Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Brookville, Pennsylvania
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    Default Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    How do you guys personally handle stops, traffic or afoot, when the person(s):

    1. Notify you that they are carrying and have their LTCF or reciprocal permit?

    2. Suspect them of carrying, but they have yet to be forthcoming about it.
    a. but you suspect them to have a LTCF
    b. but you suspect them to NOT have a LTCF

    3. When you have to "do business" with a person that is carrying something out of the normal, IE: SBS, SBR, AOW, etc?

    I'm trying to get a feel and understanding for other LEO's around the state. Most of the LEO's in my town know I carry and have my LTCF. One of which when I run into her will jokingly ask "whatcha carrying today?".

    You hear/read about encounters that cover the full spectrum of positive to negative all the time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    Great questions. The only time I have been stopped (expired inspection) since I got my LCTF I wasn't carrying and was glad. I was very polite (yes sir/no sir) and explained why I was driving expired, but the cop repeatedly asked me if I was carrying any weapons. After about the fifth time I said "The only thing I have is my pocket knife!", so he moved to "do you have any drugs?". I answered that in the negative four or five times before he went back to his car. Not three minutes later a second squad car pulled up; the guy had called for backup! I'm not sure what he would have done had I been carrying. BTW this was only my fourth ticket (in 10 years) and the other three LEO's were very respectful and business-like. I look forward to hearing some LEO's answers to knight0334's questions.

    Magnum en parvo!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    If I was in a car. I read something a longh time agon that I always thought was good info. It recommended that I keep both hands on the steering wheel and in plain site. Then annouce to the officer that you are carrying concealed. Let him decide how he would like to handle the situation. Best advice I have gotten so far. Course, you don't hear much on this matter. If I was stopped on the street. I again would keep my hands in plain site. I personally think that I would inform the LEO of the fact that I was carrying. Better than him finding out on his own.
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    For a routine traffic stop, I would keep my hands on the steering wheel in plain sight, answer all questions honestly and obey all instructions but I would not volunteer the fact that I am CCW unless asked. Let the officer write you a ticket or warn you but from what I have heard from other officers is that by volunteering the information, you will most likely be asked to step out and disarmed for the officer's safety and the hassel of them doing this will usually end up in a ticket for you. PA law says you do not have to notify the officer unless asked.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Beaverdale, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    I've never been stopped while carrying concealed. And back when I did carry. I was a LEO myself. I do see your point about not mentioning it. I can see it leading to a nice drug out drama, for the LEO's own protection. He doesn't know you from Adam. You can't blame him. I think you right, probably best not to mention it. No longer a LEO myself. So, the next time I'm stopped while carrying. I can see it getting stupid if I volunteered the info.
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
    Proud to be One of the 3%

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Newport, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    I respectfully disagree. If I am stopped while carrying, I already have it planned out. I would have my license and registration in hand and give it to the officer as soon as he/she requests it. Upon doing so, my hands go up on the steering wheel and I let the officer know that I have a LTCF and am carrying. Make it easier on yourself and the officer. To not be up front about it would make the officer suspicious IMHO.

    If I were an officer, I would ask myself WHY you did not let me know right away that you are armed. For the remainder of the traffic stop, I would be suspicious of you. Just be up front...I think the officer would appreciate it.

    Dave G.

    Quote Originally Posted by orangehole View Post
    For a routine traffic stop, I would keep my hands on the steering wheel in plain sight, answer all questions honestly and obey all instructions but I would not volunteer the fact that I am CCW unless asked. Let the officer write you a ticket or warn you but from what I have heard from other officers is that by volunteering the information, you will most likely be asked to step out and disarmed for the officer's safety and the hassel of them doing this will usually end up in a ticket for you. PA law says you do not have to notify the officer unless asked.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    I have been stopped on several occasions and since I have been carrying daily since 68 or 69 in Pa. I will be armed.

    I insure that when I pull over it is in an area of the road that it is safe for the LEO to exit his/her vehicle. I sit in my truck with the interior light on and make no moves to retrieve my driver license, registration, or insurance paperwork. When the LEO approaches and tells me the reason for the stop and asks for my paperwork I slooowly reach in pocket and get the paperwork and hand to him.

    I answer all the LEO's question honestly and respectfully and I expect the same treatment from the LEO. I am a retired teamster and we all looked at the traffic type fines as a business expense and nothing more---I still feel the same way now, if was in wrong and the LEO stops me, I made the error, and have no problem with the issue of a citation. I will either pay the fine or go to court, not a problem for me either way.

    I will not inform the LEO that I am carrying as it is not required by PA law. If asked I will honestly answer that I am armed and tell the officer the location of the revolver and that I also have a PA CCW.

    I have been only asked once if I was armed and that was by a Pa State Trooper and answered honestly. He asked to see my CCW and I showed it. The revolver remained concealed and the warning ticket was issued. No Problems.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtbkski View Post
    I've never been stopped while carrying concealed. And back when I did carry. I was a LEO myself. I do see your point about not mentioning it. I can see it leading to a nice drug out drama, for the LEO's own protection. He doesn't know you from Adam. You can't blame him. I think you right, probably best not to mention it. No longer a LEO myself. So, the next time I'm stopped while carrying. I can see it getting stupid if I volunteered the info.
    dmg kind of beat me to it. No it's not required by law, but it is common courtesy - how would you like it to be if you were the cop's shoes? As dmg put it, I would be suspicious of you during the whole stop. Traffic stops can be a very stressful thing for the officer, they never know who or what they'll encounter. In telling the officer you are carrying and legal to do so, you are putting it up front, letting them know you're one of the good guys, and will put his/her mind at ease a little.

    Yes, with the right paranoid cop this could create some unnecessary issues, but I don't think that's as common. On the other hand, not telling them, and some sign during the stop that you have a weapon (say it's printing or something), and create a VERY unwanted surprise to the officer, and put you at gun point very quickly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    I know the question was directed at officers, but I too will add that I would let the officer know.
    I would hand over my license and permit together and if he wanted to "disarm" me for the duration of the traffic stop, that would be just fine with me.
    I know that these guys deal with a LOT of crap on a daily basis and anything I can do to make the process a little less stressful for the officer, I'd be happy to do.

    Small world! I grew up in Mt. Hope.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Question for Steve and any other LEO's

    Muhahaha some of these responses remind me of a story I once heard...
    Two Dudes are cruising through Texas when they are pulled over by a State Trooper. The cop walks up and taps on the window with his nightstick. The driver rolls down the window and WHACK, the cop smacks him one, right in the head with his baton.

    "What the hell was that for?" the driver asks.

    "You're in Texas, son," the trooper replies. "When we pull you over, boy, you better have your license ready when we get to your car."

    "I'm ever so sorry," the driver says, "...not from around here."

    The trooper runs a check on the guy's license - he's clean - and gives him his license back. The trooper then walks round to the passenger side and taps on the window. The passenger rolls down the window and WHACK, the trooper smacks him on the head with his nightstick.

    "HEY, What'd you do that for?" the passenger asks.

    "Just making your wish come true," replies the trooper.

    "Huh? Making WHAT wish come true?" the passenger asks.

    "Because I know," the trooper says, "that two miles down the road you're gonna turn to your buddy and say, 'I wish that a$$hole would've tried that $hit with me!'"
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
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