Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Does anyone know of a forum similar to PAFOA for Ohio guns owners. My brother, who lives in Cincinnati, is starting to do research on purchasing his first firearm.

    Live Free or Die! FJB!!!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Looks almost dead to me. I think he would be better served here.
    Plenty places to find specific Ohio gun laws if that is what he is looking for.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Quote Originally Posted by streaker69 View Post
    Interesting article about that site from last February.

    Top Ohio gun group *probably destroyed themselves*: Inside the Buckeye Firearms Association shakeup
    Most Popular Upcoming Events
    Facing pressure from all sides, Ohio*s most powerful gun group ousted its voice at the Statehouse * leaving the door open for a more extreme Second Amendment advocate to influence lawmakers.

    Emails obtained by The Enquirer detail how internal squabbles and external forces came to a head earlier this month when Buckeye Firearms Association removed its longtime lobbyist and board president Jim Irvine.

    Following the Dayton shooting, Buckeye Firearms Association leaders diverged on how strongly to denounce gun proposals from Republican Gov. Mike DeWine and an Ohio House alternative supported by GOP Speaker Larry Householder.

    Meanwhile, the gun group was facing near-constant attacks from a new pro-Second Amendment advocate, Ohio Gun Owner*s Chris Dorr, who vilified Buckeye Firearms as too moderate.

    The result: a Jan. 6 reckoning that left Ohio*s most prominent gun group without an official lobbyist as state lawmakers consider a slew of proposals aimed at restricting or expanding gun rights.

    A morning of chaos

    The day started with a post on Buckeye Firearms Association*s website detailing the group*s opposition to House Bill 354, a proposal from Rep. Phil Plummer and Rep. D.J. Swearingen, both Republicans. The bill was pitched as an alternative to Gov. Mike DeWine*s gun plan.

    The post, which initially listed no author, said the proposed legislation *creates a train wreck of problems for Ohioans and may be the single worst piece of legislation we have seen in a very long time.*

    Within hours, the group*s board of directors had called a meeting to remove Irvine from two key roles in the organization.

    What happened during those 5 1/2 hours? Emails obtained by The Enquirer paint a picture of external pressure and internal discord.

    *Speaker of the House just torched me over the article we published,* Buckeye Firearms Association legislative director Sean Maloney titled one email sent to group leaders.

    In that email, Maloney included a slew of text messages that he said came from Householder, responding to Buckeye Firearms* opposition to House Bill 354.

    The texts, which Maloney wrote were from Householder, included:

    *BFA just ambushed two very good legislators who only introduced a bill to keep DeWine-Husted at bay.*

    *Also * if this costs DJ Swearingen his election BFA probably destroyed themselves.*

    *I had asked that an opinion wait until we got to a final draft. I guess that trust factor is GONE.*

    *I want nothing to do with your organization anymore. At least w the Ohio Gunowner*s (sic) you know what you got.*

    *You can*t fix this, It will hurt 2 very good people.*

    The Enquirer requested Householder*s text messages and emails regarding Buckeye Firearms under Ohio public records law but was told no records existed. House policy allows text messages to be destroyed when they are no longer of administrative value.

    Maloney and executive director Dean Rieck did not respond to questions left through voicemails and emails.

    Rumors and removal

    That message from Maloney sent the email list into a frenzy. Irvine, the lobbyist, immediately suggested that Rieck and attorney Ron Lemieux, who wrote most of the legal analysis on House Bill 354, should be removed.

    *It has taken me 20 years to build the relationships we have. It*s taken them months to destroy them,* Irvine wrote in an email obtained by The Enquirer. *There is no point in continuing with current structure, as you can see. And no, Larry Householder does not BS.*

    Meanwhile, rumors were swirling in the Ohio House that Irvine had written the anti-House Bill 354 post to build support for DeWine*s bill instead.

    In the end, Irvine * not Rieck or Lemieux * was the sacrificial lamb.

    After Irvine*s removal, central Ohio chair Linda Walker emailed the leaders* group, *Speaker Householder called me. We are all good! And we talked about a bunch of other good stuff we can do with the legislature!*

    Householder declined to comment when asked about text messages with Maloney or the state of the relationship between Buckeye Firearms and the Ohio House.

    What*s next?

    For now, Ohio*s most powerful gun group has no official voice at the Statehouse as lawmakers consider proposals ranging from red flag to pink slip expansion and *stand your ground* proposals.

    That*s a vacuum that *no compromise* gun leader Dorr is eager to fill.

    *This is big, glorious, fabulous news for gun rights in Ohio,* Dorr said on his group*s Facebook page after Irvine was removed. *Jim Irvine has been the instrument of compromise for gun owners in the Statehouse.*

  5. #5
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Go to and look under hometown section.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    this was very active for a while
    American by BIRTH, Infidel by CHOICE

  7. #7
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Quote Originally Posted by internet troll View Post
    Interesting article about that site from last February.

