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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    I feel it's time to start a thread that fully explains why these people are so stupid with their train of thought politically, as well as socially.

    They constantly complain about "the rich getting richer", and blame it on the Republican process, when in reality it is their own stupidity which prevents them from obtaining wealth in any great degree. It's always about "the money" because for the most part democrats are too stupid to earn enough to maintain an overall lifestyle that matches that of the Republicans.

    "You got it, I want it, but I'm too stupid to earn it myself, so I want the government to take it from you, and give some of it to me." Typical have not thinking, coupled with the stupidity that drives it, is what keeps the democratic party alive. It is the reason all poor minorities, blacks, hispanics, etc. all vote democratic, and the same reason the democrats pander to them with countless give away programs.

    The party of entitlement, vs. the party of self reliance. So when you break it all down idiot's are always democrats. They are more than willing to trade freedom, for a much larger and more expensive government that will give them what they are too stupid to acquire on their own.

    There are more democrats today simply because there are more idiot's. Hussein will do everything in his power to legalize all 30+ million of the illegal invaders in this country because 1.), they are all idiot's and mindless Lemmings that want governmental freebies, and 2.), they'll all vote democratic when Hussein "legalizes", and finishes pandering to them. It is doubtful that NASA will be hiring any of them.

    Just look at the programs the democrats want. They are all, for the most part, things the Republicans already have. Housing, health care, education, retirement. The bulk of the democrats out there are too stupid to achieve them, and when they do they go about it in such an incredibly stupid fashion, (over mortgaged housing, and foolish credit card spending), they wind up losing it in the process. So of course they vote for a give away artist like Hussein who will increase the size of government, and create programs in the process, that will give it to them.

    Now if you take the time to think about it, none of these programs would in fact be possible if there weren't any Republicans to increase taxes on to pay for them. No matter how you slice it the democrats should be repentant to the Republicans, simply because without them who could they tax to pay for the things they themselves are too stupid to achieve on their own?

    In regards to the gun control issue, you can again see quite clearly how all of this relates to "democratic gun owners". It is again very simple because it points to what they are willing to give up, in order to get something more important to them than guns. How many times have you heard from the mouth of a democratic gun owner, "There are more important issues on the table in this election than guns!"

    They are more than willing to risk their ability to own firearms by voting in a socialist gun grabber like Hussein, who will give them relief from their high mortgages, doctor bills, and their ability to retire in a tin can in Florida. If they must sacrifice their AR-15 in the process, so be it. In their mindless eyes it's worth it.

    Democrats are liberal, socialist, and to a very large degree, communists. They hate being called that for obvious reasons, but look up the words and you can draw many parallel lines to the democrats, along with what they stand for and represent.

    Even our new socialist leader Hussein as said, along with his partner in crime Biden, "It's time to spread the wealth around", and "It's time to be "Patriotic" and "fess up" and pay more taxes". These idiot's are also for legalizing 30 million illegal invaders. They both, along with all of their democrat cohorts, want completely open borders. This will without question destroy our nation. Just look at Mexico and you can clearly see what is going to happen here. Much like looking at black run nations in Africa, and comparing them to our inner cities like Detroit, and Compton.

    Democrats support, and want a secular society. Legalized abortion, drugs, gay marriage, along with gun control, and last but certainly not least, income redistribution. All of it boils down to giving up freedom, along with the traditional values that made this nation great, so these idiot's can get something more. Especially if they don't have to pay for the "more" end of it. It all boils down to a very simple way to understand a very simple minded group of "people", (i.e. Idiot's). Bill T.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    Well one top Phychiratrist says liberals are clinically mad.

    Liberals are Clinically Mad

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Glendale, Arizona
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    Another thing that amazes me about the total stupidity of Democrats is the fact they have example after example of failed socialistic systems and governments all over Europe, not to mention the state of California. High unemployment, failed socialized medicine with people waiting months for surgeries that are required immediately, over taxed socialized retirement, union destruction of companies, the list is all but endless. It matters not in the least, they continue to pour their mindless support into these failed governments and systems. Ignorance can be fixed by learning through the mistakes of others, but stupidity is repeating the same mistakes over and over. Such is the mindless make up of democrats. Bill T.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    Quote Originally Posted by ALS View Post
    Well one top Phychiratrist says liberals are clinically mad.

    Liberals are Clinically Mad
    I may just buy that book!
    "The rifle is the weapon of democracy. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military. The hired servants of our rulers. Only the government-and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws." (Edward Abbey, "The Right to Arms," Abbey's Road [New York, 1979])
    I have my rifle. Do you?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    Just look at this total idiot Barney Frank. Just listen to this total asswipe speak. He makes Floyd the barber sound like Einstein. This total moron went before the American people just a few months before both Freddie and Fannie collapsed, and told people they were both "doing fine". This mindless asshat should be put up against a wall and shot to death! And this clown is running things? This has all the makings of a Zucker Brothers slapstick comedy if it weren't true. They have the audacity to talk about Bush, then rely on idiot's the likes of Frank? Give me a break! The best part is, the moron won't even take an ounce of responsibility for what has happened. This economy is finished. Look at your starting lineup. Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Frank, and last but certainly not least, Charley Wrangle. These nit wits all put together couldn't run a Baskin Robbins, let alone "fix" the economy. As was once said, "Hire (vote for), the handicapped, their fun to watch." Bill T.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    Quote Originally Posted by billt View Post
    Just look at this total idiot Barney Frank. Just listen to this total asswipe speak. He makes Floyd the barber sound like Einstein. This total moron went before the American people just a few months before both Freddie and Fannie collapsed, and told people they were both "doing fine". This mindless asshat should be put up against a wall and shot to death! And this clown is running things? This has all the makings of a Zucker Brothers slapstick comedy if it weren't true. They have the audacity to talk about Bush, then rely on idiot's the likes of Frank? Give me a break! The best part is, the moron won't even take an ounce of responsibility for what has happened. This economy is finished. Look at your starting lineup. Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Frank, and last but certainly not least, Charley Wrangle. These nit wits all put together couldn't run a Baskin Robbins, let alone "fix" the economy. As was once said, "Hire (vote for), the handicapped, their fun to watch." Bill T.
    If you have not seen it, you should enjoy this:

    and this is a fun rant:
    Last edited by 625; November 14th, 2008 at 05:26 PM.
    You can never have enough horsepower or ammunition.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    Quote Originally Posted by billt View Post
    I feel it's time to start a thread that fully explains why these people are so stupid with their train of thought politically, as well as socially.

    They constantly complain about "the rich getting richer", and blame it on the Republican process, when in reality it is their own stupidity which prevents them from obtaining wealth in any great degree. It's always about "the money" because for the most part democrats are too stupid to earn enough to maintain an overall lifestyle that matches that of the Republicans.

    "You got it, I want it, but I'm too stupid to earn it myself, so I want the government to take it from you, and give some of it to me." Typical have not thinking, coupled with the stupidity that drives it, is what keeps the democratic party alive. It is the reason all poor minorities, blacks, hispanics, etc. all vote democratic, and the same reason the democrats pander to them with countless give away programs.

    The party of entitlement, vs. the party of self reliance. So when you break it all down idiot's are always democrats. They are more than willing to trade freedom, for a much larger and more expensive government that will give them what they are too stupid to acquire on their own.

    There are more democrats today simply because there are more idiot's. Hussein will do everything in his power to legalize all 30+ million of the illegal invaders in this country because 1.), they are all idiot's and mindless Lemmings that want governmental freebies, and 2.), they'll all vote democratic when Hussein "legalizes", and finishes pandering to them. It is doubtful that NASA will be hiring any of them.

    Just look at the programs the democrats want. They are all, for the most part, things the Republicans already have. Housing, health care, education, retirement. The bulk of the democrats out there are too stupid to achieve them, and when they do they go about it in such an incredibly stupid fashion, (over mortgaged housing, and foolish credit card spending), they wind up losing it in the process. So of course they vote for a give away artist like Hussein who will increase the size of government, and create programs in the process, that will give it to them.

    Now if you take the time to think about it, none of these programs would in fact be possible if there weren't any Republicans to increase taxes on to pay for them. No matter how you slice it the democrats should be repentant to the Republicans, simply because without them who could they tax to pay for the things they themselves are too stupid to achieve on their own?

    In regards to the gun control issue, you can again see quite clearly how all of this relates to "democratic gun owners". It is again very simple because it points to what they are willing to give up, in order to get something more important to them than guns. How many times have you heard from the mouth of a democratic gun owner, "There are more important issues on the table in this election than guns!"

    They are more than willing to risk their ability to own firearms by voting in a socialist gun grabber like Hussein, who will give them relief from their high mortgages, doctor bills, and their ability to retire in a tin can in Florida. If they must sacrifice their AR-15 in the process, so be it. In their mindless eyes it's worth it.

    Democrats are liberal, socialist, and to a very large degree, communists. They hate being called that for obvious reasons, but look up the words and you can draw many parallel lines to the democrats, along with what they stand for and represent.

    Even our new socialist leader Hussein as said, along with his partner in crime Biden, "It's time to spread the wealth around", and "It's time to be "Patriotic" and "fess up" and pay more taxes". These idiot's are also for legalizing 30 million illegal invaders. They both, along with all of their democrat cohorts, want completely open borders. This will without question destroy our nation. Just look at Mexico and you can clearly see what is going to happen here. Much like looking at black run nations in Africa, and comparing them to our inner cities like Detroit, and Compton.

    Democrats support, and want a secular society. Legalized abortion, drugs, gay marriage, along with gun control, and last but certainly not least, income redistribution. All of it boils down to giving up freedom, along with the traditional values that made this nation great, so these idiot's can get something more. Especially if they don't have to pay for the "more" end of it. It all boils down to a very simple way to understand a very simple minded group of "people", (i.e. Idiot's). Bill T.
    Wow. Just wow. I've never seen a post that so accurately and completely described me and all the other democrats I know! I feel so naked and exposed having the very truth of my soul laid bare for all to see in such a manner.

    The profound insight contained in the juxtaposition of the 'black run nations in Africa' with inner cities is something that has certainly been lacking. Clearly, more white people running things would solve a plurality of problems. Perhaps since the President Elect is only 'half black' he'll make America only half as bad as those 'black run nations'.

    I'd recommend this summary to other democrats, but it's pointless. They are so entitled and such idiots that they expect someone to come read it to them and they wouldn't understand the big words. Well that and they are generally just standing around the mail box waiting for the next government check to arrive.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    If they are such idiots, how do you explain people like:

    Warren Buffet
    George Soros
    Joe Kennedy
    Averell Harriman
    Ted Turner

    And any number of other multi millionaire/billionaire democrats.

    The real point is they are intelligent and cunning and dedicated to their cause. Unlike many of us who while equally intelligent, really only want to be left alone and consequently only pay attention to "the cause" when its too f*&^ing late!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Why Democrats Are Idiot's

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyo View Post
    They are so entitled and such idiots...
    Actually, it's "idiot's".

    You need to work on your "grammer".

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