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Thread: Grices Gun shop

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    State College, Pennsylvania
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    Default Grices Gun shop

    I recently bought an S&W MP9 from Grices gun shop. The service was great and they explained everything very clearly. I went in expecting to buy an XD or a Glock 17 but ended up coming out with an M&P. I'm very happy with my purchase and haven't had a single problem with the gun. My only question is, after reading posts on this site i have noticed that a majority of people looking to buy pistols at Grices usually go in with a pistol in mind and come out with a M&P. Usually the gun they had in mind was more expensive. Does Grices get incentives to sell these pistols, or is it they feel this is the best gun you can get in this price range? Working in retail i have always learned to sell the most expensive product. So either the people at grices are very honest and are trying to help you save money, or there is something else.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Grices Gun shop

    I can't really help with your question too much, as I haven't shopped there...yet. I say yet because I've heard nothing but good about that shop and their people from just about anyone that's been there.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Grices Gun shop

    My father in law went into Grices looking to by a Ruger .22 and he came out with a Ruger .22.

    But really, I have never been there, but I would assume they don't get anything special for selling M&Ps. I would bet you guy had the same one or two sales persons. And their personal preference is M&Ps, so they talked you into one. I like XDs and can tell you good things about them all day long. And I can talk down other guns. If you listen to me, you would have bought an XD. Sales people can be very persuading if you are unsure of what you want.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Grices Gun shop

    One anomaly, your info says your 19 and Grices sold you a handgun? To buy a handgun from a FFL you must be 21.
    Ron USAF Ret E-8 FFL01/SOT3 NRA Benefactor Member

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Grices Gun shop

    My father bought it...Obviously. But he explained all of the choices and such to me, since we made it aware that I was the one who would be using it.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Grices Gun shop

    I live not far from Grices and I'll admit that there are a few clerks working there who prefer the S&W M&P, and they do vocalize their preference to customers. I've received the "Have you lookked at the M&P speech?" more than a few times, but by now they know not to waste their time. And that's not a slam on the M&P, it's just not what I was looking for.

    That said, S&W does run dealer incentive promotionals. Early last winter at at another shop two clerks were telling me that they each moved enough S&W product in a given timeframe that they got "free" S&W M&P handguns. One kept his, the other sold his for the cash he could get.

    Perhaps the Grice clerks are so motivated.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Grices Gun shop

    Thanks for clearing that up for me PS, we get people on the site that try to do things (start arguments, troll, etc.) and your post did say you bought it and it was your first post. So, we look at things with a grain of salt at times.

    That said, welcome to the site, you can learn a lot here and can pass on info that will help others. The shooters in the SC area are very active, you'll see that here. We do a lot of shooting at the Scotia range, if fact, a bunch of us will probably be going there the last weekend of Aug to do a bunch of shooting. Come on out and you may be able to shoot a variety of guns (people are very willing to let others try their guns). Watch the section in Valleys of the Susquehanna Region (Centre). Hope to see you around.
    Ron USAF Ret E-8 FFL01/SOT3 NRA Benefactor Member

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Grices Gun shop

    That said, S&W does run dealer incentive promotionals. Early last winter at at another shop two clerks were telling me that they each moved enough S&W product in a given timeframe that they got "free" S&W M&P handguns. One kept his, the other sold his for the cash he could get.
    IIRC FOr every 40 M&P's they sell They get one Free for the dealer. Think that was fuirst 6 months they were pushing them, If they had one in 10mm I'd be all over one.

    Grices is Hit/miss on prices/selection. ONe day it's crap next day you walk out with a score. At least they sell Evil black rifles now instead of overpriced HK/RUger Semis.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Grices Gun shop

    Grice IS the dealer, the backroom/side door is their wholesale outlet.


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