Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default So, I tried to help a new member...

    Please Note: The poster was issued a warning for this post.

    Well I thought I was helping a new member on here with an item he was looking to sell. He had zero past post and and I thought " hey maybe he just doesn't know what these things sell for new" btw is was a fail zero ar bcg he was selling for $379.00 we in the ar community know they don't sell for that price new generally $175.00 is the going price for them. As you will see I have attached my message to him and his response to me. You may wish to reconsider doing business with this type of individual should you come across him in the future.

    Re: Fail zero
    Originally Posted by NathanW
    Trying you help you sell your product here brother, the Fail zero BCG you are trying to sell only msrp's at $175.00

    Hope this helps.

    Highway Magic writes:

    As usual, you price police don't have a clue.

    Mind your own business, Skippy.

    I have sold over $12,000 of AR15 parts in the
    past 45 days.


    Oh well looks like he was just another opertunistic price gouging rapist whom joined the boards just to attempt to rape our members.
    Last edited by NathanW; March 20th, 2013 at 07:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    Ouch! He seems like a nice businessman.
    FOAC Member, NRA Member

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    It isn't only the new members gouging...

    I have a long memory and when it comes around and they are looking to make a purchase ..... ,,,,, ,,,,,
    The oracle is in. Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    Quote Originally Posted by NathanW View Post
    Well I thought I was helping a new member on here with an item he was looking to sell. He had zero past post and and I thought " hey maybe he just doesn't know what these things sell for new" btw is was a fail zero ar bcg he was selling for $379.00 we in the ar community know they don't sell for that price new generally $175.00 is the going price for them. As you will see I have attached my message to him and his response to me. You may wish to reconsider doing business with this type of individual should you come across him in the future.

    Re: Fail zero
    Originally Posted by NathanW
    Trying you help you sell your product here brother, the Fail zero BCG you are trying to sell only msrp's at $175.00

    Hope this helps.

    Highway Magic writes:

    As usual, you price police don't have a clue.

    Mind your own business, Skippy.

    I have sold over $12,000 of AR15 parts in the
    past 45 days.


    Oh well looks like he was just another opertunistic price gouging rapist whom joined the boards just to attempt to rape our members.

    Hey at least you tried to help him out. But price gougers are price gougers. If someones willing to pay the inflated price more power to them. They must have more money then I do...

    And yes; as another member pointed out. What comes around goes around.
    Last edited by Bellerophon; March 20th, 2013 at 08:25 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    I don't really think anyone should be telling anyone else what price they ought to be selling their property for, just in my opinion.

    Note: After typing my response below, I feel I got a little off track, so read at your own risk; the one sentence above was probably enough, but anything that has to do with a nanny state of things gets under my skin -

    Yeah, his price is high, and yeah, he's probably another schmoe buying AR parts right now only to mark them up and re-sell, but if no one buys it, how is anyone being taken advantage of? Yes, it is a pain in the ass to get any parts right now, but unfortunately that's how it goes, and always has gone.

    Some idiot proposes a ban on something, or a new law that makes availability of something become limited, or a company announces they are going to close down production on something (Hostess and Twinkies), and all of a sudden there is a huge run on that item.

    It's the mentality of people, for some reason, to have to have things NOW at any price. That's why people were buying Twinkies for $500/box, b/c they thought they could re-sell them for $600. And then you have "Twinkie Gouger Police" screaming foul on Twinkies being sold at too high of prices.

    Do we really need Twinkie Pricing Czars (or AR Pricing Czars, or anything else)?

    What ever happened to personal accountability that so many of us rant about? You want to buy something, do some research on what it is you're buying. If you can't do that, and can't wait to have something, and you pay 3X what the "regular price" is b/c you had to have it now or didn't do any research on how much something usually costs, it's no one's fault but your own.

    It's the "gotta have it right damn now" folks that end up getting taken advantage of, and if you cant take 20 minutes to do a Google search on an item and just hand someone your hard earned money b/c you have to have it now, it's your own fault.

    Cliffs Notes: Don't like someone's price, don't buy it. Demand is high, availability is low, price is going to go up, that happens every day. Do your research on things you want to buy, if you overpay b/c you can't wait, it's your own fault.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    Hate price gouging period. We all have long memories, believe me....
    Gunowner99 - NRA Benefactor Life Member

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    And another quick post before I'm told how it's not fair b/c Billy just wants to finish his first AR build.

    Yes, I know, it sucks. I have some parts that were on order BEFORE all this crap happened that I'm still waiting for, and have no idea when they might come in.

    Yes, all this buying and marking up and back logging manufactureres and making everything really hard to get right now sucks, for me too. But I have the option to continue to wait on my items at the old, regular price, or buy them from some schmoe right now for 2-3x the cost.

    Truth is, I'll wait, I'll be pissed off about it while I wait, and I'll be sick of every ad I see for that item at 2-3x the price...

    But I'll never try to tell someone that they should be selling their property for price A when they're asking price B. I can make an offer, they can accept or refuse, and I can try to look elsewhere or continue to wait or pay an increased price.

    This kind of sounds like 6th grade economics to me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    Quote Originally Posted by NathanW View Post

    Highway Magic writes:

    As usual, you price police don't have a clue.

    Mind your own business, Skippy.

    I have sold over $12,000 of AR15 parts in the
    past 45 days.

    To paraphrase the Fat Albert show:

    Some people are like school in summertime..... No Class!

    Unless your name is actually Richard, then that puts part of the post in a different light.
    Last edited by internet troll; March 20th, 2013 at 08:33 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    I remember that episode!! Heyba manba!
    Gunowner99 - NRA Benefactor Life Member

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
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    Default Re: So, I tried to help a new member...

    I followed BCG availabilities and prices religiously the past 3 months, have sold and bought a few including 2 FailZero's.

    While the response was uncalled for, you were way off the mark thinking a FailZero can be bought for $175. No way you will find even a regular BCG in stock for that price let alone a FailZero with hammer. Most listings on are currently above $350 and they are still selling, with listings in previous weeks sold closer to $400. Less than 2 weeks ago, I was ready to drop $180 on JUST the FailZero carrier alone sold by a member here. I contacted him within minutes and was the 3rd person line!

    The point is, you cannot gauge prices of AR parts using MSRP. Moreover, MSRP on a semi-auto FailZero with hammer is $230 and full-auto is $245:

    Last edited by mythaeus; March 20th, 2013 at 08:33 AM.
    "In a controversy, the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth and have begun striving for ourselves." - Siddhartha Gautama

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