BASIC HANDGUN June 9th, 2012

Direct Registration Link:

Basic Handgun is designed as an entry level course for new handgun owners. It is also a perfect class for current handgun owners who have never received formal training and are looking to build rock-solid fundamentals. Basic Handgun will equip the shooter with all the skills to safely handle, store, maintain and operate a handgun. Through lecture, guided discussion, dry manipulations and live fire, participants will thoroughly cover each topic. In addition to ownership and basic handling topics, shooters will learn the fundamentals of handgun marksmanship. The entire afternoon will be spent on the range with direct, hands on coaching by DAT’s instructors, who will work with you so that you are capable at putting rounds precisely where you want them to go.

Prerequisite: None
Cost: $200.00
Min/Max enrollment: 8/24 students

Student Responsibility (Ammunition & Equipment):
■ Ammunition: 300 rounds
■ Working modern handgun, with at least 2 magazines (preferably 3 or more magazines)
■ Pants with belt
■ Sturdy footwear
■ Hat with a brim
■ Weather appropriate gear (rain gear, sunscreen, etc.)
■ Eye and Ear Protection