the study, they act like it means something, but there's absolutely no study there. So besides some "summary" or little thing that supposedly points out the high points out the "high points" of the study, where is the study? It would help if we could see the actual data, the "controls", and everything else involved. Instead, there's just something saying what this study found, and nothing more. The fact that they even have a "Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research" says a lot about the whole motives of any of it. Either way, I still haven't seen any study, just some propaganda.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    What really boils my blood is every single anti gun only thinks scotus ruled a right to keep a handgun in the home which is FALSE, maybe they should put their glasses on and read the actual decision, just because the case was brought up with having a handgun in the home doesn't mean scotus can't rule above and beyond that

    They ruled its an individual right to bear arms of popular use which means to carry on the body except not in "sensitive" places which clearly spells out that if scotus rules we can't carry in sensitive places then we can carry in non sensitive places and I don't think they ruled all public land being a sensitive place

    Rant over
    Nra, SAF, NJ2AS, GOA member

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    State College, Pennsylvania
    (Centre County)
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    Default Re: Johns Hopkins Study rails against guns

    Anyone ever been to Hopkin's main campus? It's improved over the last decade, but when I went in 2000ish, it was a fucking cess pool. I was just out of college and applying for a job in the PACU and had to park "off campus." Well, I felt like I could have used a whole arsenal of weapons to just get in the front door. All these faggots need to do to see whey we need guns is to look out the front door.

    Luckily, a job at Hopkins Bayveiw in the BICU, in a slightly better part of town was available.....
    I don't watch shark week. Sharks watch FLICK week.

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