Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    The militia idea has been discussed a couple times. And most of you are unsure of the concept, or just don't like it.

    Soooo, just what have you done to prepare for the SHTF situation (EX: Katrina)?

    Are you planning on riding it out yourselves? Have you made plans with buds or neighbors? Do you keep a supply of food and water along with your ammo? Do you have a place to bug out too? Are you prepared to bug out right this instance if you had too. I mean right now. You have 15 minutes. GO GO GO.....

    Just wondering. We all seem to be prepared to defend "ourselves". But what would you do if a roaming "militia of bad guys" showed up at your house. What are you plans?

    I also ask because a guy I work with had an AK that he got during the 2000 computer scare. (Remember everyone stock piling food and water and generators) He told me the the AK was his survival tool. (Point gun at person and yell in a demanding voice) "Hand over the water and food asshole and do it now!!!" There are going to be lots of those types out there. You alone, are not the best of scenerios. (sorry, but Rambo don't exist. And most of us have never had any real life trainging to honestly prepare us for this.)
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
    Proud to be One of the 3%

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtbkski View Post
    He told me the the AK was his survival tool. (Point gun at person and yell in a demanding voice) "Hand over the water and food asshole and do it now!!!"
    You need to get yourself some new friends. That attitude will get you shot right away. SHTF situation or not.

    What makes your buddy think that the people he is pointing his AK at dont have a gun pointed at him from the get-go??

    I have a plan, its not super 100% complete, but its better than most people. If SHTF, Im planning of grabbing whats mine and either holding the fort, or going away somewhere else.

    None of those plans include thievery and Im planning on keeping shooting to an absolute minimun.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtbkski View Post
    ...a guy I work with...told me the the AK was his survival tool. (Point gun at person and yell in a demanding voice) "Hand over the water and food asshole and do it now!!!" ...
    Bad plan, and wholly unnecessary. It's nothing more than premeditated armed robbery, assuming he wasn't joking. LD is correct, keep the shooting to an absolute minimum necessary. As it was said thousands of years ago†, those who live by the sword shall perish by it. There will be enough angst to go around for everyone, and more than once.

    Fortunately bad things rarely happen to PA, but we do get "events" every 10-20 years or so. I've been in PA for 47 years, there has never been anything close to Katrina.

    Matthew 26:52

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    I'd be holding down the fort. We have some mysterious spring in town, just a few blocks from my house that pumps out 11 million gallons of Dasani per day, so water isn't a problem. I live on high ground, in a house that's embedded in the bedrock, so flooding, earthquakes, etc., aren't an issue.
    It's no Y2K bomb shelter, but we constantly have about a 2 month rotating supply of food on hand. We have fuel for heating and cooking for several weeks to 2 months, depending on the season. Also have plenty of guns & ammo and personnel to use them to keep the bad guys off our porch.
    If we have to bug out, we'd probably hide in the northern state Forests on an extended camping trip. I know of some very secluded corners in the forests.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    I agree, his plan is not the best. But, in reality, I'm willing to bet there are a lot more of him out there. That is all I'm trying to say. I'm not saying it is a good plan.

    But back to my questions.....

    So, if you had to, are you prepared to hold your own in your house.
    Rodney King kind of night - The SHTF and you have to hold up at your residence. The city is in an uproar. Police can't reach you. You can't leave the house for fear of being attacked. Are you prepared? Even the Chinese got together to form mini militias to protect their stores during the LA incident. Do you know your neighbors well enough to ban together if need be, or will you be holding your own?

    Poison Gas (This isn't that far fetched. We had a tanker spill poisonous liqued that turned into a gas and we almost had to evacutate a prison.... Not a good thing) - Fire Whistle goes off, you turn on the TV and they are telling you to flee. You only have a matter of minutes before the wave of gas reaches your neighborhood..... What are you grabbing? You only have minutes to decide and get it.

    Katrina - How much gas is in your car? Those who know say the biggest problem with fleeing Katrina was cars running out of gas ideling on the fourlanes. They say your gas guage should never go below half. If you had to flea now. How much gas you got. (nearest gas station is closed, he is fleeing too) Do you have a pack with supplies that you would need?

    Not trying to sound doom and gloom. But I wonder why we all prepare to be mugged or robbed, but never prepare for anything that is very likely to happen. Probably more so than any of us being held up. I got stuck in a State Prison for 3 days, working four hours on, four hour off. due to a huge snow storm. I know have a bag at work with fresh underwear, toothbrush, towel, etc.... you get the idea. Easier to be prepared. You only have to burn me once.....
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
    Proud to be One of the 3%

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    Quote Originally Posted by PA Rifleman View Post
    Fortunately bad things rarely happen to PA, but we do get "events" every 10-20 years or so. I've been in PA for 47 years, there has never been anything close to Katrina.

