Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    This is the thread for your ideas, fears, fantasies, paranoid phobias, beliefs, whatever. We all know that over the next few years, we're going to be facing a national crisis. Depression, economic collapse, mass unemployment, and possibly worse. And not just here, but world-wide.

    What do YOU think is coming down the pike, and how do you think the country is going to weather it? Will our government survive? Will the Union survive? How much of a resurgence of individualism will occur? How do YOU plan on surviving, and what have you done so far to ensure it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Vladimir Putin is working to be reinstated as president of Russia, with a constitutional amendment to extend the presidential term to six years.

    We're heading for a Khrushchev-style Cold War confrontation, probably with a Russia-backed Iranian opponent. Israel will have to use considerable force, perhaps including nukes, to prevent her total annihilation by Iran and Syria, and we'll have to defend new fronts in eastern Europe, as well. China will continue to expand, economically, and Pakistan and India will resume their chest-thumping.

    Meanwhile, our service economy will continue to stagger, due to Democrat-backed socialistic crutches and a complete collapse of what little manufacturing we have left, and we'll eventually nationalize the auto and probably the oil industries, in order to "stabilize" costs and ensure manufacturing capability exists to produce war materiel.

    We're probably going to have to fend off an assault weapons ban, and either an ammo ban, or serialization, and I think you can expect the current hysteria to continue through at least the first half of next year, with prices climbing with demand.

    It gets worse, but it's not all bad. We'll get some new movies from Pixar, Web 2.0 will come (and flop), the Cowboys will win a Super Bowl, cell phones will be more powerful and less useful, and Miley will no longer be jailbait.

    It's going to be an interesting ride, with Jimmy Carter II at the helm. Pass the popcorn, eh?
    Kevin Singleton, Potawatomi - {ZRT - Sector 4}

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Quote Originally Posted by kevindsingleton View Post
    Pass the popcorn, eh?
    No thanks, I'll take the ammo!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Unhappy Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Worldwide depression in full swing by the summer of 2009. Presidential Imperial Edicts (Executive Orders) will ban many common weapon types, calibers, and ammunitions. Depression will hit Russia hard and China harder (nobody buying their lead-based crap, save for Norinco ammo, which WE should be buying too, NO thanks to KLIN-TON I ) - Russia will move on the Ukraine, which is bankrupt and near anarchy anyways - China will take Taiwan, and the OBAMINATION will conveniently 'misplace' the defense pact we made with Taiwan decades ago, should such an event ever come to pass. Expect half-assed & mismanaged operations in Iraq & Afghanistan to continue, and the death toll from BOTH places to start rising again. MUCH saber-rattling will be taking place in the Middle East, when Benjamin Netenyahu is re-elected PM of Israel, with Ahneedahandjob threatening destruction daily... assuming he survives his OWN political unrest in Iran! Europe sees food riots turn into ethnic unrest, between third world minorities and Neo Nazi skinheads.

    Employment will be clipping along in America between 10-15% - foreclosures will continue unabated, no matter how much bailout money is printed and thrown at it. GM will fail, as will Chrylser; Ford will be close to it. Citigroup will merge with something else - J.P. Morgan most likely. Price deflation will continue for all assets, save guns, ammo, related gear, silver, gold, foodstuffs, water, and oil/gasoline. INFLATION will run away with the price of food first. Food riots will largely be papered over by the MSM, but word will get out soon enough as to the REAL reason for 'inner-city turrmoil.' Expect rolling blackouts/brownouts to become more common, as a way to deal with electrical shortages, and to avoid making hard, infrastructure decisions/commitments. Expect to start seeing corporate sponsorship of sporting events (pro football, baseball, basketball, hockey, & NASCAR) start shrinking - leaving some stadiums without names, some cars & sporting events without sponsors, and some minor league and semi-professional sports (WNBA, MISL, AAA Babseball teams) fold entirely!

    Expect two words to start popping up more and more - even with the MSM. "Depression," and, "revolution."


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Three Supreme Court Justices will appointed. Two will retire and one will die in office. A small nuke will be exploded in the Middle East. The space program will be forgotten. Japan or Far East will have trouble with terrorists.

    A major earthquake will hit the U.S.

    Ohh and everything that happens in the world in the next three years will be Bush's fault!!

