I believe he's referring to how they have screwed the taxpayer better than anyone since FDR. That WOULD in fact ....be true !


Reid: Senate this year most productive since FDR
@ 4:01 pm by Michael O'Brien

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) defended his leadership of the Senate since the beginning of this year as one of the most productive spans of legislative work since the Great Depression.

Reid, in an op-ed for the Las Vegas Sun, defended the Senate's work on healthcare reform, climate change, and rejuvenating the economy as it wraps up its last week of work before the August recess in Congress.

"One expert from a conservative think tank called this Congress 'as active and productive as any I can remember,'" Reid wrote. "It's true — we have passed more serious, substantive laws than any Congress since President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term."

The majority leader, who's being targeted by Republicans in his 2010 reelection bid, emphasized the impact of his work on constituents, as well.

"Only by working together — not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans — can we put the jobless back to work, make sure everyone can afford to stay healthy and create a clean-energy economy for this new century," Reid wrote. "Only if we work as partners, not as partisans, can we preserve the American dream for so many Nevadans who fear losing their homes."