From the Pa Federation of Sportmens

Notice no Dem's attended the Rally No a real surprise is it


By Kris Kauffman, PLS Intern

Representative Sam Rohrer (R-Berks) and Senator Mike Folmer (R-Lebanon) were joined by hundreds of supporters today as they unveiled HR 95, a measure intended to defend the rights of Pennsylvania as a sovereign state under the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Joining Representative Rohrer and Senator Folmer were many fellow colleagues including Representative Matt Gabler (R-Elk), Todd Rock (R-Franklin), Jim Cox (R-Berks), Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin), Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler), Will Tallman (R-York), Gordon Denlinger (R-Lancaster), Mike Fleck (R-Huntingdon), Brad Roae (R-Crawford) along with Senator’s Jane Orie (R-Allegheny), Rich Alloway (R-Franklin), and Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland).

Oklahoma state Senator Randy Brogdon delivered a brief speech, along with pre-recorded remarks from New Hampshire state Representative Dan Itse, South Carolina state Representative Mike Pitts, and Arizona state Representative Judy Burges all supporting Pennsylvania’s cause for state independence.

"Our message is clear and it starts with the words: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively or to the people," asserted Rep. Rohrer. "As James Madison once said, the powers delegated by the Constitution to the Federal government are few and defined; those which are to remain in the state government are numerous and indefinite," he stressed.

Rep. Rohrer commented 10th Amendment violations by the federal government include public education, 2nd Amendment intrusions, attempts to invalidate state laws to protect the lives of the innocent, restrictions on private property, intrusions into health care, welfare, and transportation as just some of the countless times that the federal government has overstepped its constitutional limits. Rep. Rohrer continued, stating that the current system of acquiring federal funding for the states by governors and other political leaders is nothing short of "bribery" and needs to stop.

"The federal government is to be the servant of the states, and the states the servant of the people…we simply want what is best for our people, we want and demand a return on what our constitution so clearly spells out," stated Rep. Rohrer.

Senator Brogdon remarked, "I believe that D.C. politicians have stopped attending to our liberties and it is time we the people start to inconvenience the politician and reclaim our states rights." Oklahoma has recently passed a similar resolution to the one proposed by Rep. Rohrer. "It is our responsibility as elected officials to reclaim and re-establish the sovereignty of ‘We the People,’" professed Senator Brogdon.

"Today federal mandates and funding and unfunded requirements compel states to serve the federal government, a total reversal of the structure originally intended," proclaimed Senator Folmer. "I just want to solely remind all the elected officials in Washington D.C. each and every member of our Congress took an oath to uphold the United States Constitution and it is time that they start taking that oath seriously," asserted Senator Folmer.