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  1. #1
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    Default Armed citizens making a difference thread.

    I know we do not have an armed citizen section on Pafoa. But I thought it would be nice if we could bring any examples where armed citizens have made a positive difference into one place. It's a good way to show those who say "you never hear about armed citizens making a difference" that yes they do. I and several others have posted stories over the years that get scattered to the depths of internet time. I envision this as a thread to post the stories more than a discussion thread so people can easily find examples of armed citizens making a difference. I hope that if people post self defense stories to the site, they will consider posting a copy of the story in this thread also.

    One year update

    I started this thread a year ago tomorrow . I was hoping to create a thread of news stories that show armed citizens do make a difference. One that we could show antis and fence sitters who insist that armed citizens never/ rarely make a difference because you never read stories about them. When we started this thread I thought that we would be posting a couple of stories a week. I would have been happy with 100-200 stories at the end of the year when the thread started. It turned out to be much more than that.

    A few unofficial quick count numbers.

    145 stories from January 29th to July 28th. That was with me taking two months off from the site for lent and not putting much effort into searching for stories during those 6 months.

    893 stories that mostly occurred during the 6 months from July 29th to January 28th. That’s not including any update posts or comments people added to the thread.

    158 stories from July 29th to August 28th
    159 stories from August 29th to September 28th
    112 stories from September 29th to October 28th
    159 stories from October 29th to November 28th
    160 stories from November 29th to December 28th
    145 stories from December 29 to January 28th

    That works out to about 4.9 stories a day over the last 6 months.
    Basically 5 stories a day where a story reported an incident where a firearm made a positive difference.

    In some of the stories people used the firearm to shoot their attacker/attackers. Firearms were use to protect the person with the firearm and others. Some were in a persons house, some were in stores, work places and some were on the street. Some stopped people and a few stopped various animals. Some stopped a single threat, some multiple, some ended mass shootings and some stopped mass shootings before they could officially become mass shootings.

    In a lot of the stories people did not have to pull the trigger, the presence of the firearm alone was enough to change the dynamics of the situation in favor of the armed citizen. This is a biggie to me. I honestly think there are a large number of firearm related instances that occur where a trigger is never pulled, but aid carriers in bad situations every year. Some are reported like the ones in this thread. Some are reported to the police but do not make the news. Most are probably never reported to the police which makes them impossible to keep track of.

    One of the things that really stood out to me. In the search for self defense stories I read literally thousands of articles over the last year where people found themselves at the mercy of criminals where if the person had a firearm thing easily could have turned out different. Not every case obviously, but quite a lot. People who were robbed, hurt, raped, and killed. People who if they had a firearm would have had a chance to change the story from being a victim to self defender. Seriously this point can not be under stated.

    Thanks to everyone who contributed to the thread or offered words of encouragement. Also thank you for not turning this into a Chatty Cathy thread. I think the density and flow of the stories makes it much easier to go through and see all the real world examples of people using firearms to defend themselves. I think this thread has achieved the goal showing that armed citizens do make a difference.


    Here's a start.

    VIDEO: Armed Robbery Suspect Shot, Subdued by Concealed Carry Permit Holder

    An armed robbery suspect who entered a convenience store pointing a gun at the clerk was shot and subdued by a concealed carry permit holder.
    The incident occurred at the 54 Food Mart in Pasco County, Florida, around 6:40 a.m on January 26.

    According to the Tampa Bay Times, the suspect, 30-year-old Christopher Lilly, entered the store with a gun drawn and ordered the clerk and a customer “into the walk-in cooler.” Once inside, the customer–a concealed carry permit holder–passed his gun to the clerk, who then “exited the cooler and fired a warning shot.”

    Lilly dropped his gun and the clerk and customer moved to physically subdue him. As they did, “Lilly tried to reach for his dropped gun.” So the concealed permit holder “reclaimed his weapon and shot Lilly in the right thigh.”

    A passerby dialed 911 and a deputy arrived as Lilly was trying to wrestle himself loose and flee the store.

    Pasco County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Kevin Doll said Lilly “had a domestic violence injunction filed against him, so he could not legally possess a gun.” Moreover, Lilly had 11 previous arrests, “all in Pasco and Hillsborough counties.” He did two months in jail on battery charges in 2012.

    Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco praised the concealed permit holder’s actions, saying, “If you’re in a life-or-death situation you absolutely have your God-given right in Pasco County to defend yourselves.”

