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  1. #1
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    Default GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    The GOP 2008 Presidential Candidate debate is on right now on Fox News Channel, Fox Radio, and online.


    oh... and +1 for Ron Paul!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    Okay... I'm officially changing the channel because I am disgusted with the way Fox is handling the debate (i.e. ignoring Ron Paul on basically everything and only asking him questions about the war because they know everyone else is against him).

    Shame on you Fox News.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    I just saw the Paul-Giuliani exchange. Go Ron!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    Yeah, two of the four questions towards Ron are directly challenging him as to whether he is a 'Republican' because of his stance on the war.

    What jerks - he is stating the truth. You go about the world acting like you have the only answer and people are going to start getting pissed off at you. THATS why people go after us.

    There is a concerted attempt to discredit Paul here with directed questioning. No questions on 2nd ammendment, or pro-life or any other questions that everyone else got softballed with.
    Last edited by GeorgeF; May 15th, 2007 at 10:34 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    Interesting that MSNBC did a better job of handling a Republican debate than Fox. Then again, I'd bet Fox, or a person in power at Fox, in some way/shape/form has already contributed to certain individual's campaigns.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    Interesting take from all of you guys. I found Fox's handling of the debate overall about 5k% better than MSNBC, candidates actually had time to reply not only to the questioner but to other candidates statements. Were they biased against Ron Paul, I'm not sure, could it be that you are looking at it from a pro-Paul bias? I'm not attached to any of the candidates yet, it is way too early for me to do anything other than lean and the person that I am leaning in favor or has not yet officially announced so I really didn't have a dog in the fight. Just my thoughts.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  7. #7
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by billamj View Post
    I'm not attached to any of the candidates yet, it is way too early for me to do anything other than lean and the person that I am leaning in favor or has not yet officially announced so I really didn't have a dog in the fight. Just my thoughts.
    I don't know, I do have to disagree with you. While I like Dr. Paul, I'm really not attached to anyone, but I AM against TWO of the people on the stage last night. Romney's comment of 'I support the 2A, but I also support an AWB' just goes to show how far left the Republican party has drifted. I wrote to Romney, CCing the State and National RNC, point blank called Rom an Anti-American, and if the party continues to allow people like him and Mr "America's Mayor" speak for the party, I'll no longer support them with time, money, or votes. I told them it's their choice, support Rino's or the core, if it's Rinos, kiss me and as many people as I can take with goodbye.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    I'm all for Fred Thompson getting in the race - just so I can hear his views. I thought Romney was not too bad - then he comes out with his 'I support the Assault Weapon Ban' line - bye Mitt.

    Regarding Ron Paul. it just seemed that his questions were more antagonistic. I will admit I liked it when they held Giuliani's feet to the fire about his question though. But twice they directly challenged Ron on his stance in Iraq - they didnt keep going after Mitt on his abortion stance or Giuliani on his Gay stance.

    I agree it was run better, I just saw a little bias there.

    And AGAIN the majority of the time went to the big three (Romney, McCain and Giuliani). Lots of other great guys out there (Huckabee and Hunter) but barely get to hear their views.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeF View Post
    I'm all for Fred Thompson getting in the race - just so I can hear his views. I thought Romney was not too bad - then he comes out with his 'I support the Assault Weapon Ban' line - bye Mitt.

    Regarding Ron Paul. it just seemed that his questions were more antagonistic. I will admit I liked it when they held Giuliani's feet to the fire about his question though. But twice they directly challenged Ron on his stance in Iraq - they didnt keep going after Mitt on his abortion stance or Giuliani on his Gay stance.

    I agree it was run better, I just saw a little bias there.

    And AGAIN the majority of the time went to the big three (Romney, McCain and Giuliani). Lots of other great guys out there (Huckabee and Hunter) but barely get to hear their views.
    I gotta say that I liked Huckabee's line about the Republican congress spending like Mr. $400 haircut at a hair salon.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  10. #10
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    Default Re: GOP 2008 Candidate Debate on NOW!

    Ron Paul is DOMINATING in the ABC poll.

    Currently, Ron Paul has 19,048 votes, and in second place is Mitt Romney with only 311 votes.

    Proud member of:

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