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  1. #1
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    Default Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    Two things struck me rather deeply.

    One, Obama's implication that Bush knows where Osama is but lacks the guts to walk into the cave he's living in and grab him by the ears. I was amazed by the gall that was displayed in stating this like fact, and then turning around not five minutes later and making a comment about not giving in to mudslinging and ad hominems, even though he didn't state it quite thusly.

    Two, the comment about supporting the Second Amendment while finding a way to keep "AK-47s out of the hands of criminals." If that isn't a screaming green light to get something evil and black, nothing is. It might not be in the first term, but watch out for a ban, if not a wholesale blanket party thrown for us by your good friends at BATFE.

    Perhaps what you'll read actually bears a resemblance to what was said:

    The following is the text, as prepared for delivery, of Senator Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, as provided by the Obama campaign.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    Funny how Obama forgot to say how the Clinton's had Osama and let him go!

    I heard the same thing about the 2nd Amendment..I "lol" when he said that.

    I also like how he said we would Debate McCain anytime, but he failed to say how he turn down 10 debates with McCain..just wants the standard 3.

    I will say Obama can talk..but talk is cheap.

    His speech was great...for Hollywood.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    He ran thru the whole gun issue rather quickly I though. What, one or two sentences? Concidering it's a pretty hot topic and his vice pres nomination wrote the book on the 94 ban.
    It seemed like he didn't want to deal with that issue too much.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    heh The whole thing was a real production, right down to the fire works.

    He didn't say how he was going to accomplish anything.

    He should get nominated for an academy award, after all that crap.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    Typical fluff from a person who has no clue or plans other than to tax the hell out of us and further divide us. I almost turned the channel when he first arrived on stage. He said thank you at LEAST 20 times. I thought maybe he had a stroke or something, and that's all he could say. This speech was boring as hell. He is a coward. He spent all of ten seconds on the big 2; Abortion and the 2nd. Why don't you tell us your radical views on these two issues Barry? I hope someone actually asks him some tough questions during the debates instead of the usual softball crap.
    You can never have enough horsepower or ammunition.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Where liberty is but a flickering flame in the distance., New Jersey
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    I haven't seen anything about how he made it seem evil that conservatives (he incorrectly called us Repbulicans) are a party of ownership, but that means if you loose your job you are on your own, if you don't have insurance you are on your own, if you are poor you are on your own and should pull yourself up by your bootstraps. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! When did that become wrong? WTF!

    1. Okay we will pay for healthcare for everyone.
    2. We will make sure EVERYONE makes a living wage (cause that will make business hire more Americans and cause people to have some God damned ambition).
    3. Child care is now a right.
    4. We now have an obligation to look out for our brothers and sisters (ummm . . . maybe I missed that part in the BoR or in the Constitution, but I pretty much thought those documents said Government has no God damned business telling me who I had to "care for").
    5. We must allow people to have hunting rifles and handguns, but we will keep EBRs from criminals (how exactly?).
    6. We will change the tax code so that it redistributes wealth. Hell I might go on welfare for a year or two so I can get a vacation. I mean the rest of you suckers can pay for it.


    I need a drink.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    What I think did him in the most was how he creates this image of how he worked his way to where he is through hard work by his mom, himself, etc....what he says is the American way and the American opportunity...all true...then he starts talking about all he wants to do to create "handouts" for the gov't to help everyone out. He can't have it both's either the land of equal opportunity or the land of handouts. I found that all very ironic.

    But I'll give him this...he is an excellent speaker. McCain better be on his game and the liberals have a lot of "ammo" and easy targets.

    And though I doubt Obama will win...sounds like he's got a woody for AK47's...not because he even knows what they are but because it's the hip weapon name to scare the uninformed with. Go buy an extra one just in case....

  8. #8
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    Where liberty is but a flickering flame in the distance., New Jersey
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    Quote Originally Posted by piste View Post
    What I think did him in the most was how he creates this image of how he worked his way to where he is through hard work by his mom, himself, etc....what he says is the American way and the American opportunity...all true...then he starts talking about all he wants to do to create "handouts" for the gov't to help everyone out. He can't have it both's either the land of equal opportunity or the land of handouts. I found that all very ironic.

    But I'll give him this...he is an excellent speaker. McCain better be on his game and the liberals have a lot of "ammo" and easy targets.

    And though I doubt Obama will win...sounds like he's got a woody for AK47's...not because he even knows what they are but because it's the hip weapon name to scare the uninformed with. Go buy an extra one just in case....
    I'm trying to hide a few hundred bucks from myself so I can do just that. I want an AR and an AK. Wife can use the AR and I'll take the AK if TSHTF. The irony was totally lost on the hypnotized masses though. If I saw one more teary face I was going to puke. It was pretty funny too when he called himself out on trying to paint John McCain as someone people should be afraid of. I think it was something like "If you don't have a record to run on you try to paint your opponent as someone people should be afraid of." Or something close to that. Maybe a few more AR lowers too wouldn't be bad. Lots of ammo. Lots and lots of ammo. Fuck me. I don't have the money to be a tinfoil hat wearer.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    Quote Originally Posted by adymond View Post
    I'm trying to hide a few hundred bucks from myself so I can do just that. I want an AR and an AK. Wife can use the AR and I'll take the AK if TSHTF. ...

    ... Maybe a few more AR lowers too wouldn't be bad. Lots of ammo. Lots and lots of ammo. Fuck me. I don't have the money to be a tinfoil hat wearer.
    You don't have the money or the time not to be.

    Learn to embrace the ramen.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Barack Obama After-Action Report: Convention Nomination Acceptance Speech

    Quote Originally Posted by Ozone View Post

    I will say Obama can talk..but talk is cheap.

    His speech was great...for Hollywood.

    Apparently, his speech was golden... he got a 15pt bounce! Germany. Then again, David Hasselhoff got a 20pt bounce for the YouTube video of him eating a hamburger while drunk.
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
    - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

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