Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Van Down By The Lake, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
    Rep Power

    Default Make your voice heard!

    I imagine a lot of you are concerned about the political scene. It's probably no secret, but the Republican party is completely fractured all the way down to the local precincts.

    For example, in Allegheny County, there are reportedly only 40 people vying for a position as a precinct committee person. There are over 700 precincts in Allegheny County, and each precinct gets a committeeman and committeewoman. So, only 40 out of 1400 seats will be filled. What's a committee person do? Well, they actually play a key role in shaping the platform, endorsing candidates, and voting on policy. Read about the commitments of a committee person and the power they can have in shaping local politics here:

    If your county is anything like mine, there are a lot of seats to fill with liberty-minded individuals. WE THE PEOPLE, can take this country back from the ground up! It will not take much either.

    Each precinct (your neighborhood) has roughly 400-500 people. Assuming no one is running for committeeman in your precinct, all you need to do is find TEN people to write you in. If someone is running for committeeman/woman, but the committeewoman/man seat is open.... have them write you in as committeewoman/man! As I understand it, if the committewoman/man seat remains open then a male/female can take it!

    Freedom is at your fingertips, will you embrace it or let it slip away????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    (Philadelphia County)
    Rep Power

    Default Re: Make your voice heard!

    It may to late this year since the primary is Tuesday. But I think I may have to try this!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Van Down By The Lake, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
    Rep Power

    Default Re: Make your voice heard!

    Quote Originally Posted by Don45cal View Post
    It may to late this year since the primary is Tuesday. But I think I may have to try this!
    It's never too late! You just need 9 friendly neighbors to write you in (as long as you remember to write yourself in ).

    Just go door to door and say:
    "Hi my name is XYZ and I live down the street from you. I would like to become a precinct committeeman. In order to do so, I need 10 registered Republicans to write me in on election day, April 22, 2008. Can you help me out?"

    Have something prepared in response to, "What's a committeeman?"

    I've found it's good to have something printed out with your name on it so they remember who to vote for on election day.

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