    Don't blame me I voted for PALIN/McCAIN

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Quote Originally Posted by The_War_Wagon View Post
    Worldwide depression in full swing by the summer of 2009. Presidential Imperial Edicts (Executive Orders) will ban many common weapon types, calibers, and ammunitions. Depression will hit Russia hard and China harder (nobody buying their lead-based crap, save for Norinco ammo, which WE should be buying too, NO thanks to KLIN-TON I ) - Russia will move on the Ukraine, which is bankrupt and near anarchy anyways - China will take Taiwan, and the OBAMINATION will conveniently 'misplace' the defense pact we made with Taiwan decades ago, should such an event ever come to pass. Expect half-assed & mismanaged operations in Iraq & Afghanistan to continue, and the death toll from BOTH places to start rising again. MUCH saber-rattling will be taking place in the Middle East, when Benjamin Netenyahu is re-elected PM of Israel, with Ahneedahandjob threatening destruction daily... assuming he survives his OWN political unrest in Iran! Europe sees food riots turn into ethnic unrest, between third world minorities and Neo Nazi skinheads.

    Employment will be clipping along in America between 10-15% - foreclosures will continue unabated, no matter how much bailout money is printed and thrown at it. GM will fail, as will Chrylser; Ford will be close to it. Citigroup will merge with something else - J.P. Morgan most likely. Price deflation will continue for all assets, save guns, ammo, related gear, silver, gold, foodstuffs, water, and oil/gasoline. INFLATION will run away with the price of food first. Food riots will largely be papered over by the MSM, but word will get out soon enough as to the REAL reason for 'inner-city turrmoil.' Expect rolling blackouts/brownouts to become more common, as a way to deal with electrical shortages, and to avoid making hard, infrastructure decisions/commitments. Expect to start seeing corporate sponsorship of sporting events (pro football, baseball, basketball, hockey, & NASCAR) start shrinking - leaving some stadiums without names, some cars & sporting events without sponsors, and some minor league and semi-professional sports (WNBA, MISL, AAA Babseball teams) fold entirely!

    Expect two words to start popping up more and more - even with the MSM. "Depression," and, "revolution."

    Sweet, when does it come out in theaters?

    There is a paranoid approach and then a sensible one. Today I am being sensible so I say that life in the USA will become more contracted, or limited. The time of boundless opportunity, expenditure, and wastefulness are likely gone. So all in all, life will be less bombastic. I see this as a good thing to a degree.

    We are going to make it. It is easy to point out the fun scenarios that could play out, but I think people will in general not be able to be as frivolous. Return to importance of friendships and family, of community. Could be good.
    Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Well from my take the big thing is going to be the economy and how that effects countries. I didn't want to believe it but I am now starting to think we are in fact headed into a depression. Every signal I see tells me the governments have lost control of the economy. They did too little WAY too late and now they are grasping at straws in a futile attempt to get anything to work. But every bandaid they throw on a wound only only seems to make the wound next to it bleed more.

    I wish I saw any glimmer of hope but I can't find one damn thing that tells me differently.

    And it wont just be the US, far from it.

    Now what bothers about this is how unstable many countries could become because of their economies. I truly think you will see people rise up in some nations and go after their governments and that could really cause some issue with borders, arms etc.

    I also agree with the other poster that said Russia could become a real freaking problem. Putin is just dying to get back into power and the instability around the world and or civil unrest could give him the in he needs.

    Besides that I think you need a crystal ball to see any more. I hope beyond hope that I am wrong but inside me I worry I am right.

  8. #8
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    Exclamation Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Lunatic fringe? They don't GENERALLY let the loons get this close to their 'Money Honies' on the financial networks, but check THIS out.

    This guy - J.W. Rawles, George Ure, - they're ALL starting to sound eerily alike, and they're showing up in MSM! SOMEBODY'S takin' 'em seriously!


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Don't knock yourself out.
    Keep your senses
    (with appologies to the USMC)

    The next few years will be, at least, interesting.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Your Theories for the Next Three to Four Years

    Quote Originally Posted by The_War_Wagon View Post
    This guy - J.W. Rawles, George Ure, - they're ALL starting to sound eerily alike, and they're showing up in MSM! SOMEBODY'S takin' 'em seriously!

    I don't consider Fox news the MSM .. maybe the neocons propaganda machine but not MSM

    But there are things he is saying that aren't that far off base ... of course they are attempting to blame an administration that hasn't happened yet when in fact we are already in the shit and by the time Obama gets the chance to touch anything it might just be too damn late.

    The problem is we are looking at an economic mess that has been in the making for 16 years ... and they have just applied the same thinking to it over and over, namely lower interest rates and throw more money at it, exactly the WRONG thing to do.

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