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  1. #1
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    Default FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    pretty crazy even if you turn it off, as long as the battery is in they can still tap into the phone and use it as kinda a bug everyone has in their pocket, that technology is useful right there

  2. #2
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    I thought they made micro dots that did the same thing. The micro dots are even worse. Well nobody's been arrested yet at least.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    the thing with this is, who doesnt have a cellphone anymore? they have the microdot technology but with that they need to come in contact with you, or atleast an object of yours and even the regular cellphone/landline taps are somewhat different because they just sorta intercept them, they usually set up huge intelligence centers right next to the large cellphone towers and just tap into them.. but this they dont even need you to dial out, or send someone to place a microdot or whatever on your person which risks them getting found, or getting caught when placing it. this is kinda a personal microdot we carry with us and even pay for.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    Good reason to use a no-frills phone anonymously on a prepaid cellular service. Change phones often. Activate, use 60-90 days, throw away, repeat.
    But then again, if you're not a criminal and have nothing to hide, you shouldn't mind anyone's eavesdropping, right?
    Last edited by RandomTask; July 15th, 2007 at 12:17 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    i'm suprised you can still get a prepaid cell and pay cash... i wouldnt be suprised if theres a law at some point in time in the near future to say they need to get info from the person.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    Lol. Not being an ass, just making a funny. Nice vid - I laughed at the baiting at the end (YOUR RIGHTS ARE SLIPPING AWAY!!! THEY KNOW YOUR PRoN HABITS!!! THEY'RE GASSING YOU WITH ALIEN DNA!!!).

    I used to get myself in a snit a long time ago about this type of monitoring. The book "Spychips" didn't help - all about how we are going to have chips put into us to monitor us. I was furious that my children and my children's children would have their bodies invaded and that they would live in a monitored society..... Spychips had one imortant thing to say though - that Industry is leading the way in spying on you, not the Feds. Private sector will develop the tech that tracks you, and the gubmint will piggy back and use it. I would get very upset thinking that they were going to be injecting a chip into me soon...

    What was really an eye opener for me was one of those moments of absolute clarity you get (sometimes ) right when you wake up - right before your whole brain is awake and the noise of the day (the noise in your head - all those thoughts like "I have to do this and that, feed the dog, go to work, blahblah") takes over and screws everything up. This is the Higher brain talking without interference from the Lizard brain. Higher brain is capable only of rational, intuitive, introspective thought. It does not scream for food or sex or sleep - it only ponders the world. Tragically, Lizard Brain has a big mouth and screams loudly (which keeps you alive, otherwise you would starve to death while planning to build the next Death star ), which is why clarity is rare.

    In this moment of clarity I realized something: They won't need to put chips in us. The chips will be all around us.

    HUH?!? Oh shit, OneLung took the blacklight bus around the bend to cuckooville, didn't he. I bet the "moment of clarity" came with a pipe and a little bag. I don't want him at the shoot on July 28th now. Lol.

    I realized the above because technology is expanding exponentially. Five years from now what is science fiction today will be reality. Because of this expansion, amazing levels of miniaturization and AI and pattern recognition are being achieved.

    Think about it. The environment around you is becoming more and more interactive with you and reactive to your presence. I can order my samich from WaWa on a flatscreen - I get it the way I want and faster than telling the stoner kid behind the counter that I want extra cheese. Cars are becoming more advanced about driver recognition - preset seating and heating are available in Lexus and MB. If you get in, seat goes back, AC on, rock and rool playing. Wifey gets in, seat forward and upright, heat goes up, nice fruity music. A developer in CA is working on a vehicle system that allows the car to drive itself! The first stage is simply to get the car to drive you from point A to point B with out squishing anyone; then, quite soon, (second stage) the cars will communicate with one another to coordinate traffic patterns. This is not scifi - it is being developed. Facial recognition programs are becoming a reality: computer programs can already recognize a face and its individual structures. I saw digi cams in Japan that were about $150.00US that could grab a quick shot of someone's face and do the editing in the camera, and remember a small library of faces!!. Those programs have more powerful versions that will be appearing in airports and other public facilities.

