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  1. #1
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    Default Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    Apparently he had "illegal guns" and recently criticized Obama. I wouldn't mind knowing a little more details of what kind of illegal guns does he own. Is he an ex-con? What did he say about Obama?

    I suppose his escape plan works though.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kabloosh View Post

    Apparently he had "illegal guns" and recently criticized Obama. I wouldn't mind knowing a little more details of what kind of illegal guns does he own. Is he an ex-con? What did he say about Obama?

    I suppose his escape plan works though.
    They received a tip that he owned guns illegally... so when does justify raiding the man's house?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    Thats why you have to be careful about what you say. I am sure right now if you say Obama is having a bad hair day you can expect a visit from any number of local, state or federal law enforcement officials. One second someones at the door.
    Last edited by harty; January 14th, 2013 at 01:10 PM.

    Common Sense isnt that common among people

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    Quote Originally Posted by amnesia View Post
    They received a tip that he owned guns illegally... so when does justify raiding the man's house?

    I agree. Any one can phone in a tip. Since when does that justify a warrant. This is BS.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    This article has a little more information. Seems that one of his neighbors phoned in a tip that he was getting crazier and stockpiling machine guns. When the authorities investigated him they found out he had a drug conviction 20 years ago and was prohibited from owning firearms. Still a huge overkill and major waste of tax dollars.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    Quote Originally Posted by libra8 View Post
    I agree. Any one can phone in a tip. Since when does that justify a warrant. This is BS.
    I think it is BS. What's next??? What if someone decided to call local law enforcement and say here is a tip. X Person just bought a weapon and he already has 30 and then reference the Look what I bought today thread.

    Better yet... Let's report Emptymag for having 80+ hi cap magazines. We all know he's up to no good. in red because im sure he will be by shortly folks!
    Last edited by amnesia; January 14th, 2013 at 01:28 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    Video blurb....

    Sharpsburg, MD -- A "Doomsday Prepper" was raided by the FBI after criticizing President Obama. The prepper became a target for Maryland police and the FBI after 46-year-old Terry Porter told an undercover cop that he was "very irritated" about Barack Obama's re-election. An anonymous tip had led to the investigation, which eventually resulted in the prepper's home being raided by 150 armed officers, helicopters, SWAT crews, armored vehicles and even excavation equipment.
    According to, the anonymous tip claimed Terry Porter was "getting crazier and crazier" because he was stockpiling "10 to 15 machine gun-style firearms" at his home in Sharpsburg where he had built an underground bomb shelter and installed surveillance cameras. An undercover officer pretended to be a potential customer for Porter's welding business. Porter openly admitted to being a doomsday prepper, and criticized Obama during the conversation.
    While this was not illegal, the investigation led police to the discovery that Porter had a 1992 felony drug conviction and was therefore barred from owning firearms. This discovery led to the large scale raid which resulted in much ado about nothing. The FBI recovered only "four shotguns, a .30-30-caliber rifle and two .22-caliber rifles" with no machine guns in sight. The prepper was not even home at the time.. I wonder if those were the drop weapons!
    A massive manhunt ensued, with multiple special response units combing the area. Terry Porter apparently heard about the FBI raid since he turned himself in the next morning at Hagerstown Barrack.

    Way to have survaliance on the perp guys....

    The cost and the scope of this massive operation is being questioned by some in the media. Porter's possession of guns merely provided a justification for the police raid and came to light only after authorities began to investigate him over his anti-Obama statements.
    "The fact that 20 years before he had a drug conviction enabled the FBI to carry out a raid they would have never even considered if it wasn't for the fact that they knew that the man was preparing and was distrustful of the government," said the Intel Hub. "To say the raid was simply for illegal possession of firearms is to ignore all the facts of this horrific story."
    Porter's neighbors were angry that the government wasted their time with this raid, calling it "a big waste of taxpayer money." Some claimed that they "would feel safe leaving his kids with the man." Porter had not broken any laws in the 20 years since the drug conviction and some think the response was due only to Porter being a Doomsday Prepper.
    "It was ridiculous for (the man), who would not hurt another person for anything," said 35-year-old Heather Hamilton who lived around the corner from Porter. "Unless you would attack him, he's not going to go after anyone."
    Even as Doomsday Preppers become more accepted by the general public follow..., many other Doomsday Preppers have apparently been under extra scrutiny by the Obama administration. The FBI has reportedly characterized bulk food buying as a "potential terrorist activity." One prepper featured in National Geographic's Doomsday Preppers show was declared "mentally defective" and put on an FBI list that stripped him of his second amendment rights just because he went in for a doctor's visit for chest pains.
    What do you think about this Doomsday Prepper being raided by the FBI? Did they simply overreact to a criticism of President Obama or do you think this an orchestrated effort by the Federal government to crack down on organized dissenters?
    Welcome to New World Order folks.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    Quote Originally Posted by jerkin View Post
    This article has a little more information. Seems that one of his neighbors phoned in a tip that he was getting crazier and stockpiling machine guns. When the authorities investigated him they found out he had a drug conviction 20 years ago and was prohibited from owning firearms. Still a huge overkill and major waste of tax dollars.
    A “Doomsday Prepper” was raided by the FBI after criticizing President Obama. The prepper became a target for Maryland police and the FBI after 46-year-old Terry Porter told an undercover cop that he was “very irritated” about Barack Obama’s re-election. An anonymous tip had led to the investigation, which eventually resulted in the prepper’s home being raided by 150 armed officers, helicopters, SWAT crews, armored vehicles and even excavation equipment.

    I just wonder if the FBI/LEO had enough bullets? I guess you could beat someone with your ar/m16 if it came to it.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    Quote Originally Posted by amnesia View Post
    They received a tip that he owned guns illegally... so when does justify raiding the man's house?
    They will jump at any excuse to raid a house these days... Knocking on the front door is so last century. It's much more fun to go in full-force, in this case with "150 armed officers, helicopters, SWAT crews, armored vehicles and even excavation equipment." One heck of an adrenaline rush. What fun!

    And somehow this display of over-the-top excessive paramilitary force in response to a non-violent suspected crime makes the sheeple feel all warm and fuzzy... And they think that gun owners are the crazies Of course, they also think they are "free"
    "These Romans are crazy!"

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Doomsday prepper has house raided by the FBI...

    He went on National TV and was video'ed holding a shotgun. He's a prohibited person, and isn't allowed to own a firearm, I'd say he's a victim of his own stupidity.

    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

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