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  1. #1
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    Default finally unscrewing the "No-Fly" BS List.

    Bill to Clear Mistaken Names From Watch Lists Passes

    The House passed a bill Tuesday aimed at helping people who have been misidentified as terrorists clear their names from government watch lists and databases.

    The bill (HR 559), sponsored by Yvette D. Clarke, D-N.Y., passed by a vote of 413-3.

    "It is important to keep in mind that the watch list is only as good as the information on it," said House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss.

    The bill would require the Homeland Security secretary to establish a "timely and fair" process of appeal and redress for people wrongly delayed or prevented from boarding a flight, among other things, because of an erroneous match with a terrorist watch list.

    In addition, the bill would task the Homeland Security secretary with creating an Office of Appeals and Redress and maintain a "comprehensive cleared list" of people who have been inappropriately included on terror watch lists or databases.

    The "cleared" list would be supplied to the Homeland Security Department's component agencies, such as the Transportation Security Administration and Customs and Border Protection, as well as state and local government agencies and airlines that use watch lists.

    "This is a good bill," said Pete Olson, R-Texas. "This is a bipartisan bill."


    Gee, really? how about altering the damned list so that it takes more than just a FIRST and LAST NAME? You see, anyone who happens to share a similar name with someone on the No-Fly is also BARRED FROM FLYING... regardless of age, SSN, or any other specifically identifying feature.

    Add to that that any knuckle-head in any level of government (even a Borough Council) can put an innocent person on the No-Fly for reasons as flimsy as failing to mow their grass, and you can begin to see why this Bill is nothing more than a galactic waste of time and money.

    HEY ASSHATS! All a real terrorist has to do to defeat the No-Fly is to use any fucking variation of their name!

    Muhammed Ibrahim Al-Sayad just needs to buy a ticket as "M. Ibrahim Sayad" and its ALL GOOD.

    an easy clarification of the screw-ups

    AND NOW, Rahm Emanuel Saying that having your name on the List should DISQUALIFY YOU FROM OWNING A FIREARM.

    Last edited by Ten*K; February 4th, 2009 at 04:34 AM.
    The last thing I want to do is hurt you... but believe me, it's on the damned list.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: finally unscrewing the "No-Fly" BS List.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ten*K View Post
    AND NOW, Rahm Emanuel Saying that having your name on the List should DISQUALIFY YOU FROM OWNING A FIREARM.
    I'm not entirely sure I oppose that. If I were of the nanny-statist mind, I'd say that if you can't fly on a plane because you're too much of a "threat", then owning a firearm should be out of the question too.

    Maybe this is what it will take to wake up all the neo-cons who gun rights, but also support the suspension of all other rights in the name of "security".

    Safety is a good tool for tyrants; no one can be against safety.

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: finally unscrewing the "No-Fly" BS List.

    Quote Originally Posted by imperialism2024 View Post
    I'm not entirely sure I oppose that. If I were of the nanny-statist mind, I'd say that if you can't fly on a plane because you're too much of a "threat", then owning a firearm should be out of the question too.

    Maybe this is what it will take to wake up all the neo-cons who gun rights, but also support the suspension of all other rights in the name of "security".

    See, if the no fly list were 110% accurate in actually pointing out potential terrorists, then I would agree. However, this is more about 6 year olds loosing their RKBA before they've ever had a chance to own a firearm because of how screwy the list is.
    If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. - Samuel Adams

  4. #4
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    Lightbulb Re: finally unscrewing the "No-Fly" BS List.

    Those databases hit on many factors, none of which I will discuss. It IS a pain in the ass for both the innocent passenger and the officers who have to clear it out of the system. And just because someone changes the name does not mean they are in the clear either. Either way, it sounds like you get pulled aside every time you want to fly. Until you can get it corrected, plan for extra time, be courteous, and understand that the person that has a similar name or other factors similar to your may be the next 9/11 style attacker. Regardless of what you think, your country IS working to keep us all safer.

    Try TRIP (Traveler Redress Inquiry Program) to get yourself off a list or to shorten the time you need to explain anything.

    Also note, that BAD people DO change their names around to attempt to evade getting caught... They get caught too...
    Last edited by VTLO910; February 4th, 2009 at 10:22 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: finally unscrewing the "No-Fly" BS List.

    problem is that people attempting to get off the list who never should have been put on in the first place have been given the run-around for YEARS, some having spent thousands of dollars to right a wrong perpetrated against them by a bureaucracy so woefully inept that they couldn't find their own butts with two hands and a map!
    The last thing I want to do is hurt you... but believe me, it's on the damned list.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: finally unscrewing the "No-Fly" BS List.

    Quote Originally Posted by VTLO910 View Post
    be courteous
    with all due respect...f' that. the problems with the no-fly list have been well-documented for many years...and many of the people who run it have taken the attitude of "so what?, f' you" for years. anyone who is part of that system and has not been screaming out (even resigning in protest) to have it fixed deserves zero courtesy in my book.

    Regardless of what you think, your country IS working to keep us all safer.
    of course, the country should be more concerned with keeping us all free than with keeping us safe. we certainly do have our priorities screwed up these days...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: finally unscrewing the "No-Fly" BS List.

    I agree with the fact that some folks should have never been put on it...

    I said be courtious. The officer inspecting the "Wrong" person does NOT want to be doing so, but they are as much part of the system as you are.

    The second you start getting bent out of shape over the officer who is inspecting you, you make it harder for them to just get you done and out of the way quickly.

    If it was a perfect system we would have nothing to complain about. Hopefully they get it straightened out and no one has to deal with this issue.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: finally unscrewing the "No-Fly" BS List.

    it might be easier to take if:

    the very person in charge of this hot mess didn't have illegal aliens cleaning his house

    we didn't have more felons working in baggage handling than ever before in airline history.

    thefts from baggage weren't at an all time high.

    people weren't getting put on the NO FLY for things as innocuous as complaining they got the wrong in-flight meal or drink.

    people who were long DEAD weren't on the list.

    the Fed didn't spend over $170,000,000.00 coming up with this farce.


    but obviously, you are a part of that machine, which means I'm probably on a list now.
    The last thing I want to do is hurt you... but believe me, it's on the damned list.

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