    On January 12 the New York Times editorial board wrote against national reciprocity legislation that would allow citizens to be armed for self-defense in more places. The paper claimed, “The grim truth is that concealed-carry permit holders are rarely involved in stopping crime.”

    Last edited by internet troll; April 13th, 2019 at 09:56 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Armed citizen making a difference thread.

    And a story from last week.
    Good Samaritan shot dead in San Antonio mall; second suspect caught

    SAN ANTONIO -- Police here say two suspects are in custody after a robbery inside a shopping mall Sunday afternoon ended in a shooting that left one man dead and several people injured.

    In a statement early Monday, police said both suspects face preliminary charges of capital murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

    The robbery happened at a Kay Jewelers store inside Rolling Oaks Mall, reports CBS San Antonio affiliate KENS-TV.

    “What we have here is a robbery gone really, really bad,” Police Chief William McManus said, adding that the shooting was “absolutely senseless.”

    KENS explains that, as they were escaping, the two suspects ran into two people outside who tried to intervene.

    One of the good Samaritans was shot and killed, McManus said.

    He was identified as Jonathan Murphy, of Cibolo, Texas, says KENS. He was 42.

    The second had a concealed carry license and shot the suspect who had fired the gun.

    That suspect was transported to a hospital and reported in critical condition.

    The second suspect ran back into the mall and started shooting as he ran, KENS says.

    Authorities say two other people were shot and two women suffered non-shooting injuries.

    San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood told KENS one of the other people complained of chest pains, while another experienced labor pains.

    The stores inside the mall were on lockdown following the shootings, KENS said, with officers going from store to store to securely escort customers out of the mall.

    Police with K9s checked throughout the mall Sunday evening to make sure it was clear of any suspects.

    San Antonio police posted a video on Facebook of the second suspect in custody, and said in the post that he’d crashed a stolen car and fled but was captured by police in nearby Converse.

    He was identified as Jason Prieto, 34, reports KENS.

    Two weapons were recovered, San Antonio police said.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Armed citizen making a difference thread.

    A local to me example from last year.

    Police: Gun owner saved cop from attack by kids

    POLICE ARE crediting a vigilant gun owner with saving the life of an Upper Darby cop Friday after he saw the officer being attacked and surrounded by a large group of teens.

    "There were 40 kids. If it wasn't for the good Samaritan stepping forward, he'd have been dead meat," Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said. "There's no doubt they would have attacked him."

    About 3 p.m. every weekday, from six to eight township police officers patrol the area near Upper Darby High School as nearly 4,000 kids pour out of the building on Lansdowne Avenue near School Lane.

    Most kids and most days are good, Chitwood said

    Friday was not.

    That afternoon alone, police responded to three fights in three locations near the school. When the dust settled, eight teens, ages 13 to 17, were charged with crimes, and two officers were injured so severely that it's unclear when they'll be able to return to work, Chitwood said.

    The most egregious of the incidents took place on Wayne Avenue near Marshall Road, less than a mile from the high school.

    An officer who broke up a fight between two teen boys that had attracted a large crowd at that location was holding one of the combatants at bay when the teen's opponent attacked the officer, Chitwood said.

    "As he breaks up the fight, he takes one kid and then the other jumps [on] him. Now he's fighting two of them and he's calling for an assist officer at the same time," Chitwood said. "There's a crowd of 40 or 50 kids watching the fight, and they all move in towards the officer."

    That's when the good Samaritan, who lives on the block, came out of his house with a gun in his hand and told the teens to get away from the cop, Chitwood said.

    "He had the gun in his hand, but he didn't point it at the kids, he just told them to back off," Chitwood said. "If this guy didn't come out and come to the aid of the officer, this officer would have had significant problems."

    The 35-year-old gun owner, who has a concealed-carry permit, kept the group of teens at bay until responding officers arrived, Chitwood said.

    Not only did the officer who tried to break up the fight suffer significant hand injuries, Chitwood said, but an officer who responded to the request for backup also suffered a major injury to a leg when he was kicked by one of the teens in the fight.

    The two juveniles in that fight each were charged with aggravated assault on police, riot, harassment, and related offenses. They were remanded to the Delaware County juvenile detention facility in Lima, Chitwood said.

    Six more youths were arrested for fighting around the same time that day at two other locations near the school, Chitwood said; one was sent to the juvenile detention facility and the other five were released to a parent or guardian. Six of the eight arrested students attend Upper Darby High. The seventh attends Beverly Hills Middle School; the eighth goes to a school in Ridley Township.

    "There's thousands of kids that walk to and from that school without a problem, but every once in a while you get these wannabe gangsters, and if they want to be gangsters, we'll treat them like gangsters," Chitwood said.

