Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
    (Dauphin County)
    Rep Power

    Default Seen less firearms law citations lately? Why I've all but quit posting

    A little over a month ago, ChamberedRound began blanket banning IPs or blocks of IPs, apparently related to abuse of the forums, but unrelated to my account. A subset of these bans has affected my ability to easily post on PAFOA.

    I believe that PAFOA administrative staff have the information they need to restore my ability to easily access PAFOA. I also believe that the exigency that caused the original IP bans is attenuated at this point (more than a month since.)

    Any person who has perceived my contribution to be regular, positive, and contributory, prior to Feb. 16, 2011, and has noticed that presence considerably wane over the past 1.33 months, is encouraged to note on this thread that such an absence is noted, and is suspected to be related to the administrative actions reported above.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    PA, Pennsylvania
    (Delaware County)
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    Default Re: Seen less firearms law citations lately? Why I've all but quit posting

    I've always appreciated your posts!

    Very thorough and well written.

    As a moderator myself of another forum, sometimes we have to ban IP Addresses to prevent troll from coming back but it can affect other good members.

    Provide the admins here with which IPs you post from and see if they can make exceptions. If you post from public hotspot or proxy servers, it is going to make it difficult to white list just you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Unityville, Pennsylvania
    (Lycoming County)
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    Default Re: Seen less firearms law citations lately? Why I've all but quit posting

    I have always found your posts to be very beneficial to the PA Firearms Community. Sometimes, they make my head hurt, but I assure you, that is more of a statement about me, than about you.

    Be safe (and educational).


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    (Philadelphia County)
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    Default Re: Seen less firearms law citations lately? Why I've all but quit posting

    MJD, contact (or use the form at ) with your IPs and we can probably get them removed.

    Sometimes we have to blanket ban a range for a few weeks to get rid of some headaches. It's a last resort, but sometimes there's no other choice unless we want to stay up all night long deleting posts and registrations from a determined troll.

    My apologies for any inconvenience, this is obviously a bad side effect!
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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