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Thread: Need LEO answer

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Picture Rocks, Pennsylvania
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    Default Need LEO answer

    Dear Sirs:

    I have been detained twice in the Commonwealth for minor traffic violations. On both occasions I was guilty as hell and did not forward any argument. I am always courteous, cooperative and respectful when in any exchange with an LEO in official capacity.

    However, on both occasions, I was, in addition to producing liscence, registration, proof of insurance, asked where I worked and my capacity there, where I was coming from, and where I was going. I have also heard of instances where SS# was requested.

    What is the purpose of this line of questioning and does the LEO really have cause, or right, under law, to ask them? Am I required to provide him with this personal information? I have read the code and see nothing extending rights to asking these questions specifically, nor stating requirement to provide answers.

    To me, it seemed invasive and unneccessary. I could have understood if he had asked if I was in possession of any firearms, or if I had been drinking. I am always in possession of a firearm and I am never drinking. Both, however are important and germane in his stop.

    Thanks in advance.
    "Happiness, is a warm gun." -St. John of Liverpool

    1911 Curmudgeon

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    You have the right to remain silent and request a lawyer, do them both but in the opposite order, request an attorney and the shut your hole.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    i would answer the where i was coming from and maybe where I was going, and other than that besides providing my info

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    Quote Originally Posted by exceltoexcel View Post
    You have the right to remain silent and request a lawyer, do them both but in the opposite order, request an attorney and the shut your hole.
    Yup, put the burden on them. Most people say don't let them bully you into giving any more information other than driver license, registration and proof of insurance. Some cops trying to get real friendly and hommie to you, don't be fooled by the behavior as they were just trying to get you to put your guard down. After all, they have no biz knowing your personal lives........


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    The "questioning" is just a routine way to make conversation, perhaps to possibly detect the presence of alcohol, etc. It is not an interigation. where you are going or coming from could have easily been "how are you doing today", etc.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    I am not about to request legal representation during a routine traffic stop. Likewise, I am not going to stand on my "one phone call" right.
    Come on! I got pulled over for speeding. This isn't a jury trial. I simply take umbrage with being asked questions which are not germane to the stop.

    All I am asking for is definition as to what IS, and IS not, required of me, under law. If this is nothing but a conversational ploy, I want to know that I have the right to say, "I am sorry officer, but with all due deference and respect, that question is not germane to our exchange; let's move on".

    If I do something wrong, I am more than willing to take my punishment like a man. I just dont think that being asked a lot of arbitrary and unneccessary questions is a viable part of that punishment. It's not like I am going to cooperatively "sweet talk" my way out of anything, at this point. So just write me the ticket and move on.

    Again, LEOs, please fill me in.

    "Happiness, is a warm gun." -St. John of Liverpool

    1911 Curmudgeon

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    Quote Originally Posted by Average Baer View Post
    All I am asking for is definition as to what IS, and IS not, required of me, under law. If this is nothing but a conversational ploy, I want to know that I have the right to say, "I am sorry officer, but with all due deference and respect, that question is not germane to our exchange; let's move on".
    i am not an leo, but you certainly have the right to say that...or "no comment"...or "i'm not going to answer that question"...or "that's not relevant" or just stare at the guy with a blank look on your face.

    i'd guess that you could pretty much kiss your chances of getting a warning instead of a ticket goodbye, though.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    I answered your question. I can ask, but you can also refuse to answer. Other than identifying yourself you are not under any legal obligation to answer any more questions during a "routine" traffic stop.

    But you also have to understand why the questions in the first place. Maybe the officer saw you swerve and is trying to engage you in conversation in order to detect the odor of alcohol. Maybe its a certain time of day or night and you just seem out of place, etc.

    I sometimes ask where a driver is going or coming from. I really don't care what the answer is, its more their reaction or how they answer the question. I could care less where you are going or coming from, but if I ask that specific question and the person gets jumpy, twitchy, etc.....maybe something is up. That doesn't mean just because your nervous something is up......its all about being able to read people and trusting your "spidey sense".

    I've never asked where a person works or what they do there, that seems a little intrusive to me and its none of my business. Neither is knowing where you are coming from or where you are going, but those are a little more easier to deal with. Your vehicle could match one seen circling a neighborhood......seen speeding, running a red light, etc.........there are a ton of reasons for asking certain questions.

    If you do not feel comfortable answering the question or feel the question is not appropriate......then say so. I'm not goign to tell you that some LEO's might take offense to this attitude, but then again if they were the kind that realizes you know your rights, then they won't take umbrage.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    Hey Steve. My mother and I were talking while driving on the Ohio Turnpike one day. And she asked what would happen if the police pull you over and you simply don't do anything. You pull over and sit there. No talking, don't roll the window down... Do they break the window and arrest you?

    Just thinking about it makes me laugh... lol

    3 knocks at the window
    "No thank you, I'm fine"

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need LEO answer

    I got pulled over once, A full felony stop. Scary to say the least. In the end it turned out my car was a dead ringer for a car that was used in an armed robbery a few blocks away. Yes they get the real bad guys about two blocks over. My car looked good but I didn't match the discription of the bad guys, not even close.

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