Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Saw this on Facebook's U.S. Army WTF Moments, and Had to share.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Saw this on Facebook's U.S. Army WTF Moments, and Had to share.

    Not a bad read but as far as im concerned i would never lock my trigger on a gun in my home. If im simply going to throw an item at an intruder and hope to hit him with it, ill throw something cheaper than a locked unfireable firearm.

    Unless maybe he wants to have a seat and wait while i unlock the thing
    When unholstering your sidearm it is customary to say: "Excuse me while i whip this out"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Archbald, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Saw this on Facebook's U.S. Army WTF Moments, and Had to share.

    I feel ya, I have guns all over the house in strategic locations, That being said, when my son and daughter ages 13-14 come over on weekends all the guns go back in the safe before I pick them up and come back out when I return from dropping them off, Not sayin the kids are irresponsible(Both of them hunt and target shoot with me on a regular basis) just figure I was kind of a douche when I was in my early teens, I remember shootin a broadhead shaped hole thru a cookie sheet in my parents house with my Dad's Compound Bow just cause it wasn't locked up and I didn't think it would penetrate when I was 15, I think my Dad still wonders what happened to that cookie sheet that disapeared, Lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Saw this on Facebook's U.S. Army WTF Moments, and Had to share.

    I liked the message of the story up until the lecture about locking up all your guns at the end. I wonder if it ever occurred to him to teach his child about electricity, and the dangers of it when not used properly. Granted 5 is a little young for all the safety lessons there are in the world, but it seems to me we spend too much time trying to protect our children (the collective our, I will admit I have none) from so many dangers out there without ever explaining what we're protecting them from. I bet many parents put covers on their outlets (although all new construction requires tamper-resistant outlets anyway), but how actually explain to their children what could happen if they stuck a paperclip in there, or if they cut them with daddy's tools?

    Likewise, locking up your guns shouldn't be the end of the discussion. If you have guns and kids, bring them to the range and show them how the guns work. Bring a water bottle or some other interactive target to show them just what a bullet is capable of, and remind them that they shouldn't touch them unless you personally hand it to them. Gun safety really isn't that difficult to teach to anyone, even children, but I fear most people would rather hide them away and let their kids curiosity be their only education.

    That being said, the guy who wrote the article screwed up majorly by letting his kids play in a room he was currently working on electricity in, and I hope he realizes the severity of his mistake. As an electrician, I have to say that electricity scares me way more than any firearm does. Bullets use real physics, but electricity uses imaginary math, and that shit is dangerous.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Saw this on Facebook's U.S. Army WTF Moments, and Had to share.

    Since I don't have kids, nor do I plan to, I don't really have a horse in this race.

    But whatever happened to teaching your kids to keep their damned hands to themselves, and not mess with things that don't belong to them? I tell ya, if I had carried off something my mom was using and damaged something else with it, I wouldn't have been able to sit down for a WEEK!

    Fer Christ's sake, quit trying to be friends with yer kids and be PARENTS! Ya have a job to do in raising the little heathens to be productive members of society! Its a you against them scenario, and you have the upper least until your son finally gets big enough to whip yer ass, and by then he should be man enough to not feel the need to! And yer daughter is not "Daddy's little princess", she's a squealling, crying baby barbarian who will use any trick, and emotional trigger to get what she wants! Stand against her! Instill discipline! Hell, instill fear if you have to! Worked on me, I turned out completely normal (mostly).

    Rant over.....for now.
    "When I hit it, I expect it to fall the hell down and die!"

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Saw this on Facebook's U.S. Army WTF Moments, and Had to share.

    Quote Originally Posted by brsims View Post
    Since I don't have kids, nor do I plan to, I don't really have a horse in this race.

    But whatever happened to teaching your kids to keep their damned hands to themselves, and not mess with things that don't belong to them? I tell ya, if I had carried off something my mom was using and damaged something else with it, I wouldn't have been able to sit down for a WEEK!

    Fer Christ's sake, quit trying to be friends with yer kids and be PARENTS! Ya have a job to do in raising the little heathens to be productive members of society! Its a you against them scenario, and you have the upper least until your son finally gets big enough to whip yer ass, and by then he should be man enough to not feel the need to! And yer daughter is not "Daddy's little princess", she's a squealling, crying baby barbarian who will use any trick, and emotional trigger to get what she wants! Stand against her! Instill discipline! Hell, instill fear if you have to! Worked on me, I turned out completely normal (mostly).

    Rant over.....for now.
    Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

    As you said, you don't have kids. Kids being kids, even being raised the you were, will sometimes not think things through. Their minds are different from adults. They are not fully developed yet.

    I was not my kids friend. I told them that I would never be their friend, they have enough of them. I also told them that I didn't care how big they got, if I had to stand on a chair to take them down, I would. (They were taller than my at the age of 12.)

    The kids in the story are very young and there is only so much that can be absorbed at that age. I don't care how many ass-whoppings you got.

    Not only is it the job of parents to discipline, it is also our job to protect. And until they are old enough to discern right from wrong we have provide a safe environment.

    Kids are inquisitive by nature. That how they learn. I believe the key is to demystify guns. But still keep them out of reach until they are older. There has to be a balance.

    My B-I-L was like you. He had all these ideas on how to raise my children and was constantly telling me in no uncertain terms how to do it.
    He said that his kids would be saluting him and calling him sir.

    Let me tell you, when he had his own kids, things weren't as easy as he thought they would be. None of his methods had the effect he was going for. He kids were monsters, plain and simple.

    Both boys ended up doing jail time and the one is in for a long stretch with a drug habit. His daughter was pregnant by the age of 18, unwed of course.

    Another issue is the inability to correct their behavior the way that we were corrected. A smack on the ass is now considered child abuse and the parents could receive jail time for trying to keep the kids in line using that method. It's a different world than when we were growing up. That is part of the reason that we have 30 year old adolescents men and teenage princesses.

    That's why it really pisses me off when people that don't have kids try to tell those of us that do/did how to raise them. You have no idea what is involved to try to make sure they will grow up and become a productive member of society. You may think you do, but trust me, if you don't have a horse in the race, you are clueless.

    BTW, my kids turned out completely normal. Hit a few bumps in the road along the way but both are doing fine.

    Rant over........for now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Saw this on Facebook's U.S. Army WTF Moments, and Had to share.

    you can show the children the dangers of that electricity, but you dont go amish after that do you? no you still use it in a controlled environment...same with them how they are supposed to be used and the responsibility of them, not lock em all up and imagine they dont exist... personally i always...and i mean always never let my kids play with toy guns when they were point finger and go bang...once they were old enough...then i let them, after proving they were responsible, play with real guns.
    live to ride

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Saw this on Facebook's U.S. Army WTF Moments, and Had to share.

    My theory was that raising kids was much like training dogs.

    You don't have to beat them if they remain unsure of whether they are going to get beat, or not...

    The look and the tone of voice go a long way to rectifying problems. Gotta Nip It In The Bud Andy.

    Also works with the Grandbrats.....

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