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  1. #1
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    Default AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    While not exactly firearm related. I must say this is something that Holder has said that I actually agree with...

    Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters
    WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General Eric Holder described the United States Wednesday as a nation of cowards on matters of race, saying most Americans avoid discussing unresolved racial issues. In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month, Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.
    "Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," said Holder, nation's first black attorney general.
    Race issues continue to be a topic of political discussion, Holder said, but "we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race."
    He urged people of all races to use Black History Month as a chance for frank talk about racial matters.
    "It is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this is in some ways understandable," Holder said. "If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us."
    He told Justice Department employees they have a special responsibility to advance racial understanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
    Oh yes, thats how it starts. The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than we think.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    As long as there are unjust affirmative action laws and minority set-asides in federal and state contracting, I think Holder is full of bull excretment.
    Get rid of those laws and maybe Holder will establish a degree of credibility on racial matters. If he meant what he said, he'd be leading the charge to repeal these bigoted laws.

    30-40 years ago, I agreed with such laws...didn't like 'em, but understood the necessity. But that era is long gone and those laws just perpetuate bigotry and reverse racism on governments' part.

    Hell, do we have a "White History Month"? An Asian History Month?
    Last edited by RoyJackson; February 18th, 2009 at 03:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    I agree with him, but from a totally different point of view. We are cowards when it comes to race. We can't complain or disagree with our first black (FFS he is 1/2 white!) Po(s)tUS we are racist. We have laws that promote prefferential treatment based on race. We can only talk about race to discuss how vile the white man is.

    If we really want to move past this shit we need to honor Dr. King's words and "judge a man by the content of his carachter and not the color of his skin."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    It amazes me how people want to get past racial differences (a post-racial society, I've heard it called) by commenting on race. No one else concerns themselves with race except for some blacks...the same people who apparently want to move past describing one on the basis of race.

    HELLOOOO????? Is anybody in there?????

  5. #5
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    He urged people of all races to use Black History Month as a chance for frank talk about racial matters.
    So he's advocating that we 'call a spade a spade', as the expression goes?

    /Eh? What?! Oh... never mind.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    It amazes me how people want to get past racial differences
    Not me! I understand very well the seperation of race. Most black folks prefer to live in a predominantly black area because they F'ing hate everyone else. Most white's do and feel the same. As do most asians, Italians, Germans..and so on and so forth. Who gives a shit. Hate, love... do what you wish and don't worry about who is offended.

    Racism is alive and well in most every town in the land. It will never die.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Kayland View Post
    So he's advocating that we 'call a spade a spade', as the expression goes?
    Heh heh, I like it.

    BTW, I though the recent election solved all this racism nonsense for good . . .

    Ohhhh, I get it. That was just bullshit !!!
    He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    Quote Originally Posted by H.E. Pennypacker View Post
    It amazes me how people want to get past racial differences (a post-racial society, I've heard it called) by commenting on race. No one else concerns themselves with race except for some blacks...the same people who apparently want to move past describing one on the basis of race.

    HELLOOOO????? Is anybody in there?????
    That's because race baiting is a business. Jesse, Al, Charley etc.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    Whenever I hears that there are racists in the area, I rolls my eyes up towards the skies and proclaims:

    "Feets, don't fail me now!"

  10. #10
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    Default Re: AG Holder: US is nation of cowards on racial matters

    Quote Originally Posted by PocketProtector View Post
    That's because race baiting is a business. Jesse, Al, Charley etc.
    Good point!
    I'd give you rep points, but I haven't been to the liquor store yet today.

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