Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    Dear John M,

    I’m afraid the gun control nightmare I warned you about is coming true.

    In the wake of the Arizona tragedy, anti-gun groups and politicians have been falling all over themselves to “cash in” with radical new gun control schemes.

    And without your action today, I’m afraid their assault WILL SUCCEED.

    That's why I've drafted up petitions to your Congressman and Senators, urging them to vote NO on the Gun-Grabbers’ Magazine Ban Bill (H.R. 308) -- or any other similar bill.

    But before I give you the link, I want you to know just how important this really is.

    If passed, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy’s Magazine Ban Bill would outlaw the sale or transfer of firearm magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds.

    Already own a handgun, rifle or shotgun with a magazine that holds more than ten rounds?

    You’re “legal” for now. But you can’t ever sell it, give it away or pass it down to your kids.

    In fact, Congresswoman McCarthy’s bill would turn widows into instant FELONS if their late husbands possessed a 12-round magazine!

    Of course, all this is bad enough. But it’s not even close to the end of it.

    News reports are that President Obama recently met with House Republicans where he likely made whatever promises he had to in order to pass H.R. 308 with as little publicity as possible.

    His goal is simply to “get the camel’s nose under the tent.”

    Then, once H.R. 308 goes to the Senate, the White House is preparing to launch an all-out WAR on our Second Amendment freedoms!

    That's why I need you to sign this petition IMMEDIATELY.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    Saw that coming a mile away. Guns don't kill people magazines do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    Is it time to stack up on 15 round mags for my glock?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycanthrope View Post it for the boobies........

  4. #4
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    Default Re: National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    It's hard for me to imagine that an Internet petition has much effect on anyone. emails have some effect, faxes more, and if you want to really get attention these days, send an old-fashioned letter. I'm not saying this is or isn't a worthwhile organization but the real goal here is to sign you up and get your credit card #, in this case using old news about a bill that has long been declared dead and will remain so unless Obama gets re-elected -- in which case this will unfortunately be the least of our problems.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by aveojohn View Post
    Dear John M,

    I’m afraid the gun control nightmare I warned you about is coming true.

    In the wake of the Arizona tragedy, anti-gun groups and politicians have been falling all over themselves to “cash in” with radical new gun control schemes.

    And without your action today, I’m afraid their assault WILL SUCCEED.

    That's why I've drafted up petitions to your Congressman and Senators, urging them to vote NO on the Gun-Grabbers’ Magazine Ban Bill (H.R. 308) -- or any other similar bill.

    But before I give you the link, I want you to know just how important this really is.

    If passed, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy’s Magazine Ban Bill would outlaw the sale or transfer of firearm magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds.

    Already own a handgun, rifle or shotgun with a magazine that holds more than ten rounds?

    You’re “legal” for now. But you can’t ever sell it, give it away or pass it down to your kids.

    In fact, Congresswoman McCarthy’s bill would turn widows into instant FELONS if their late husbands possessed a 12-round magazine!

    Of course, all this is bad enough. But it’s not even close to the end of it.

    News reports are that President Obama recently met with House Republicans where he likely made whatever promises he had to in order to pass H.R. 308 with as little publicity as possible.

    His goal is simply to “get the camel’s nose under the tent.”

    Then, once H.R. 308 goes to the Senate, the White House is preparing to launch an all-out WAR on our Second Amendment freedoms!

    That's why I need you to sign this petition IMMEDIATELY.
    Little publicity as possible?? This bill, in an upcoming election year, is
    DOA. It was tried before, had a sunset, and was not extended. Now we have no Jobs, people losing houses, bad economy, and anti gun organizations that can't even get much lesser restrictions passed and stand by unable to stop pro-gun legislation from being passed on state levels. Carolyn has turned into a joke, she had more difficulty winning her own district in the last election than in the past, and in the House of Representatives, she has become irrelevant even among many democrats. Obviously, we should keep an eye on this at any rate and be there for whatever challenges this proposed legislation may present.
    By the way, Obama will soon have his own worries regarding the Mexican Border Sting operation that went haywire regarding illegal gun sales and smugling into Mexico. Result, dead Mexican civilians and one dead U.S. Federal Agent via firearms sold by the Justice Department.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Unknown 1087 View Post
    Is it time to stack up on 15 round mags for my glock?
    It's ALWAYS time to stock up on magazines and ammo.
    "You can't stop insane people from doing insane things by passing insane laws--that's insane!" -- Penn Jillette

    "To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic." -- Ted Nugent

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    I never heard of this organization and being the skeptic that I am I doubt I would respond to aything they sent me especially by e-mail.

    But if you are interested in H.R. 308 here's the low down from thomas.loc

    Latest Title: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act
    Sponsor: Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] (introduced 1/18/2011) Cosponsors (108)
    Related Bills: S.32
    Latest Major Action: 2/7/2011 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.
    Go here to start your own search:

    Note also that thomas used to be linked from the House website. But it looks like the link has been dropped with the website re-design. So make your own bookmark.

    You should note that 108 co-sponsors are listed here, please review the list and search for your Representative and blast his butt if he's listed. Other that that send a personal letter to your Congressman asking him to oppose this measure.
    Last edited by Brick; June 22nd, 2011 at 07:00 PM.

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities".

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    From the link.......Only with the financial support of grassroots gun owners can the National Association for Gun Rights prevail in the fight for your rights. Please make a generous contribution.

    Enough said

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Magazine ban? WHAT magazine ban"

    Quote Originally Posted by The Unknown 1087 View Post
    Is it time to stack up on 15 round mags for my glock?
    Fits G-21 & G-30; I have all the aftermarket (Scherer, and +Two) 29-rounders you need for only $99.95. Act NOW!!! (FTF only, no discount for cash)
    "1"starts the Militia; you are not alone but fight as though you are.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Association for gun rights e mailed this to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brick View Post
    I never heard of this organization and being the skeptic that I am I doubt I would respond to aything they sent me especially by e-mail.

    But if you are interested in H.R. 308 here's the low down from thomas.loc

    Go here to start your own search:

    Note also that thomas used to be linked from the House website. But it looks like the link has been dropped with the website re-design. So make your own bookmark.

    You should note that 108 co-sponsors are listed here, please review the list and search for your Representative and blast his butt if he's listed. Other that that send a personal letter to your Congressman asking him to oppose this measure.
    Thanks for the reference. I looked up the Thomas Site and found that the last action on this matter was taken on Feb. 7 of this year. The bill was refered on that date to a subcommittee that deals with, among other things, homeland security. At this date, 308 is suffering with nobody gives a shit disease and the 108 co-sponsers are not ready to get on the bus marked political suicide. Hell, even the NRA isn't sending out a million mailers.

    Despite my ill-contrived humor, I will continue to follow this matter, but perhaps it is more timely and relevant to contact congress members to take legal action against the hack in the white house and his flunky Holder for stonewalling a congressional investigation regarding the mexican border screw-up by the justice department.

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