    Since Friday, police said, after-school patrols around Upper Darby High have been doubled.

    "Our goal is to make sure these kids get home safe," Chitwood said. "I can't emphasize it enough, but the majority of these kids are decent kids."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Armed citizens making a difference thread.

    Another local one from 2014 where an armed doctor ignoring the hospital policy saved lives with his fire arm.

    Doctor Uses Personal Firearm to Stop Active Shooter at Hospital

    On Thursday afternoon, a psychiatric patient with a long rap sheet and history of suicide attempts began shooting at healthcare providers at the Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital in Darby, PA, a suburb just south of Philadelphia. The gunman, who, according to, was identified as Richard Plotts, fatally shot 53-year-old caseworker Theresa Hunt and wounded 52-year-old psychiatrist Dr. Lee Silverman. However, Plotts’ shooting rampage was cut short when Dr. Silverman produced his own personal firearm and shot Plotts three times.

    The incident began when Plotts opened fire on Theresa Hunt, hitting her twice in the face and leading Silverman to reach for his own weapon. Dr. Silverman suffered a glancing bullet wound to the head but was able to recover and fire back at Plotts before anyone else was killed or wounded. After Silverman shot him three times, the gunman fled to the hallway where another doctor and caseworker tackled and restrained him. Richard Plotts is now in custody and in critical condition at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania with two wounds to the torso and another to the arm.

    Yeadon Police Department chief David Molineaux was quoted by as saying that Lee Silverman’s defensive use of his firearm “without a doubt saved lives.” However, Dr. Silverman’s possession of a firearm on the hospital’s campus was technically against the facility’s policies. Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital spokesperson Bernice Ho indicated that hospital rules only allow security guards to carry weapons.

    The gunman had complained in prior visits about the hospital’s policy disallowing him from bringing in firearms. An ultrasound technician working in the building was quoted by as saying, “There’s a sign on the door that says you have to check your weapons at the front. But you can’t expect every crazy person to do that.”

    According to The Delaware County Daily Times, Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood described Plotts’ background as follows, “His criminal record goes back to the early 1990s for three arrests for illegal possession of firearms and arrests for narcotics violations and assaults in Philadelphia. In Upper Darby, he has been 302’d [involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital] on at least three occasions. The last one of the three was in January 2013… He’s got a long history of guns and mental illness.” Neighbors described Plotts as large and intimidating and indicated that he often seemed heavily medicated. noted that a Delaware County man by the same name was sentenced to six years in prison in 1996 for a bank robbery.

    Though his motive is currently unknown, ABC affiliate WPVI-TV is reporting that Plotts had 39 bullets in his possession, meaning he may have intended to shoot more victims. Plotts’ ex-wife told WPVI-TV, “He was always very controlling and very violent. He was physically abusive, mentally abusive, and I just never thought, the many times he was in and out of jail, he had changed from any of that. I’m not surprised.”

    Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said “I did receive information that there were incidents involving Mr. Plotts and hospital personnel including the doctor’s staff in the past.” Plotts will be charged with first degree murder if he survives his wounds. Whelan, who indicated that investigators believe that Dr. Silverman shot Plotts in self-defense, also said, “This could be a much different situation if the perpetrator was allowed to continue with his actions, so I give credit for the staff for intervening.”

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Armed citizens making a difference thread.

    Another recent one.

    Good guys win! Armed citizen saves cop’s life

    In an incredible story of an average Joe turned hero, an armed citizen fatally shot a madman who had shot and wounded a police officer and proceeded to smash his head into the pavement.
    Trooper Edward Andersson, a 27-year veteran of the Department of Public Safety, was shot in the right shoulder and chest early Thursday morning in what authorities called an ambush and was in serious but stable condition after surgery at a Goodyear hospital.
    “My trooper would not be alive without his assistance,” DPS Director Frank Milstead said of the driver who stopped.
    Arizona has a “defense of third person” law that allows someone to use deadly force against another who is threatening or injuring a third person. It was not unusual that the passing driver was armed in this gun-friendly state with loose regulations.
    “Arizona was open-carry before it was a state,” Charles Heller, co-founder of guns-rights group the Arizona Citizens Defense League, said of laws allowing people to carry firearms in public. “If you see a guy walking down the street in Tucson, Arizona, with a gun on, you don’t think much of it. It’s natural.”

