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  1. #1
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    Default Police response is obviously evolving....

    to the point where they may fire only in return fire. The desk fliers secure in their ivory towers can second guess the officer into prison when a perp reaches for the unknown in direct opposition to voiced warnings and commands to keep hands visible for the perps own safety. The perp has absolutely no responsibility for where his actions lead, apparently.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    What planet are you living on?  448

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    Quote Originally Posted by ungawa View Post
    What planet are you living on?
    The one run by the judiciary...

    Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled yesterday that "Blacks Can Run From Police". Sadly, if you're one of those deplorable whites, Hispanics, Syrian, Japanese, or Chinese, you'd better practice on proning out. I'm not sure if even yelling "Hands up don't shoot" is going to work for you.

    And if you've got a spinal fusion, hip or knee replacement, or just soiled your pants, that's no excuse for being slow to follow commands/instructions...

    Massachusetts Court Says Blacks Can Run From Police

    By Faye Higbee
    Posted September 22, 2016
    In Domestic, opinion, Politics

    Running from a police officer is a good way to get killed, and be presumed guilty in a situation. But the Massachusetts Court ruled yesterday in a specific case, that black men have a reason to run from police based on the “disproportionate” number of police stops on black males in Boston. AND that their running is not a presumption of guilt, so they shouldn’t be regarded as “suspicious.”

    The case

    Jimmy Warren was arrested by Roxbury Police in December of 2011 when police noticed that he matched a ‘vague’ description of a man in “dark clothing.” When police approached Warren and another man, the two ran.

    Warren was not armed at the time of his arrest, but police did find an unlicensed gun in a nearby yard, so they charged him with unlawful possession of a firearm.

    The court threw out Warren’s conviction, saying that police didn’t have probable cause to arrest him based on a vague description that could have been one of any number of black males.

    The court’s ruling

    “We do not eliminate flight as a factor in the reasonable suspicion analysis whenever a black male is the subject of an investigatory stop. However, in such circumstances, flight is not necessarily probative of a suspect’s state of mind or consciousness of guilt. Rather, the finding that black males in Boston are disproportionately and repeatedly targeted for FIO [Field Interrogation and Observation] encounters suggests a reason for flight totally unrelated to consciousness of guilt….

    Such an individual, when approached by the police, might just as easily be motivated by the desire to avoid the recurring indignity of being racially profiled as by the desire to hide criminal activity. Given this reality for black males in the city of Boston, a judge should, in appropriate cases, consider the report’s findings in weighing flight as a factor in the reasonable suspicion calculus.” Massachusetts Supreme court ruling

    Boston police take exception to the court’s decision, saying that it relied too heavily on an ACLU report that was tainted by politics.

    “I think they relied heavily on an ACLU report that I think was clearly way out of context. I’m a little disappointed that they relied heavily on a report that didn’t take into context who was stopped and why. That report clearly shows that we were targeting the individuals that were driving violence in the city and the hot spots.” Boston Police Commissioner Bill Evans

    Vague descriptions and racial profiling

    Was this “racial profiling?” Was the description too vague? How many other black males were in the vicinity of the crime in the first place? The court did not appear to take that part into account when they issued their decision.

    If there are numerous black people in dark clothing around the scene of the crime, then there is a definite issue of having a vague description. But when two of them run, that actually IS a possible indicator of guilt.

    If this man didn’t do it, who dumped the weapon in the yard near where Warren and cohort were?

    Police in Boston will now have to be “motivation” monitors. They’re supposed to realize the motivation of blacks and not treat them as criminals.

    This decision will get more blacks killed, and likely more police officers as well. Good thinking, Massachusetts.
    Last edited by bamboomaster; September 23rd, 2016 at 08:16 PM.
    - bamboomaster

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    I don't know why cops do anything anymore as it may land them in jail or unemployed.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    Quote Originally Posted by MrPeanut View Post
    I don't know why cops do anything anymore as it may land them in jail or unemployed.
    There is going to reach a point where no one NORMAL is even going to want to put up with the BS and dangers of being a cop.

    Why freaking bother? May as well go into private security if you just have to have a badge and uniform to satisfy your ego.

    Look around now for other "sucky" jobs where the idea of being held to high levels of responsibility vs. the average schmuck; long-haul truckers, school bus drivers as an example.

    Who wants to get into Yinzburgh traffic driving an 18-wheeler - sucks to be in a shit-shaker econobox in this traffic.

    And a schoolbus; just when you want to backhand a few little darlings senseless, you'll be in prison.

    Fuck all that shit. Meanwhile, PENNDOT - "the Liberty Bridge Builders" can be every bit as wrong as yinzburgh weatherman - and get away with it without repercussions. Try that as a cop, trucker, bus driver...
    All of my guns are lubed with BACON GREASE.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    Yet another reminder of why it's important to elect people who will nominate judges who live in the real world, and not elitist Progressive activists who doom society with their bizarre notions and then retreat into their gated communities and dine out on tales of their Brave New World wisdom for months, entertaining their elitist friends at the all-white country club and nodding sagely to their appreciative golf-clapping..

    Hillary Clinton will put deluded fools like this on the Supreme Court, where they will be free to socially engineer us straight into Hell. All of us. Starting with the law-abiding black citizens who are the primary victims of black criminals, just as white criminals primarily prey upon other whites. Being soft on criminals has a heavy cost, borne by the law-abiding in their communities.
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    This shit is really getting out of hand. God Save America

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    To be honest, the police (as a whole, maybe not individually) have made their own bed just as the politicians have. Too many years of being above the law, too many years of not being trustworthy. The public used to accept mistakes in our law enforcement community because they have to make split second decisions. We've seen too many cases where these "mistakes" aren't really honest mistakes. The law enforcement community tries to pass off poor practices and in some cases actual criminal activity as mistakes. In an age where everyone has a camera the difference between an honest mistake and criminal intent is getting easier to identify.
    The Hostler

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    ...and for the armchair cop-assessor, the intent of the perp is more accurately assessed with the luxury of hindsight. Nothing new there....

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Police response is obviously evolving....

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang View Post
    ...and for the armchair cop-assessor, the intent of the perp is more accurately assessed with the luxury of hindsight. Nothing new there....
    In that respect it is no different than anything else we do in life.
    Just because you look at something and reassess it in hind sight does not make it OK in real time.
    The Hostler

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