Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Poconos, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default This is why I OC.

    Due to recent attacks on my character over the last several days, I think I will throw it out there for those of you who doubt why a young man would choose to openly carry a firearm.

    If ever any of us have the opportunity to meet at some group event I think you will realize I'm not the arrogant, disingenuous person to the 2a community you may believe me to be. There are several reasons I choose to OC. For one, its much more comfortable than stuffing a hunk of polymer inside my belt. Beyond my personal comfort, of MY own protection, I want to portray two messages to society. For the good, and the bad.

    One for the good being, I am a respectful, peaceable man, who is going about his life as ordinary as any other person. While doing so I am letting others see through example that a person who is exercising his second amendment right is causing no harm to others. Letting those in society who were brought up without firearms or conditioned through education/media to be fearful of a firearm that it is the man behind the firearm, not the firearm controlling the man. That maybe they will realize through interaction that legal firearm owners are not to be feared, but to be seen as the same. That firearms are not an enchanted tool of the devil, with a mind of their own seeking the lives of the innocent. In OC'ing I hope to let these members of society who are unfamiliar or fearful, perhaps rightfully so, by fault of our tragedy flooding vulturous media, scared of firearms.

    For the bad, I would let them know I am carrying a firearm for the defense of myself and my loved ones. For the bad, I would let them know now is not the time or place to exact their intent upon those who are around me, whether I am with them or obviously just a passerby. To let those with wicked intentions know there are those of us in society who are taking responsibility for the defense of our own lives and of others. To deter those who break our laws from breaking them against me, and perhaps make them think twice about breaking them against another person, at another place and time. Just maybe they will think, "well damn I was going to rob that guy and his girlfriend but he had a gun on his hip, how do I know this new target doesn't have a gun on his hip and I just can't see it?".

    The Supreme Court has said now, as we have all read about in the recent DC v Heller case, something along the lines of "It is not the job of the police to to protect the individual, but it is each member of society whom should protect eachother". That to me, means one thing. It is the job of our LEO's to detain criminals, for further harming society, and getting them to our court system so judgement can be passed and punishment exacted. It is OUR job to protect ourselves and those around us. I myself am a criminal justice major, and I am very happy with my decision in life, and cannot wait to get out there and do good for society. Until that point in my life though, all I can do now is protect myself and those around me, and I display my commitment to that charge through a firearm of self-defense on my hip.
    Last edited by jcabin; August 26th, 2008 at 03:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Crivitz, Wisconsin
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    Default Re: This is why I OC.

    I didn't find any references to attacks on you but admittedly I didn't look too far either. With that in mind if your right to OC is the heart of the matter than you have my support. I don't OC myself but rather CC. My tactical plans, lifestyle, and comfort level dictates I CC. That is MY choice. Whatever legal carry method one opts for is THEIR choice. To be honest, before joining PAFAO I didn't know OC was legal. Then I figured it was wannabes, cowboys or pusedo-tough guys. I was very wrong in my uninformed opinion. Fortunately I read posts about OC to learn before I ran my mouth. And exchanged posts with OC'ers therein learning just how sane they are. I'm all for OC....for those choosing to do so, and fully expect respect for my own decision to CC.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: This is why I OC.

    as a citizen you should carry a weapon and if you choose to oc or cc, or any combination thereof you got my [vulgar] vote.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh (Knoxville), Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: This is why I OC.

    It took some stones to post this, and you get rep from me for it.

    I hope every Anti-OC'er reads this closely. they need to.

    ... and I can't think of anything else to say right now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Pottstown, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: This is why I OC.

    You and I have had our differences in the past, but in this post there is no disagreement. I totally agree with you and could not have said it better myself rep is on it's way!!!

    When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Pequea Township, Pennsylvania
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    Thumbs up Re: This is why I OC.

    You got my vote too!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    MIA, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: This is why I OC.

    What you have written is very close to the way I think about the whole thing. Rep sent!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Reading, Pennsylvania
    (Berks County)
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    Default Re: This is why I OC.

    Your character is still within ill-repute by my consideration for one prominant fact;

    Quote Originally Posted by jcabin View Post
    ...its much more comfortable than stuffing a hunk of polymer inside my belt...

    You got the right idea on the principles behind righteous OC. Carry on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
    (Dauphin County)
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    Default Re: This is why I OC.

    I couldn't have put my reasons for OC (when I choose to do so) any better than have you have written. Well-deserved rep sent!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Pocono`s, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: This is why I OC.

    Quote Originally Posted by lildobe View Post
    It took some stones to post this, and you get rep from me for it.

    I hope every Anti-OC'er reads this closely. they need to.

    ... and I can't think of anything else to say right now.
    I do semi agree with you and agree that you have the right to do as you please. I think there are times, like the fair when just leaving a shirt untucked makes better sense. If it shows a bit or prints so what.

    lildobe, it took stones? People say and do all kinds of shit on the internet, really it takes no stones to post on the net. It was however a well written piece.

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