    Did you see Minority Report starring Tom Cruise? A brilliant movie. I recommend you see it if you want to ponder stuff. The book, by the stunningly talented and also quite possibley insane Phillip K. Dick was mesmerizing. I digress, sorry - in the Movie, set in 2054, there is a scene wher Cruise's character Anderton walks into a Gap. he has a pair of stolen eyes in his head (! He had surgery to change his ID, which you do with a Retinal change). Watch what happens when he walks in:

    Retinal Scan in the Gap

    I loved this movie, it was visionary, but I found this scene to be incorrect. People will never tolerate being "scanned" invasively. We will not tolerate having chips put in us or having our eyes zapped. Would you?. Also - it was set in 2054 - 47 years from now is far too late for this tech - we could do this in about 3-4 years it seems from something I read in Wired. What should have happened would have been an invisible process - a series of nano-sensors like mini bugs'eyes all around the store would recognize Cruise's face, his gait (how he walks), his heart and breathing sounds, and how he smells, including his hormones and pheromones and his DNA that he has shed off of his skin!!!!! (X100). All of this would be in a database, and he would be recognized, whether by the cops or by the Gap is irrelevant.

    And this is why I stopped being frantic - you shouldn't worry about an invasive govt because quite soon the environemnt around you will be what watches you, doing so passively. Everytime you move you will leave a trail of evidence that will be scanned and used by machines to see who you are. Courts have already ruled that you have no right to privacy out in the open (save for having conversations recorded): Been to the airport lately? Those drug dogs are sniffing for dope in your bags. US Supreme Court upheld a Lower Court ruling somewhere that the drugs in your bag require a warrant for the cops to search it.....but that the molecules that escape the bag that the dog can detect are publicly available, and therefore establish probable cause for a warrantless search. Lol the language is funny - it almost says that if Mr. Drugdealer doesn't wanna be searched then he better tape his bag up good and keep the coke stink inside - cause if Woofy smells it, it's sorta his own fault. LMAO. Your DNA and pheromones are the same - once out in public they become fair game and can be analyzed by anyone, providing that the technology exists.

    What all this means: You won't be tracked by "The Number Of The Beast". The Number will be all around you, watching you everytime you move.
    Last edited by OneLungMcClung; July 15th, 2007 at 10:16 AM. Reason: I love beer but it makes me forget stuff, and my fingers dont work very well either.
    NEED should never enter into a discussion about RIGHTS

  7. #7
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    Very interesting especially for people that have something to hide like criminals and terrorists.

    I remember how the US was tracking Bin Laden by his Sat phone use. That is, until they broadcasted it on national television.

    Bin Laden tossed his Sat phones and disappeared.

    Some things we need to know, some things are nice to know and there are definitely things that we shouldn't know.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't like being eavesdropped on as much as the next person, but, technology is advancing and it would be foolhardy for those charged to protect us to ignore it.

    With these technological advancements, our lives are being modified daily, whether we like it or not.

    On the lighter side, with the amount of trouble I am having with my cell phone, the FBI gave up listening to my conversations out of sheer frustration.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    Quote Originally Posted by reels18 View Post

    I remember how the US was tracking Bin Laden by his Sat phone use. That is, until they broadcasted it on national television.
    You dont actually believe that one.. do you?

    You literally believe that Bin Laden had no clue he was able to be tracked by his Sat Phone until he saw it on television??

    Thats just plain silly.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  9. #9
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    Quote Originally Posted by LorDiego01 View Post
    You dont actually believe that one.. do you?

    You literally believe that Bin Laden had no clue he was able to be tracked by his Sat Phone until he saw it on television??

    Thats just plain silly.
    I have no reason to not believe it.

    I had no idea that my personal conversations could be monitored thru my turned off cell phone either.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: FBI has yet another new way to monitor you

    Quote Originally Posted by LorDiego01 View Post
    You dont actually believe that one.. do you?

    You literally believe that Bin Laden had no clue he was able to be tracked by his Sat Phone until he saw it on television??

    Thats just plain silly.
    Why do you say that? AFAIK, for a long time SAT phones were "believed" to be untappable (think I just made that word up).

    On a related subject, certain folks with certain jobs have told me that even before the OP "they" could turn on anybody's cell phone without the owners knowledge to track it since the on/off is done via a electronic switch. No clue if its true or not but I would not be surprised.

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