    Top Ohio gun group *probably destroyed themselves*: Inside the Buckeye Firearms Association shakeup
    Most Popular Upcoming Events
    Facing pressure from all sides, Ohio*s most powerful gun group ousted its voice at the Statehouse * leaving the door open for a more extreme Second Amendment advocate to influence lawmakers.

    Emails obtained by The Enquirer detail how internal squabbles and external forces came to a head earlier this month when Buckeye Firearms Association removed its longtime lobbyist and board president Jim Irvine.

    Following the Dayton shooting, Buckeye Firearms Association leaders diverged on how strongly to denounce gun proposals from Republican Gov. Mike DeWine and an Ohio House alternative supported by GOP Speaker Larry Householder.

    Meanwhile, the gun group was facing near-constant attacks from a new pro-Second Amendment advocate, Ohio Gun Owner*s Chris Dorr, who vilified Buckeye Firearms as too moderate.

    The result: a Jan. 6 reckoning that left Ohio*s most prominent gun group without an official lobbyist as state lawmakers consider a slew of proposals aimed at restricting or expanding gun rights.

    A morning of chaos

    The day started with a post on Buckeye Firearms Association*s website detailing the group*s opposition to House Bill 354, a proposal from Rep. Phil Plummer and Rep. D.J. Swearingen, both Republicans. The bill was pitched as an alternative to Gov. Mike DeWine*s gun plan.

    The post, which initially listed no author, said the proposed legislation *creates a train wreck of problems for Ohioans and may be the single worst piece of legislation we have seen in a very long time.*

    Within hours, the group*s board of directors had called a meeting to remove Irvine from two key roles in the organization.

    What happened during those 5 1/2 hours? Emails obtained by The Enquirer paint a picture of external pressure and internal discord.

    *Speaker of the House just torched me over the article we published,* Buckeye Firearms Association legislative director Sean Maloney titled one email sent to group leaders.

    In that email, Maloney included a slew of text messages that he said came from Householder, responding to Buckeye Firearms* opposition to House Bill 354.

    The texts, which Maloney wrote were from Householder, included:

    *BFA just ambushed two very good legislators who only introduced a bill to keep DeWine-Husted at bay.*

    *Also * if this costs DJ Swearingen his election BFA probably destroyed themselves.*

    *I had asked that an opinion wait until we got to a final draft. I guess that trust factor is GONE.*

    *I want nothing to do with your organization anymore. At least w the Ohio Gunowner*s (sic) you know what you got.*

    *You can*t fix this, It will hurt 2 very good people.*

    The Enquirer requested Householder*s text messages and emails regarding Buckeye Firearms under Ohio public records law but was told no records existed. House policy allows text messages to be destroyed when they are no longer of administrative value.

    Maloney and executive director Dean Rieck did not respond to questions left through voicemails and emails.

    Rumors and removal

    That message from Maloney sent the email list into a frenzy. Irvine, the lobbyist, immediately suggested that Rieck and attorney Ron Lemieux, who wrote most of the legal analysis on House Bill 354, should be removed.

    *It has taken me 20 years to build the relationships we have. It*s taken them months to destroy them,* Irvine wrote in an email obtained by The Enquirer. *There is no point in continuing with current structure, as you can see. And no, Larry Householder does not BS.*

    Meanwhile, rumors were swirling in the Ohio House that Irvine had written the anti-House Bill 354 post to build support for DeWine*s bill instead.

    In the end, Irvine * not Rieck or Lemieux * was the sacrificial lamb.

    After Irvine*s removal, central Ohio chair Linda Walker emailed the leaders* group, *Speaker Householder called me. We are all good! And we talked about a bunch of other good stuff we can do with the legislature!*

    Householder declined to comment when asked about text messages with Maloney or the state of the relationship between Buckeye Firearms and the Ohio House.

    What*s next?

    For now, Ohio*s most powerful gun group has no official voice at the Statehouse as lawmakers consider proposals ranging from red flag to pink slip expansion and *stand your ground* proposals.

    That*s a vacuum that *no compromise* gun leader Dorr is eager to fill.

    *This is big, glorious, fabulous news for gun rights in Ohio,* Dorr said on his group*s Facebook page after Irvine was removed. *Jim Irvine has been the instrument of compromise for gun owners in the Statehouse.*
    It will happen here too.

    Just following the liberal playbooks.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Here's an Ohio gun lawyer youtuber to share with your brother OP.  6582

  9. #9
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Quote Originally Posted by Driswalds View Post
    Looks almost dead to me. I think he would be better served here.
    Plenty places to find specific Ohio gun laws if that is what he is looking for.
    Almost dead is about right and from that article on them it's a shame as it looks like they were active and influential. I see that name...Chris Dorr in the article. Time and time again his name comes up as one to avoid.
    Gender confusion is a mental illness

  10. #10
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    Default Re: ?? Ohio Firearms Forum??

    Thank you for the replies!!
    Live Free or Die! FJB!!!

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