    The drama unfolded at an early-morning rollover wreck on Interstate 10 in the desert west of Phoenix that ejected and killed a woman. Authorities believe the man who shot Andersson was driving the car that crashed.
    Officials said they were trying to determine exactly what happened and that the investigation faced major hurdles with Andersson seriously injured and two others dead. Their identities were not immediately released.
    A separate driver reported gunfire and Andersson was responding to that call when he spotted the wreck and stopped, Milstead and DPS Capt. Damon Cecil said.
    Andersson was putting out flares when the suspect opened fire and then physically attacked the wounded trooper, Milstead said. Both Milstead and Cecil said he was ambushed.
    The man was on top of the officer and “getting the better of him,” slamming Andersson’s head against the pavement, Milstead said. That’s when the passing driver showed up and asked if the trooper needed help.
    Andersson said yes, and the passer-by went back to his vehicle, got his gun and told the suspect to stop the attack, Milstead said. When he didn’t, the driver shot him.
    Prosecutors said they were not commenting yet on whether they will review the shooting by the driver because it is an ongoing investigation.
    Investigators were trying to determine how the rollover happened and whether the suspect was involved with the initial report of gunshots, officials said. Investigators plan to speak with the person who made that call.
    Milstead said he feared the worst when he headed to the hospital to check on Andersson.
    “He’s incredibly fortunate to be here with us today,” the director said.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Armed citizens making a difference thread.

    It would be nice to see this thread turned into a sticky for future quick and easy reference.

    I know this isn't about a specific civilian stopping a crime but it's relevant to the conversation since it's a survey of what police think.

    Police Gun Control Survey: Are legally-armed citizens the best solution to gun violence?

    When it comes to reducing gun violence in America, nobody else in the country has anything close to the experience-based perspective from which cops can speak

    Apr 8, 2013

    Gun Survey 2013

    PoliceOne has scored a major scoop in police journalism by conducting a survey of more than 15,000 law enforcers regarding their thoughts on gun control in America.

    These men and women — most of whom actually work the street — have a front row seat to see gun violence in America. They put their lives at risk when they do their jobs, actually coming face-to-face with violent encounters involving firearms.

    And when it comes to finding ways to reduce gun violence and large scale shootings, most cops say a federal ban on so-called “assault weapons” isn’t the answer.

    More than 91 percent of respondents say it would either have no effect or a negative effect in reducing violent crime. This is an overwhelming response by those whose job it is to actually deal with this issue on the front lines.

    Instead, it is interesting to note that armed citizens show up frequently as a deciding factor in reducing the carnage from a mass murder situation; proactive choices dominate over gun and magazine restrictions and bans.

    More than 91 percent of respondents support the concealed carry of firearms by civilians who have not been convicted of a felony and/or not been deemed psychologically/medically incapable.

    A full 86 percent feel that casualties would have been reduced or avoided in recent tragedies like Newtown and Aurora if a legally-armed citizen was present (casualties reduced: 80 percent; avoided altogether: 60 percent).

    For those who chose the option of casualties being avoided altogether, I took this to mean the deterrent effect of a show of force prior to an event would stop a potential predator from carrying out his murderous intent in the first place.

    What checks the sociopath from completing his act is fear. Fear of the unknown or known gun carrier who is going to punch his ticket to hell right then and right there. This has an immediate effect on reducing violent criminal activity.

    Cops on the street know the value of officer presence and being ready to go. Criminals see it too, and stay in check. I know from my own street experience how being in shape, being well prepared along with a sharp uniform appearance kept things from escalating time and time again.

    More than 81 percent of respondents were in favor of arming teachers and school administrators if they were properly trained and vetted or at least proficient.

    Yet, with a few notable exceptions, most teachers and school officials are opposed to this measure. Overcoming this kind of resistance will be a major roadblock to making our schools safer.

    In addition, the survey asked, “On a scale of one to five — one being low and five being high — how important do you think legally-armed citizens are to reducing crime rates overall?”

    Three quarters of you (75 percent) answered either four or five, with more than 50 percent answering five.

    What would help most in preventing large scale shootings in public? The most popular answer among respondents – at 29 percent – was “more permissive concealed carry policies for civilians,” while 20 percent choose “more-aggressive institutionalization for mentally ill persons.”

    More armed guards/paid security personnel (16 percent) and improved background screening to determine mental wellness of gun purchasers (14 percent) were the other two preventative measures most selected in the poll.

    Clearly we have a majority of our gun carrying, member officers who feel that armed citizens are an asset in reducing violent crime and not a liability. This will be refreshing news for armed citizens who wonder about police attitudes in general on concealed carry.

