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  1. #1
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    Default Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary woulda thought these asshats would have backed off this....Guess not...... hardcore socialists reign.

    White House Launches Web Site to Battle Health Care 'Rumors'
    A White House Web site activated Monday uses the same set-up as the "Fight the Smears" page the Obama campaign maintained last year to battle rumors seen as potentially damaging to his candidacy.

    Monday, August 10, 2009

    President Obama speaks about the economy in the Rose Garden of the White House Aug. 7. (Reuters Photo)

    President Obama speaks about the economy in the Rose Garden of the White House Aug. 7. (Reuters Photo)

    The Obama administration has launched a new Web site to battle what it calls "wild rumors" about the health care reform plans being pushed through Congress -- including an invitation for the public to tattle on any other "myths" they come across.

    It comes a week after the White House asked the public to send in "fishy" information about health care reform.

    The Web site, activated Monday, uses the same set-up as the "Fight the Smears" page the Obama campaign maintained last year to battle rumors seen as potentially damaging to his candidacy.

    The new "Reality Check" site features a half-dozen alleged rumors about health care reform, responding to them with videos of top aides rebutting them.

    "We're offering the site and tools to empower individuals across the country to take this content into their own hands and share it among their networks," a senior administration official said.

    "That's the sort of bottom-up process that got us to the White House, and it's what's going to deliver meaningful change to the health insurance system."

    In one clip, an aide to adviser Valerie Jarrett disputes the claim that health care reform will lead to "rationing." Kavita Patel says rationing already occurs in the form of private insurers determining how to fund clients' health care, but said the notion that government will interfere in health care is "laughable."

    In another clip, Melody Barnes, director of the Domestic Policy Council, disputes what the White House calls a "malicious myth" -- the idea that reform would lead to euthanasia for seniors.

    That claim is rooted in a provision in the House bill that provides Medicare coverage for an end-of-life consultation every five years.

    Barnes says the claim that such counseling amounts to euthanasia is false and that nothing is mandatory about the consultations.

    "We've seen these antics too many times before," she says.

    The Web site is part of an aggressive effort to keep the health care reform push from losing traction as lawmakers break for the summer recess.

    Those lawmakers who have been hosting town hall meetings during the break have been confronted by vocal critics of the legislation, some of whom are concerned about the claims the White House tries to address on the new Web site.

    It's unclear whether the claims addressed on the site were solicited via the effort last week to gather "fishy" e-mails. That effort led to charges that the administration was gathering information on health care reform critics, something the White House denies.

    But the new site continues the effort to solicit information, featuring a "We Want to Hear From You" section which encourages readers to submit their "myths" for the White House team to address.

    The site has tools that allow readers to e-mail the videos and pages to others.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    the sad part, though, is that all of the people running around screaming BS like "nazi eugenics" actually do justify a campaign to counter that BS (i.e., "rumors").

    why would they back off in the face of such crap anyway? do we back off when the anti's spew crap like "there will be blood in the streets"? of course not...nor should we.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    They won't back off. This is SOP for the Obama Administration, and it's straight from Saul Alinsky's own playbook (Rules for Radicals).

    In other words, select your enemies, then polarize them until they are marginalized.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    Quote Originally Posted by kunsunoke View Post
    They won't back off. This is SOP for the Obama Administration, and it's straight from Saul Alinsky's own playbook (Rules for Radicals).

    In other words, select your enemies, then polarize them until they are marginalized.
    So far Obama has managed to polarize so many different people that the marginalized side of the line is growing by the day.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    Quote Originally Posted by Warpt762x39 View Post
    So far Obama has managed to polarize so many different people that the marginalized side of the line is growing by the day.
    Yea fear is a powerful motivator and he scares the living crap out of a lot of people.
    Freedom is paid with the blood of those who understand what being free really means. (Me)

    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - 1775 Benjamin Franklin

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    Watched some of the videos. Looks like a bunch of secretaries and aides threw them together on their lunch breaks with webcams.

    They only attempt to debunk a few topics, such as rationing, vets, and small business impact. They do it through the statement of 'no, it's not a bad thing, really', without backing it up with any hard facts or quotes.

    Basically, a very elaborate 'nuh-uh' to our 'uh-huh'.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    Is it just me or are people confused about term "health care rationing". It is my understanding that health care providers provide the service if you have health insurance or not (although it may be at a higher rate if you have insurance because the companies will pay for it). All the talk you hear about health care rationing is regarding people who don't have health insurance because they lost their job, due to previous medical conditions or can not afford it. I believe people are complaining about people not having health insurance, although the term health care rationing would refer to not having access to the medical care that is needed. So in reality it is heath insurance rationing that people are upset about but as stated in numerous posts; insurance is a good, not a right.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    At this point I'm so confused I would personally like to read through the bill and see whats in there. Yesterday I heard that there will be "family planning counselors" that will try and tell you how long you have to wait before you can have another kid. This person said that "'s in there! basically word for word!".

    I want to see page, paragraph, and line numbers in the bill where they are getting all this stuff from so I can see it with my own eyes.

    please note that I am not in favor or this "healthcare reform" simply due to the fact that our government is too big already and we can't afford it.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    I think alot of people will agree, that the current healthcare system needs work. Where alot of people are getting peeved, is when the government wants to sieze control of the entire system and tell you where to go, when to go there, etc. Do I like the current system? To an extent. I pay alot in and barely use it at all (knock on wood!).. Do I think the government should take over and tell me what to do and where to do it. No. Practically nothing the govt does to "help" ever works. If they were just talking about working on the existing system, and possibly making the companies to provide some cheaper packages and such, then yea, I'm all for it. But this govt invovlement crap has to stop.

    And Hussein keeps on talking how it is vital to the economy to pass this. How? If employers are forced to pay for coverage of all their employees, either employees are going to start getting released, or their wages will go down. How is creating more unemployment beneficial to the economy Barracko?

    I really hope some of these officials wise up a little bit. What ever happened to the representatives "representing" the people? All of them just have their own agenda anymore, and don't give a damn about the people... just the votes. That's why they do alot more for the inner cities and people on welfare and such.

    This whole issue is just really ticking me off. I'M CONTENT WITH MY CURRENT HEALTH PLAN! Deal with it!
    Last edited by NikeBauer21; August 11th, 2009 at 09:13 AM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Rumor website.....amazing but true...and scary

    Both sides are driving me nuts right now

    The right is screaming shit about "Death Panels" killing grandma and socialism, and basically acting like 10 year olds who won't eat their vegtables..

    The left couldn't design a parking lot without 10 years of planning, revisions, and going 40 times over budget..

    Thats it! I've had it!

    I'm taking over..

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