    Matthew 26:52

    You must live in the good part of PA. if you have never seen the SHTF.
    As mentioned. I was trapped for 3 days inside a state prison when, due to a snowstorm. The entire state was declared in a state of emergency and all vehicles were banned from the roads. When was that???? 97?

    I was in Philadelphia area working around 1986. They got 6 - 12 inches of snow. The entire area shut down. It was wierd. I drove around not thinking anything of it in my 4x4. Not one store was open. I broke trail on every road I drove. The malls were closed. I felt like a charater in a Stephen Kind Movie.

    This is just two instances of BAD TIMES.
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
    Proud to be One of the 3%

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    Am i Prepared... NO i am not. I am however working on it constantly.

    Mentally i am prepared to make the best with what i have and State College is not exactly the type of place i can see turning into a LA style riot.

    Its one of those things that takes time and money to prepare for. Soooo i need more money and time lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
    Oh yes, thats how it starts. The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than we think.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    This reminds me of the movie "The Omega Man" .

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtbkski View Post
    Not trying to sound doom and gloom. But I wonder why we all prepare to be mugged or robbed, but never prepare for anything that is very likely to happen. Probably more so than any of us being held up. I got stuck in a State Prison for 3 days, working four hours on, four hour off. due to a huge snow storm. I know have a bag at work with fresh underwear, toothbrush, towel, etc.... you get the idea. Easier to be prepared. You only have to burn me once.....
    I had a discussion at work during lunch today that branched off about the snowstorm where people were trapped in their cars on I-78, etc, and how self-reliance is something that people no longer have. I then told them the contents of the Pelican case in my truck and that everyone should have at least some type of emergency box in their car. I have enough gear to keep me well-fed and cozy for a few days if I got stranded somewhere, and it doesn't take up much space.
    They're like, ya sure, for a big trip, but what if you're just getting on the interstate for just one exit on the daily commute. I told them it's in the truck ALL the time. My coworkers all looked at me like I was some sort of armagedon nut.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Are you "REALLY PREPARED"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtbkski View Post
    I agree, his plan is not the best. But, in reality, I'm willing to bet there are a lot more of him out there. That is all I'm trying to say. I'm not saying it is a good plan.

    But back to my questions.....

    So, if you had to, are you prepared to hold your own in your house.
    Rodney King kind of night - The SHTF and you have to hold up at your residence. The city is in an uproar. Police can't reach you. You can't leave the house for fear of being attacked. Are you prepared? Even the Chinese got together to form mini militias to protect their stores during the LA incident. Do you know your neighbors well enough to ban together if need be, or will you be holding your own?

    Poison Gas (This isn't that far fetched. We had a tanker spill poisonous liqued that turned into a gas and we almost had to evacutate a prison.... Not a good thing) - Fire Whistle goes off, you turn on the TV and they are telling you to flee. You only have a matter of minutes before the wave of gas reaches your neighborhood..... What are you grabbing? You only have minutes to decide and get it.

    Katrina - How much gas is in your car? Those who know say the biggest problem with fleeing Katrina was cars running out of gas ideling on the fourlanes. They say your gas guage should never go below half. If you had to flea now. How much gas you got. (nearest gas station is closed, he is fleeing too) Do you have a pack with supplies that you would need?

    Not trying to sound doom and gloom. But I wonder why we all prepare to be mugged or robbed, but never prepare for anything that is very likely to happen. Probably more so than any of us being held up. I got stuck in a State Prison for 3 days, working four hours on, four hour off. due to a huge snow storm. I know have a bag at work with fresh underwear, toothbrush, towel, etc.... you get the idea. Easier to be prepared. You only have to burn me once.....
    You're answering your own questions here. The two basic strategies are fleeing and a defensive occupancy in your home or domecile. The decision to remain or flee is very situational dependent. Obviously you wouldn't want to dig in if a substantial portion of the state is saturated with sarin, nor would you want to go cruising on Rodney King night.

    Also, the relationship between preparedness and convenience is inversely related. We have to prepare for what's most likely to happen, and as far as chemical or biohazard, I doubt many people have a full MOPP (chemical & biological protective) suit for everyone in their home plus spares. And then there's the decontamination aspect, particularly for the outside of the home and all vehicles & equipment.

    Power outages and heavy snow are far more common in a lot of areas in PA. Also, if anyone has a source to the photos of Korean shopkeepers with their "assault weapons" please direct me there.

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