I had been looking for these people for a while, gave up looking, and guess what they found me!

One of our newest members is Lou... well theladyknownaslou@hotmail from Leather Creek Holsters.

My wife purchased a few holsters from them some time back and we had mentionned it back then, then they where no longer on e-bay (doh!) antigun ebay...

Here is a Pm she sent me, I am sure she will be too shy to advertize for herself here. So I will for them!

Hello Frenchy,

This is the better half of Leather Creek Holsters that you bought your Sippel Solution concealment holsters from. We did leave ebay and opened up our own website: Leather Creek Holsters at: http://www.leathercreekholsters.com

We still have those holsters known as the "Sippel Solution" concealment holster.

Thought I'd give you the heads up on where we could be found now.


Hope you all are doing great!

The Lady Known as Lou
Leather Creek Holsters
PS those who saw my do all holster and where asking where to get them... http://www.leathercreekholsters.com/...ge/5540334.htm