Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Under a log, Pennsylvania
    (Perry County)
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    Default Activism - Or what ever you want to call it!

    This site seems to sometimes either lean towards or attract "activists" in some way. Just thought I'd share some of my favorite activist minded bookmarks:

    First is "The Ridley Report". He's got his own website but all of his videos can be found on YouTube. What it appears he stands for is liberty, the constitution and specifically the first amendment and the second amendment.: <--Many of his "Open Carry" videos

    One of the things that "Ridley" is documenting is the "Free State Project" up in good old New Hampshire (Live Free or Die).

    The Free State Project -
    Their insignia? The porcupine of course: "The porcupine signifies a cute and cuddly creature which one is advised to avoid stepping on" (Remind you of PAFOA at all?)
    The Free State Project in a nutshell: A like minded group of people, that like liberty, that have chosen a specific state (NH) to take over from the inside through education, civil disobedience and by getting Free State members elected to political positions.
    101 reasons to move to NH:

    Want to learn how to survive a police encounter? Watch the video "BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters" and then everything else produced by the FlexYourRights group:

    Want to see somebody REALLY exercise his right to say "Am I being Detained" and "Am I free to go"? Then watch "Checkpoint USA's" video blogs of a Homeland Security checkpoint well North of the US/Mexico border.
    Start with this one and go from there if you find it interesting:

    Activists against Amtrak and the DEA:
    Free "I do not consent to a search" t-shirts:

    This one turned out bad for the guy (home condemned) but it is an interesting video at the least.
    "U.S. Constitution 4th Amendment is Dead in America"
    Health inspector "tresspassing" in front of a sheriff while the homeowner protests against the "search":

    Since we've had at least one "incident" on PAFOA regarding video recording...I thought I'd add these:

    Two punk ass (<--my words) kids harassing a few police officers with a video camera:

    And the famous "Film is not a crime" video:

    And since we have our expertly crafted "PA Gun Rights" flier, I couldn't end without adding "The Photographer’s Right" flier":

    If you guys are interested, there's tons more of this stuff out there. I'll dig it up if there's interest.
    Last edited by Penguini66; October 3rd, 2008 at 12:52 AM.
    We the people have not only the right but the responsibility to hang tyrants for treason.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    On the Brink...
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    Default Re: Activism - Or what ever you want to call it!

    How can one be an activist in a controlled environment such as a College or at work without becoming a target, you're on their property and they will make sure you are searched if they think it is necessary, whether that be a pat down by the PD or an unexpected search of your desk or campus residence, who do these Gestapo tactics fit into our system of freedom and justice? Its not like we aren't going to stop working or going to school because we don't agree, they have a monopoly. They say "Agree with us or you have the right to leave." At the same time they have essentially stripped us of our freedom to leave, holding in both cases our paychecks hostage.

    I like the porcupine guy, spent way too much time watching his videos. Also check out these guys, they are my heroes:
    How pissed are you gonna be if you die before the Zombie Apocalypse comes? - - IANAL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: Activism - Or what ever you want to call it!

    I like the girl i wont feel safe with kids carrying guns
    Im with the founder it will only take one incedent to change there mind. But wow how closed minded these students that are against it they act like any one can CC lol No thats not the case there is a system in place to get a CCP, and im also all for a training program for the kids who want to carry on campus its a good idea

    And Emsjeep has a good point the way we are controled in these places, Some will argue well it has worked all this time, or what if bob goes crazy and decides to go on a rampage in the office or on campus . THE OTHER STUDENTS/EMPLOYES WILL BE ARMED !!!. I personaly think if thats the case then the Actor will think before going on a rampage (Im gunna kill everyone in this mother Oh wait no no steave and bill carry and there here) Or somthing along those lines. I dont agree with having to be a Fu*&ing Victim Screw that. Good for this kid to stand up and say ya know what it dosent have to be like this.
    Does this look like my Care Face.....

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