Has any one noticed a change in the past 5 to 10 years?

We get every thing so fast these days, its mind boggling. The news medias hit us with constant bad news, we see so much of it, we become immune to it. We see things as they happen, remember 9-11, we saw a plane crash into the twin towers, as it was happening! Do we really need such at the minute information?

Used to be, when the president of the United States visited some where, you heard about it the next day.. This was for security reasons, but also because the media tapes had to be driven back to the stations, Today, we know where the President will be anytime he moves about, we have up to the minute news on just about every thing, and when there is nothing newsworthy to talk about, we get hit time and time again with the same news we had just 30 minutes ago..

CNN followed Jean Mark Karr from Bangkok to the US almost every step of the way, they showed how he dressed, what he drank, what he ate, the interior of the plane.. If it was not for Steve Irwin who died last week, they would still be playing the JM Karr tapes, at least until today, the memorial of 9-11 where it would become more important to remind us what happened 5 years ago.

Who forgot that? Does any one here not remember what the where doing on the morning of 9/11/2001? If you did, the media will surely remind you of it!

Problem with all this flash media, getting news faster then it happens is it brings a feeling of insecurity along with it. People tune into the news to see what bad news will affect them today, maybe a shooting; maybe a drunk driver hit a child… A car drove it's self into a building... There was no driver?
We worry about why we did not find out before 72 hours went by that D. Cheney had shot his friend in a “hunting accident” when 10 to 15 years ago, we would of never found out!
Road rage is on the way up, ever notice how aggressive people are getting on the roads? They have to get home to listen to the news! People are in such a rush to get to where they are going, they risk every thing they have to get there a minute earlier.
I personally leave for work one hour early, I live 20 min from work, I’m in no rush.. But the cars passing me on the single curvy lane road I use to get to work flashing their lights and blaring their horns like they are king of the road and I am disturbing their pleasant drive at 60mph on a 35mph limit area are doing what? And if you don’t give them all the space they need to pass you when they see an oncoming car, they simply push you off the road! If there is an accident, they claim you wouldn’t let them in.. There is a double line! Your not supposed to pass there.. I wasn’t passing; I was getting in front… People are so aggressive these days, makes you wonder what is going on. Then there is the dummy who finally passes you just to turn off in his driveway, or slow down now because he is in front now and after all we all know the car in front always gets the ticket!

Used to be, if some one got shot, even if they where very important, we heard of it the next day, some times up to a week later, after a full investigation was done. Few exceptions to this are true, but in general, we did not hear of people getting shot, busses crashing, planes falling out of the sky.. Now, we get up to the minute on planes all around the world and before the news is completely all out, there is speculation.. Bus crashed.. Must have been a shooting! Plane crashed in Kentucky… Must have been a terrorist thing! Oh… ok bus lost a wheel crashed, was no shooting.. Plane took wrong runway, was not a terrorist thing, we are so insecure, we start to make our own news. Even the newscasters speculate on what happened. There is such a need for speed, when a man shot a judge because of a divorce settlement, CNN said the man shot the judge with a 50 cal and then flashed a picture of a Remington .22 model 597 to impress the viewers! Couldn’t find a 50 Cal in the area? They did say this was getting to be a very common gun… Sniping at squirrels and groundhogs they said…

The media is not educating us, they are brainwashing us. And with bad English to boot! When the last time you heard a gun has killed some one? Did the gun suddenly walk up to some one and shoot them? Or did someone pick up a gun and use it to shoot some one else… Or when is the last time you heard on the news “at 6 am this morning”… As opposed to 6 am tonight? Or the all too famous automatic pistol… then they show a revolver with shotgun shells around it.

Then there was the newscaster and the gun expert.. They had a shotgun on stage showing us what it looked like.. I was learning some thing on CNN that day when the newscaster pointed a shotgun at the face of the gun expert there to show how dangerous this would be… Of course they could not find an over/under they are so rare… so they used a 20G semi-auto, Did you know... the over under was much larger and the pellets came out about ½ inch? Must be big Quails they shoot at out there. But yes, I learnt there on the news that this 20G semi was much less of a gun, even as menacing as it looked then the shotgun Cheney shot his friend with, Being an over under, it shoots 2x as much… Some gun expert!
Then there where the inevitable dumb questions, this gun could kill some one right? “ I could imagine the “gun expert’s” mind gee no ma’am” Cheney shot his friend with it by accident, a few pellets hit him, and he Is in the hospital in the ICU but no ma’am, it aint that dangerous… And was the president hurt? Well ma’am, the Prez wasn’t there! So I dunno what ta say to ya!
There is such a need to have the news right away, the newscaster did not even know how to hold the gun, where to point it, or that this was not even in the same range of gun that was used at the Quail shoot! Never mind semi auto vs. over under, It was a 28g that Cheney had, not a 20G!
Other stunning phrases …Similar accidents occur "not frequently, but often" among hunters in the area, ...
Are frequently and often not about the same? Let’s see, twice is not frequent, but 2 times is too often? I’m not too good at math, but give me numbers here, tell me some one gets shot every week, 2 times a month, once a year, every 10 years, how often is frequent? When it comes to guns, once is too Often, even if its not frequent in that persons mind!
Yup, we live in a fast media world, and the news isn’t good, our newscasters need to go back to skool to lurn to taak! I mean I’m French and I pick up on these simple mistakes, Imagine if I was an English Major?

Ok OK Enough of my rant and Raving! I have to go watch the news, some lady is talking about how life has been since 9-11 I need to know! I haven’t lived it yet my self.