    From all ranks, from Sheriffs and Chiefs on down, the vast majority (95 percent) say a federal ban on the manufacture and sale of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds would not reduce violent crime.

    This is in sharp contrast to my own home state of Colorado, where the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police stood in support of the magazine ban and other restrictions while many Sheriffs bluntly said in the press that they would not enforce any bans on magazines or so called assault weapons.

    I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

    “Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”
    So when some liberal controlled by the media tries to quote some bull shit from the editorial panel of the NY or Washington times ask them what law enforcement credentials do those members on that panel hold, then tell them what real law enforcement think.
    Last edited by Hodgie; January 29th, 2017 at 07:12 PM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Armed citizens making a difference thread.

    Another more recent Police survey from June of 2016.


    86.4% of the US’s Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs “support nationwide recognition of state issued concealed weapon permits.”

    76% of those same heads of departments believe that “qualified, law-abiding armed citizens help law enforcement reduce violent criminal activity.”

    Entire survey is here:
    So when some liberal controlled by the media tries to quote some bull shit from the editorial panel of the NY or Washington times ask them what law enforcement credentials do those members on that panel hold, then tell them what real law enforcement think.
    Last edited by Hodgie; January 29th, 2017 at 07:12 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Armed citizens making a difference thread.

    Another one dispelling myths with actual facts:

    The references used in this article all have links in the original URL.

    Police and Guns

    Myth: More police officers are killed on duty in states with more guns

    POLICE AND GUNS - comparison of police and civilian homicides rates 1996-2010Fact: Police homicide rates are so low that statistical analysis begs inaccuracies due to the rareness of such killings. Using the study that made this claim 1 the rate of civilian homicides was 60 times that of police officers, using the highest rate of police homicides. 2 To give you an idea of how small the numbers are, a mere 47 officers were killed with guns in 2014 (excluding firearm accidents). 3 Thus, the researchers were attempting to compare police homicides for each state when, on average, there was less than one such homicide per state.

    Myth: Police favor gun control

    Fact: The National Association of Chiefs of Police polled its members 4 and determined that:

    86% want nationwide reciprocity for concealed carry licencees.
    76% think armed citizen can help cops reduce violent crime.
    88% believe any vetted (non-criminal) citizen should be able to buy a gun.
    Fact: 94% of law enforcement officials believe that citizens should be able to purchase firearms for self-defense and sporting purposes. 5

    Fact: In a survey of 15,000 law enforcement professionals: 6

    96% opposed limiting magazine capacity
    91% think banning “assault weapons” would have no effect or a negative effect
    62% said they would not enforce new gun control laws
    Fact: 65.8% believe there should be no gun rationing, such as ‘one gun per month’ schemes.

    Fact: 97.9% of police officers believe criminals are able to obtain any type of firearm through illegal means.

    Fact: “Gun control has not worked in D.C. The only people who have guns are criminals. We have the strictest gun laws in the nation and one of the highest murder rates. It’s quicker to pull your Smith & Wesson than to dial 911 if you’re being robbed.” 7

    Myth: Police are our protection — people don’t need guns

    Fact: Tell that to 14,196 murder victims, 345,031 robbery victims, and 79,770 rape victims who the police could not help. 8

    Fact: The courts have consistently ruled that the police do not have an obligation to protect individuals. In Warren v. District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. App. 1981), the court stated “… courts have without exception concluded that when a municipality or other governmental entity undertakes to furnish police services, it assumes a duty only to the public at large and not to individual members of the community.”

    Fact: There are not enough police to protect everyone. In 1999, there were about 150,000 police officers on duty at any one time. 9

    This is on-duty police. This includes desk clerks, command sergeants, etc. – far fewer than 150,000 cops are cruising your neighborhood.
    There were approximately 271,933,702 people living in the United States in 1999. 10
    Thus there is only one on-duty cop for every 1,813 citizens!
    Fact: Former Florida Attorney General Jim Smith told Florida legislators that police responded to only 200,000 of 700,000 calls for help to DadeCounty authorities.

    Fact: The United States Department of Justice found that, in 1989, there were 168,881 crimes of violence for which police had not responded within 1 hour.

    Fact: 95% of the time police arrive too late to prevent a crime or arrest the suspect. 11

    Fact: 75% of protective/restraining orders are violated and police often won’t enforce them unless they witness the violation. 12

    Fact: Despite prompt law enforcement responses, most armed and violent attacks at schools were stopped by means other than law enforcement intervention. 13 Often these interventions were by administrators, teachers, or other students who were licensed to carry firearms.

