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  1. #1
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    Default What is going on. More cops shot.

    Police: Confrontation With Naked Man Escalates Into Shooting

    "The officer was shot twice in thigh"

    Suspect In Deputy Killing Dies

    Officials say two deputies were shot, one fatally.

    My condolences to Deputy Pearson's family and friends and a speedy recovery for Deputy Dawson and the Louisville officer.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    IMHO what's going on is a hypersensitivity to the issue on the part of the MSM, in an attempt to gain support for an initiative which is, at the moment, going nowhere. They're playing the, "let's report and focus on every act of violence we can find to convince people that guns are making everyone murderous savages".

    My best wishes and prayers to these officers and their families.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
    -Charlton Heston

    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
    -John Quincy Adams

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Μολών λαβέ!
    -King Leonidas

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    I'm working in Lenoir, NC next week.

    An OC Activist and 1 of the 3%
    Ed Stephan
    FeedBack:  797An OathKeeper and OC Activist, 1 of the 3%, Ed Stephan

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChamberedRound View Post
    IMHO what's going on is a hypersensitivity to the issue on the part of the MSM, in an attempt to gain support for an initiative which is, at the moment, going nowhere. They're playing the, "let's report and focus on every act of violence we can find to convince people that guns are making everyone murderous savages".

    My best wishes and prayers to these officers and their families.

    I think that should read "Acts of gun violence". I haven’t read about many stabbings or baseball bat attacks but I’m sure they have been happening.

    But i agree the MSM is pusing their agenda.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    When will it end?

    When the Media stops reporting it to the people who want to gain instant fame at what ever cost.

    City police shoot armed man in Fairywood
    Officer initially stopped to help man bleeding, walking down road
    Wednesday, April 08, 2009
    By Jerome L. Sherman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
    A pair of police officers shot an armed man in the city's Fairywood section on Monday night while guarding the home of a relative of Officer Eric Kelly, one of three officers killed Saturday in Stanton Heights.
    Luis Morales, 37, was critically wounded when city Officers Ryan Young and Aaron Loughran fired at him at the corner of Fairywood Street and Broadhead Fording Road.
    Officer Young had just finished his detail at the home of the Kelly relative when he saw Mr. Morales on Fairywood Street, bleeding from the head. When the officer stopped to help, Mr. Morales shot at him several times, according to a criminal complaint.
    Officer Loughran, who had just started his shift guarding the house, quickly came to help. Both officers fired at Mr. Morales, hitting him in the elbow, chest and gut, police said.
    Mr. Morales was being treated yesterday at UPMC Mercy.
    Neither officer was wounded in the shooting.
    Mr. Morales was living at the Fairywood Street home of Wilma Stevens, and he had been drinking heavily on Monday night, Ms. Stevens said. They started fighting when Mr. Morales tried to steal $15 from her wallet, she said.
    According to the criminal complaint, Mr. Morales pulled out a pocket knife and a Colt .38 special, and Ms. Stevens ordered him to leave the house. She smashed a pitcher over his head and shoved him through the back door, the complaint said.
    Mr. Morales then fired two shots through the door, missing Ms. Stevens. He went to the front of the house and started banging on another door.
    About 11 p.m., Officer Young saw Mr. Morales walking in the street. He made a U-turn in his patrol car to check on the man. As Officer Young left his vehicle, he saw that Mr. Morales was holding the gun.
    Mr. Morales pointed his weapon at the officer, who yelled at him to drop it. Mr. Morales fired two shots, police said.
    Officer Young fired back and tried to find cover, and Mr. Morales ran toward him. Officer Loughran then arrived in his patrol car, and both officers took cover behind the vehicle, the complaint said.
    The officers fired at Mr. Morales until he fell to the ground, 10 feet away from the car. He was still holding his gun.
    Officer Loughran approached him and kicked the gun out of his hand. Mr. Morales then struggled with both officers as they tried to place handcuffs on him.
    Mr. Morales was arraigned at the hospital yesterday and was charged with two counts of attempted homicide, two counts of aggravated assault, and resisting arrest, among other charges.
    His bail was set at $500,000. He will be evaluated by the Allegheny County Jail's behavior clinic.
    Police said they are still investigating Mr. Morales' background, and they suspect he may be using a false name and a stolen Social Security number.
    Mr. Morales came to Pittsburgh from Texas several years ago to work in construction at the Westgate Village apartment complex in Fairywood, Ms. Stevens said. He was fired from the job a year ago and moved in with Ms. Stevens, whom he had met while walking around the neighborhood.
    Ms. Stevens, 70, said Mr. Morales had been helping her around the house and would give her money occasionally when he found work as a painter.
    Splotches of his blood marked Ms. Stevens' front porch yesterday.
    "He was a very nice person," she said. "I'm sorry for him."
    Jerome L. Sherman can be reached at or 412-263-1183.
    First published on April 8, 2009 at 12:22 am
    [quote]Posted on Tue, Apr. 7, 2009

