Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default What is the groundhog population in your area?

    In Sullivan County, I am hard pressed to find fields with any significant population of groundhogs. Speculation among the farmers is that they are just too slow and tastey a meal for the ever increasing number of coyotes.

    It used to be my favorite shooting past time but now it generally is an exercise in futility, an "armed" hike if you will.

    So, how is the grounghog population where you live? What do you think of the coyotes are eating them theory?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Town, Pennsylvania
    (Franklin County)
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    So I guess then your question would be how big is your coyote population lol . There really arent too many coyotes in Franklin County. Thus our population is pretty sufficient..

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Landenberg, Pennsylvania
    (Chester County)
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    I'm in southern chester county. I can't speak to the area as a whole, but there *were* at least 3 on my 2.5 acres.

    They all met with ends most unfortunate, I'm afraid. One was accidentally shot while I was cleaning my shotgun.

    One was accidentally head-shot while I was sighting in my .22 rifle.

    And the last one was accidentally shot, two times, when I dropped my Ruger Single Six. Damned transfer bar'll get ya everytime

    Could be coyotes, though I'd suspect it is more likely (in SE Pa.) that it's the hawks. There were 6 over my front pasture last weekend -- just flying in circles and watching the field. We have no rabbits anymore, thanks to the hawks, too. I don't see why they couldn't take a small groundhog easily.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    There seem to be plenty in the areas I hunt. Just have to know when and where I suppose.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Greencastle, Pennsylvania
    (Franklin County)
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    i live in franklin county and groundhogs are just about everywhere, in fact if you are having trouble finding them, go in the woods, sounds stupid but you can always find a few holes along the edges of small fields. ive seen groundhogs up in the mountains of my area. and im not talking about the base, im talking , halfway up. so they arent just limited to fields, its just easier to spot them in fields.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Butler, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    ive got a friend with a .5 acre garden bordering on about 5 acres of forest in a fairly residential area. too many houses around to shoot them, but he trapped about 20 last year between 3 traps in the corners of the garden. also got a few cats and opossums.

    20 seems like a ridiculously high amount for the area he's in. and i wouldnt have believed him if i hadnt seen most of them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Laporte, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    I'm right smack in the middle of gopher central. I'm near the sprawling fields of Grantville PA and IndianTownGap where groundhogs outnumber people 10-1 and when they exist their holes in the morning..they yell, "Take Me..Take Me!" It got so boring shooting at them I bought a cabin in Sully cabin just to hunt them sly' Coyote. Seen any of them hollar'in "take me"!?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    ….., Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    We have 17 Acres just north of Pittsburgh and I usually get about 4 or 5 a year. Have yet to see any so far, but they usually don't last. I have no problem with them in the woods, but when they burrow under the house, barns, and in the field where a horse can step then they just have to go.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Havertown, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    They were all over the place at the farms I hunt in Delco and Chesco we hunted them one day last season and counted at least 20 of them on the 150 acre farm I was hunting that day. But the numbers seem to be down this year on hogs but the fox are everywhere, so your coyote theory may hold weight.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
    (Westmoreland County)
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    Default Re: What is the groundhog population in your area?

    I hunt hogs in Washington County (SW PA). We never seem to run out. There are so many, that we have a rule: no rifle shots under 300 yards. For short range (50-100 yards), the Ruger Single Six should do the trick.

    We miss alot on the long range shots, but those dumb animals still come out of their holes after about 20 minutes.

    The farmers love for us to shoot them.
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