    Myth: The supply of guns is a danger to law enforcement

    Fact: The courts kill cops by letting felons out of prison early. Of police killed in the line of duty:

    70% are killed by criminals with prior arrest records
    53% of these criminals have prior convictions
    22% are on probation when the officer is killed
    Myth: “Cop Killer” bullets need to be banned

    Fact: KTW rounds, wrongly labeled as “cop killer” bullets, were designed by police officers 14, for use by police to penetrate hard targets like car windshields. KTWs have never been sold to the general public. 15

    Myth: Teflon bullets are designed to penetrate police bullet-proof vests

    Fact: KTW rounds are Teflon coated to prevent heat build-up in a police officer’s gun barrel, not to pierce body armor. 16


    1.Firearm Prevalence and Homicides of Law Enforcement Officers in the United States, Swedler, Simmons, Dominici, and Hemenway, American Journal of Public Health, October 2015 ↩
    2.Using the average national civilian homicide covering the period of their study for police. ↩
    3.Officer Down Memorial Page ↩
    4.28th Annual National Survey Results, National Association of Chiefs of Police, 2016 ↩
    5.17th Annual National Survey of Police Chiefs & Sheriffs, National Association of Chiefs of Police, 2005 ↩
    6.Gun Policy & Law Enforcement survey, PoliceOne, March 2013 ↩
    7.Lt. Lowell Duckett, Special Assistant to DC Police Chief; President, Black Police Caucus, The Washington Post, March 22, 1996 ↩
    8.FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, 2014 ↩
    9.US Justice Department, 1998 ↩
    10.US Census Bureau, 1999 estimate ↩
    11.This is 911 … please hold, Witkin, Gordon, Guttman, Monika and Lenzy, Tracy. U.S. News & World Report, June 17, 1998 ↩
    12.Anti-stalking laws usually are unable to protect targets, Ellen Sorokin, Washington Times, April 16, 2000 ↩
    13.Threat Assessment In Schools, U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education, 2002 ↩
    14.Developed by Daniel Turcos (a police sergeant) and Donald Ward (Dr. Kopsch’s special investigator) ↩
    15.Cop Killer Bullets, Mike Casey, July 2000 ↩
    16.Cop Killer Bullets, Mike Casey, July 2000 ↩
    Last edited by Hodgie; January 29th, 2017 at 07:14 PM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Armed citizens making a difference thread.

    There are a crap ton of news stories on YouTube on citizens defending themselves or others successfully stopping crime and saving lives. Sadly many of them do not have links to articles but I think the local news stories should do.

    Last edited by Hodgie; February 1st, 2017 at 02:41 AM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Armed citizens making a difference thread.

    MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Two teenagers, a 19-year-old male and a 17-year-old female, were shot to death at an apartment building near 27th and Vliet St. on Milwaukee's north side Wednesday afternoon, March 12th. A third person, a 21-year-old man, is in custody.

    FOX6 News has learned there was an argument between a 39-year-old maintenance man and the three individuals. The argument escalated and eventually, one person was beating the maintenance man with a baseball bat while the other two held the man down. That's when the maintenance man pulled out a gun and shot the victims.

    The maintenance man is being treated for injuries at a hospital. Police say he is cooperating with investigators.

    Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn says someone captured video of the assault and shooting. It is now being reviewed as evidence in this case.

    FOX6 News spoke with Joseph Hearns Jr. -- who says he is related to the 19-year-old man shot and killed.

    "The young man was my nephew's son, and (the female was) his baby's mother," Hearns said.

    Hearns came to the scene on Wednesday -- looking for answers.

    "I heard so many sides of it so I`m not sure what to believe at this point," Hearns said.

    FOX6 News spoke with a man who heard the fight from a nearby furniture store. He didn't want to talk with FOX6 on camera, but says he ran when he heard screaming. When he got to the stairwell, he says he saw the 17-year-old and the 19-year-old on the ground.

    That man says he recognized the shooter as a maintenance worker he's spoken with before. He says the man was waving a gun, looking confused -- his face bloody.

    "We don`t know what precipitated the assault. We don`t know every detail of it. We do know that the maintenance man did sustain injuries and we did capture the assault on him on video. The video also captured the shooting," Chief Flynn said.

    Chief Flynn says the investigation continues, and says this case will be reviewed by the District Attorney's Office in the coming days.

    Follow up stating the Victim has been cleared this was a clear cut case of SD.
    Last edited by Hodgie; February 1st, 2017 at 02:42 AM.

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