Got this in a private msg, I suppose there are a few who would wonder...

What does your sig mean?
I have 2 of them, so ill explain them both..

Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.
In Skeet, there are doubles that you shoot at certain stations, and basically, skeet is a sport of proximity, you shoot where you think the bird will be, not at the bird, If you shoot very precicely, you might see the clay bird go to dust, like smoke.. but chances are, if you concentrated so much on that one, you have no time to turn around and hit the next bird.. better to hit both point wise then totally smoke one and forget the other.

The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.
This is my fav one of the 2. Basically, if you are stuck deciding if you should use your gun for self defence or try to persuade the BG that he doesnt want to shoot you... you have this very rough decision to take. You can shoot the person, and then allow 12 of your peers (juries) decide your faith. Or you can let the BG shoot you and have the priveledge of having 6 of your very best friends (pallbearers) carry you to your grave.

There would be an other one, "before I dial 911, I use 1911", but as I dont have a 1911 yet, and do have a .357, the phrase just dont look the same Besides I call 911 for others all day long at work!