    <H1>Armed suspect critical, shot by Pittsburgh police

    The Associated Press
    PITTSBURGH - A theft suspect is in critical condition after he allegedly tried to shoot a Pittsburgh police officer and was wounded by the return fire by two officers.
    Police aren't identifying the officers who reportedly shot the man, identifies only as Luis Morales, about 11 p.m. Monday.
    Police say the first officer saw Morales bleeding from his head and hiding an object in his hands. Police say the officer called paramedics to help Morales then saw he had a gun. The officer told Morales to drop the weapon, but Morales fired , missing the officer , prompting both officers to shoot Morales in the torso.
    Police say they later learned Morales had been accused of stealing from an elderly woman who hit him in the head with a bowl during the dispute. Morales has not been charged with any crimes, but police expect to file charges.
    St. Paul Police say investigators found at least two suicide notes on the computer of the man fatally shot by officers Monday night.
    A police spokesman says Tuesday that 34-year-old Jerome Jeske pointed a gun at officers in an alley. When he wouldn't put the gun down, officers shot him just after 6 p.m.
    On his MySpace page, Jeske wrote 'I love you all...goodbye...I am sorry' and had set his mood as 'done' on the same day as the incident.
    Jeske was known around the Twin Cities music scene as a bassist of a heavy metal group. Matt Beale told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS he couldn't believe his band mate is gone.
    "Bob was a great guy: Big heart, good musician, and good friend," Beale said. "I understand police have to do their job. I wish they could have used a non-lethal method but it's too late now."
    Other friends of Jeske say he had been troubled for several months after another of their friends had committed suicide.
    "I was just shocked. It's not like Bob to do anything like that," Beale said.
    Jeske's sister, who wished to remain unidentified, told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS her family is shocked and never expected this to happen.
    A police dog named Boomer was shot in the head during the incident. The animal is in stable condition at the University of Minnesota's veterinary hospital. St. Paul Police spokesman Pete Panos says it's not clear who shot the dog.
    The three officers who fired their guns are on paid administrative leave, which is standard after such a shooting. The department identified them as Officers Adam Bailey, Brian Casey, and Douglas Wilson late Tuesday. Bailey has been with the department for four years, while Casey and Wilson have both been on the force for two years.
    The last time St. Paul Police fatally shot someone was in September 2007.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  6. #6
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guns4Fun View Post
    I think that should read "Acts of gun violence". I haven’t read about many stabbings or baseball bat attacks but I’m sure they have been happening.

    But i agree the MSM is pusing their agenda.
    Good point, I stand corrected. Although, if the UK is any guide, once the guns are gone they'll turn to knives, clubs, and baseball bats as well.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
    -Charlton Heston

    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
    -John Quincy Adams

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Μολών λαβέ!
    -King Leonidas

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    What is going on is that the media has taken to reporting it as a rash of violence, rather than the normal statistics in a country of 300 million.

    According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 133 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2008. I am sure far more were shot and lived.

    The war in Iraq is far less enthralling, the economy lacks the punch with fears of Depression, so the media needs something new to sensationalize.

    I found both triggers to be terrible to me so the triggers are on a scale to me.. The Glock was a crisper suck and the XD was a more mushy suck. They are in the same family, SR9 (heavy suck), Glock (crisp heavy suck), XD( lighter mushy suck), M&P(heavy mushy suck).

  8. #8
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    Quote Originally Posted by thelemite View Post
    What is going on is that the media has taken to reporting it as a rash of violence, rather than the normal statistics in a country of 300 million.

    According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 133 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2008. I am sure far more were shot and lived.

    The war in Iraq is far less enthralling, the economy lacks the punch with fears of Depression, so the media needs something new to sensationalize.
    I've posted this before but i think it is much more devious than that. I think the MSM is intentionally ignoring the economy and the bail outs and all the other crazy political things happening because it would impact too greatly on their dear leader. So, they want to not only distract you from the real things that are going on but they want to push their anti gun agenda to make it easier for dear leader / cohorts to push through anti gun legislation. I'm not saying that these killings aren't real---just that the MSM is using them as a distraction. Yes, I wear the tin foil tightly.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChamberedRound View Post
    Good point, I stand corrected. Although, if the UK is any guide, once the guns are gone they'll turn to knives, clubs, and baseball bats as well.
    Interestingly enough I work with a woman from England and asked her if she still lived there when, "they made it illegal to own guns?". Her response was, "it was never legal to own guns in the first place". I said, "ok, well when they made everyone turn their guns in", she said "you mean after a little girl was shot in a candy store?. Then she said, " well it doesn't matter, crime has always been going up over there, so I didn't notice anything different".
    Quote Originally Posted by headcase View Post
    let them eventually bring the FBI to kill my wife and son over fucking chickens....

  10. #10
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    Default Re: What is going on. More cops shot.

    I believe the MSM is up to their usual-sensationalism. Remember the shark attacks a few summers ago? How about SARS, MRSA, flesh eating bacteria, mold, and the list goes on. Everything is a crisis and the sky is always falling.

    The MSM definitely do have an agenda; you only have to watch a couple of "gun specials" to see which side they are on. I think it has more to do with money. If they mitigate the roll of firearms in these tragedies, then they lose the thread to the crisis. Then they can't milk every last penny out of the carnage.

    A month from now it will be the next great horror we must confront. Wait and see.

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