Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Silicon Valley, California
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    Default California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    A pair of stories out here in the People's Republic of California makes me wonder if they realize how stupid their city is sounding.

    Probably not.

    This is out of Vallejo, CA, about 30 miles north-east of San Francisco, where a recent crime wave has residents spooked:

    First article: Vallejo police advise citizens against arming themselves
    "Police Department spokesman Abel Tenorio said he has read online comments from people saying they're alarmed and may arm themselves -- something police don't recommend."
    What do they recommend instead of exercising one's Second Amendment rights?
    "And be especially careful at night. Park in lighted areas. Walk in groups at night if you can. Have your cell phone ready to call police if you're walking alone." Having an alarm installed at one's home also is not a bad idea, he said.

    "Also, start a neighborhood watch," Tenorio said. "Have interior and exterior lights on a timer, put a 'beware of dog' sign up, even if you don't have a dog."
    You hear that? A light timer and a 'Beware of Dog' sign should do the trick to make you safe.

    Backdrop to this: Vallejo was the first California city to declare bankruptcy as a result of the economic conditions back in 2008, but will likely not be the last. So, combine the police statements above with this:

    Article 2: Crime wave compounds bankrupt Vallejo's woes
    As part of an effort to close a $16 million budget shortfall in May 2008, the city slashed essential services, chief among them the number of sworn officers in the Vallejo Police Department.

    Since the department began cutting back in 2005, the number of sworn officers has dropped from 158 to 104. More layoffs are planned in June unless city officials can close a $5 million budget shortfall. If that happens, Vallejo's police force will be reduced to 89 officers - that's for a city of 117,000 residents and 30 square miles.

    Consider that Richmond, a city of similar size, has 181 sworn officers, and the Berkeley Police Department has a 185-member police force.
    So, they're going to be at barely 50% of of the police officer capacity they had just 5 years ago, with a rise in crime and they want you to put out a 'Beware of Dog' sign before you exercise your self-defense rights.

    You just know they're on their knees praying: "Please let this work; please let this work; please let this work."
    Nevermore ...peering from the People's Republic of California

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    Self reliance, once a principal of the adventure and wealth seeking souls that went to Kalifornia is now mostly dead. Some of the strongest and most pioneering of individuals left the east to go west and this is how it turns out!!! Damn am I proud to be a Pennsylvanian.
    Join the groups protecting your rights from the fools trying to take them from you!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    I would call and raise hell............. but they probably switched to automated answering service

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Binghamton, New York
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    I'm trying to decide which one of those is the worst suggestion offered.

    Park in lighted areas -- not a bad idea regardless of whether or not one is armed.

    Walk in groups at night if possible -- ditto previous remarks.

    Have your cell phone ready to call police if walking alone -- Yes, the cell phone. "Stop murdering me or I'll call the police and they'll be here in 5 to 30 minutes!" Yeah, that's gonna work. When seconds count help is minutes away....

    Beware of dog sign as deterrence factor -- You are kidding, right? Seriously?

    I think the finalists are "beware of dog sign" vs. "cell phone as self defense weapon". Somebody needs to start a poll

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    One point that the "city fathers" miss is that police, no matter how many, are not charged with preventing crime, just with investigating crimes. So in the best of circumstances police are busy keeping order and investigating crimes that have been committed. The police go to work when there is a victim.

    During my tenure in my last job, management wanted to provide a "call button" that workers in high risk situation could use to summon police. Kind of like the "I've fallen and can't get up" buttons that are advertised on TV. I was asked to investigate the possibility. After reviewing options and talking with some of the police agencies serving our area, it was decided to drop the idea. In the best of situations police were not able to respond quickly enough.

    In the final analysis, prevention/protection is up to the individual.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    Most major police departments advacate the same advice, no firearms, call us.

    Yes I will call the police, if I have the time to, but while waiting for them I will defend myself and my family anyway I can, and that includes a firearm, or two.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    next to my neighbor, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    what, your telling me they dont have any of those "gun free zone" signs out there? we have them here, and they seem to be working just fine

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    PRMD,just a hair south of PA at York co, Maryland
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    In most of PA you have "gun zone" signs, not "gun free zone" signs, with the exception of Philly and schools. Philly and the schools try the "gun free zone" signs but for some reason all they do is attract criminals.

    It seems as if PD's in alot of places leave out armed defense as an option. Is there some scewed thing going on, like if they do tell people to arm up and someone shoots their teenager sneaking in the window at 2am, the PD can be sued? Or is it just Police State crap?
    LOL, I am a woman...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Nowhere, Wyoming
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    Default Re: California City Cops: Our budget's being cut, but don't defend yourselves

    Quote Originally Posted by XD40coyote View Post
    In most of PA you have "gun zone" signs, not "gun free zone" signs, with the exception of Philly and schools. Philly and the schools try the "gun free zone" signs but for some reason all they do is attract criminals.

    It seems as if PD's in alot of places leave out armed defense as an option. Is there some scewed thing going on, like if they do tell people to arm up and someone shoots their teenager sneaking in the window at 2am, the PD can be sued? Or is it just Police State crap?
    They don't like competition.

    They want to be the only ones with guns so they can oppress you and everyone else more easily.

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