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    Lightbulb Rep. Daryl Metcalfe: ILLegal Invader Crime Stats (2008)

    State Lawmakers, National Security Advocates and Illegal Alien Crime Victims Release First-Anniversary Edition of Invasion PA Report

    National Security Begins at Home immigration reform package could save PA taxpayers no less than $285 million annually

    Armed with an even more densely populated color-coded map of illegal alien crimes committed against Pennsylvania citizens, National Security Begins at Home immigration reform package sponsors state Representatives Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler), Tom Creighton (R-Lancaster), Mark Mustio (R-Allegheny), and Scott Perry (R-York/Cumberland) released the First-Anniversary Edition of the Invasion PA Report in the State Capitol Rotunda today.

    “Whether the more than 3,100 illegal aliens documented in the first-anniversary edition of the Invasion PA report were or ever will be convicted of the additional offenses of homicide, rape, molestation of innocent children, human trafficking, drug running, gang violence or stealing Pennsylvania jobs and taxpayer-funded benefits, there is nothing alleged or even hypothetical about their criminal status,” said Metcalfe. “Each and every illegal alien’s very first step across our borders is an automatic violation of our federal immigration laws which makes them foreign invaders. It is my hope that unmasking the human face of these intolerable and completely avoidable statewide tragedies will bring about the immediate and necessary reforms contained in the National Security Begins at Home package that law-abiding Pennsylvania citizens endorse, expect and deserve.”

    A sampling of the most recent, senseless, disturbing and completely preventable illegal alien crimes compiled in the Invasion PA Report and cited by Metcalfe during today’s press conference to underscore the need for immediate action on the National Security Begins at Home statewide immigration reform package (House Bills 750 -754, 2169, 2627 and 2628) include:
    • Assault, Battery and Attempted Homicide: Illegal alien Fermin Honorato was sentenced to six to 23 months in Bucks County Prison and faces deportation after admitting to fracturing the leg of his girlfriend’s seven-month old baby in January 2008. [Source: Allentown Morning Call, March 10, 2008]
    • Vehicular Manslaughter: 87-year-old Cleo Virginia Kint of Harrisburg, PA, was killed after illegal alien Mararito Jardona drove through a red light and crashed into the driver’s side of her Buick Lacross. In addition to related traffic and license offenses, Jardono was charged with being an unlicensed driver involved in a fatal accident. [Source:, June 5, 2008]
    • Hit and Run: 69-year-old Esther Rogers of Hanover, PA, was admitted to York Hospital in a coma after being struck during a hit-and-run accident. Witnesses say the illegal alien driver Alejandro Aleman pulled over to the curb, opened his door and looked back before turning down an alley and fleeing the scene. Police issued a warrant for Aleman’s arrest charging him with counts of accidents involving death or personal injury and for failing to render aid, provide information, financial responsibility or vehicle registration. Friends believe he may have fled to Mexico or to North Carolina which is where his driver’s license photo was taken. [Source: Hanover Evening Sun, March 3, 2008]
    • Sexual Assault: Aided by an interpreter, 20-year-old illegal alien Benjamin Avendano pled guilty to statutory sexual assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and impregnating a 14-year-old Quakertown girl. [Source: Allentown Morning Call, May 28, 2008]
    • Rape and Other Repeat Offenses: An illegal alien residing in Avondale was sentenced to a lengthy 27- to-54 year state prison term for repeatedly raping his stepdaughter. This repeatedly deported, 52-year-old itinerant mushroom worker, whose name was withheld to protect the identity of the victim, raped his stepdaughter two or three times a week over the course of six years while her mother was at work. The victim’s stepbrother testified that the man would lock him and his other sister in the bathroom while the assaults occurred. This illegal alien was previously charged with aggravated assault in 1984 and sentenced to 11 to 23 months in prison. Paroled in 1985, he was later convicted of two DUIs. [Source:, March 10, 2008]
    • Fraud and Social Benefits Abuse: Russian illegal alien, David Lynn, was indicted for carrying out a $3 million immigration fraud scheme with the help of five other Russian-born co-defendants. Operating phony translation services out of offices in both Northeast Philadelphia and Southampton, Bucks County, Lynn and his co-defendants prepared at least 380 fraudulent asylum applications for illegal aliens and other “undocumented” individuals at a charge of $8,000 to $12,000 each. [Source:, July 29, 2008]
    Despite the fact that the National Security Begins at Home immigration reform package, continues to generate near universal, statewide support, none of these eight bills have received consideration in their respective legislative committees by the Democrat-controlled state House.

