The Tribune-Review posted significant circulation gains in its Sunday and daily editions, in striking contrast to the rest of the newspaper industry.

The Tribune-Review averaged 178,304 Saturday newspapers sold in the six months ended Sept. 30, a jump of 14.8 percent from the same period a year ago. The Post-Gazette slid 8 percent to 175,678, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations Fas-Fax report released Monday.

Tribune-Review circulation also jumped 14.8 percent for Monday-through-Friday editions, to 168,218 from 146,520 a year ago. The P-G circulation dropped about 12 percent, to 184,233 from 209,477 last year.

Nationally, all but one of the 25 largest newspapers -- the Wall Street Journal -- experienced circulation declines, said the circulation auditing firm


The .25 cent difference in cost I'm betting also made a large difference.
You're losing circulation so you raise your ad rates and retail price to fix the problem?