Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    prospectpark, Pennsylvania
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    Default thougths on who went to the ww2 weekend at Reading

    Went to the show on Saturday, weather was great, cool and not to much sun until the afternoon. Any how I been going to this event for years now and for some reason I thought this years event suck compare to others. You see the same planes and doing the same crap. I would like to see a p-38, p47 B-26. What ever happen to the me 109. I think it would be great to have a Vietnam era Huey flying around add a Korean war sabre jet, or a F4 phantom at least you are seeing other things besides bombers and trainers. Thank god for the Mustang and the Corsair.
    I thought this Saturday was not crowded not sure what Sunday was like.

    What are your thoughts and what would you like to see more.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: thougths on who went to the ww2 weekend at Reading

    If you want something epic and different, go to Oshkosh, WI (Airventure) at the end of July. Except the Huey, you are pretty much guaranteed to see all of that fly.

    While I've never been to the show in Reading, I'm sure it's nothing too major which means funding is an issue. It's not cheap to fly those old war horses. Not cheap by any means.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: thougths on who went to the ww2 weekend at Reading

    I remember reading years ago that flying the B-17 costs $2,500 an hour. That was probably 20 years ago so imagine what it would cost today. As for the F-4 and other jets, not too many of those in private hands. For some reason the DoD doesn't want us to own them in flyable condition.

    I belive it was back in the 80s, there was an article in some flying magazine about the only F-104 (I think that was it. It was long and pointy) in private hands and how a fortuitious accident allowed it to happen. As I recall, an Air Force F-104 made an emergency landing at a naval air station. The plane wasn't flyable and the Air Force didn't want to retrieve it so they transferred it to the Navy who put it into their boneyard at the air station. Apparently, the Navy and Air Force had different rules for getting rid of scrap. If it had remained Air Force, it would not have been sold intact but the Navy didn't care. A wealthy doctor saw the plane and enquired about buying it, bought it intact and set about repairing it. It took a ton money to get the plane back into the air and a ton of money to keep it flying.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: thougths on who went to the ww2 weekend at Reading

    There is/was an F-104 demonstration team. I don't think they do shows though, just high priced training.!__page-0

    The cost to fly warbirds, especially jets is staggering. You are not going to see ME-109's flying in the U.S., only the same old P-51's and a few others which are still fantastic. Osh Kosh has a few more than you are going to see elsewhere, but it is a dwindling craft as is much of general aviation. Sad.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: thougths on who went to the ww2 weekend at Reading

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilot321 View Post
    There is/was an F-104 demonstration team. I don't think they do shows though, just high priced training
    I looked at their web site and it looks like all they offer is high priced services for the government which means that our tax dollars are paying for it. No opportunities for the rest of us to get a joy ride.

    I did a search, there are about 100 Bf-109s still in existence. Most are display only and it looks like less than 20 are airworthy with three of those in the US. It would be a rare treat to see one in the air.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: thougths on who went to the ww2 weekend at Reading

    I will say that I haven't been to an airshow in more than a decade. I used to go to the big airshow at Andrews AFB every year but I finally got bored with it as I have gotten bored with gun shows because there was little new there. Same planes, same shows, etc..

    One year I did run into a college buddy who was with the Thunderbirds. I hadn't seen him in nearly 20 years so that was cool.

    I did notice that I always enjoyed the show more if I was there with someone who hadn't gone before. I think that their enthusiasm rubbed off on me.

    What I really like are aerobatic planes and consequently, I really like flying circuses like the one in Bealton, Va.. To me a plane doing a lomcevac will always be way cooler than a F-16 going straight up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: thougths on who went to the ww2 weekend at Reading

    I'm confused. You guys are asking why there weren't Vietnam era aircraft at world war 2 weekend?

    I'd more concerned about the French town held by Germans blocking the exit......

    Don't worry, the allies rolled through and mopped the resistance.
    Emergency Medicine prevents natural selection

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: thougths on who went to the ww2 weekend at Reading

    I had a great usual. Do not miss this or the Kutztown Folk Festival.
    A Republic, if you can keep it.

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