    Referencing the dramatic $117.5 million August 2008 state revenue shortfall, Metcalfe again cited the following statistics provided by Jack Martin, special project director, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), to quantify the tangible annual taxpayer savings that would be realized if the reforms contained in the National Security Begins at Home package were implemented to shut off employment opportunities, social benefits and other economic attractions for the Keystone State’s estimated 125,000 to 150,000 illegal alien population:
    • Providing education to illegal alien children attending Pennsylvania’s public schools is costing state taxpayers nearly $230 million annually.
    • Expanding this initial price tag to include emergency medical expenditures and incarceration costs, total state taxpayer costs for illegal aliens expands to $285 million annually.
    • If left unchecked, estimated state taxpayer costs as the result of the growing illegal alien population in Pennsylvania could easily reach $812 million per year by 2020.
    “Even if America’s ongoing illegal alien invasion never reaches your backyard, doorstep or work place from a criminal standpoint, the presence of illegal aliens continues to empty the back pockets of every working and taxpaying Pennsylvania citizen,” said Metcalfe. “The blatantly anti-American and unconstitutional House Democrat leadership blockade against the entire National Security Begin at Home package is even more troubling when you consider that next year Pennsylvania taxpayers, at minimum, could be facing a massive $600 million to $2 billion tax increase due to the unbalanced 2008-09 state budget. As documented by several recent media reports, when states such as Georgia, Arizona and Oklahoma enacted similar sweeping reforms to sever the economic attractions of illegal jobs and taxpayer-funded public benefits at the source, the illegal alien invaders hiding out in those states had no choice but to self-deport to a less-secure neighboring state or to their country of origin.”

    Martin’s October 2007 testimony before the House Republican Policy committee also strongly emphasized: “the measures adopted and enforced by a state or local government will either attract more illegal residents or deter them. That is the test that should be kept in mind when legislating on this issue.”

    “Every elected official (federal, state and local) raises his or her hand and swears to uphold and defend the United States Constitution,” said Metcalfe. “This includes Article 4, Section 4, which clearly states that our government, ‘shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion.’ As once again demonstrated by the publication of the Invasion PA report, dereliction of duty at all levels of government is resulting in law-abiding Pennsylvania citizens from Hazleton to Pittsburgh suffering the consequences of identity theft, property theft, stolen jobs, drug running, human trafficking, sexual assault, murder, gang violence, and terrorist acts committed by illegal alien invaders who should not be here. It is long past time for every elected official to stand up and vigorously defend the American dream for legal American citizens first, by unapologetically torching the national in-security blanket of amnesty for illegal alien invaders once and for all.”

    The complete First-Anniversary Edition of the Invasion PA Report can be viewed online at

    Rep. Daryl Metcalfe
    12th District
    Pennsylvania House of Representatives
    (724) 772-3110
    (717) 783-1707
    Contact: Ty McCauslin
    House Republican Public Relations
    (717) 772-9979

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Good ol' Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania
    (Lebanon County)
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    Default Re: Rep. Daryl Metcalfe: ILLegal Invader Crime Stats (2008)

    I must have missed this story in the mainstream news. Yah, right.

    What a joke. Deport them all. Run them out on a F'ing shutter. Now I heard today something about PA legislators looking at giving lifers a second chance...translation, "Haaalp...the criminals we didn't do anything about years ago just keep breeding like rats, and we pissed our entire state budget away long ago on cars, pay raises, walking around money, and we forget what else... We can't keep 'em...wait...I know...we'll just let 'em out into the general public. Problem solved." And meanwhile, the warmly applauding sheep will eat up the spin of the said leaders of society for their "progressive and compassionate stance in affording these youngsters a second chance"-yeah, until it's their daughters getting knocked up, beaten or killed.

    I swear to God the bullshit is flying so fast anymore I need six arms to swat it off. Our "look busy and accomplish nothing" (that is unless you're talking about getting casinos built) legislature is getting really old. I don't know who I'm more pissed at anymore...lawmakers pulling these never ending stunts or the general populace for apparently accepting it, thru ignorance, apathy or just a never ending "glass half full" mentality when it comes to other people, even when the piss inside the glass is being poured all over them. Forgive the rant.
    "In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig.
    You dig." -Clint Eastwood

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