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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    We asked you what you had to say about the bailout, and we heard you loud and clear: 'No way!'

    NEW YORK ( -- "NO NO NO. Not just no, but HELL NO," writes Richard, a reader from Anchorage, Alaska.

    "This is robbery pure and simple," Anna from Denver posted on's TalkBack blog this weekend.

    "It's our money! Let these companies die," added Claudio from Plainville, Conn.

    After President Bush petitioned Congress Saturday for the authority to spend up to $700 billion to to bail out a financial industry on the verge of collapse, he said the high price tag was not only justified, but essential.

    "It is a big package because it's a big problem," Bush told reporters at a news conference. "The risk of doing nothing far outweighs the risk of the package."

    But when asked what they thought of the government's proposal, most readers gave an overwhelming thumbs down.

    "I'm tired of rewarding institutions and people for the bad decisions they have made," said Dean from Madison, Wis. "Sure, it will hurt tax payers if/when some of these institutions fail, but perhaps we need to let that happen. We do not need more big government involved in our lives. Enough is enough."

    Don't hand me the tab
    Readers focused most of their indignation on having to foot the bill for irresponsible lenders and borrowers.

    "Companies, like individuals, should be held responsible for their decisions," wrote Jorge from El Paso, Texas. "This buyout does not address the other problems in the pipeline such as personal credit default and market slowdowns in most industries. No new jobs will be created."

    Paul from Portsmouth, N.H., said banks are getting the soft treatment when taxpayers are suffering.

    "It is time for the financial institutions of this country to be called to the mat. We should be expecting and demanding responsible and ethical business practice, not rewarding it at the expense of taxpayers."

    And John from Springfield, Va., said the government action actually hurts the people it is intended to help.

    "The government does not have $700 billion dollars. WE have $700 billion, and it is being taken from us. If this is passed then the next administration and the next will be extracting this one from the people who are supposedly being protected by this bailout."

    Where's my bailout?
    Other readers wanted to know why the government didn't spend the $700 billion investment on the majority of responsible Americans who are suffering because of the bad bets of the few.

    "Why not take the billions and ... make funds available to home owners stuck in the loans these idiots created, marketed and sold," asked Don from Coarsegold, Calif. "It will put the money where it should be with the little guy who made a mistake, instead of the big guy who created the problem."

    Jordan from Charlestown, Ind., asked why different rules applied to big banks and ordinary investors.

    "Once I invested in something and lost money. Maybe I could just change the rules of investing so that my loss turns into a gain? Oh, I forgot only banks can do that!"

    Vote these jerks out
    Some readers said it was time for the politicians who support the bailout to get the heave-ho come November.

    "I will be watching to see which of our representatives vote for this bailout," said R. Kidd in Troy, N.C. "Let the American people see how many we can fire come election time."

    And many readers, including Danny from Texas said we should stop typing and start dialing the lawmakers who are prepared to give the OK to the bailout.

    "Call your Congressman. Stop blogging, posting comments, and call your congressman. This is the patriotic thing to do. Let them hear your opinion, show them this is still America and that you will not stand for this!!"

    A necessary sacrifice
    But not all readers agreed. Some thought the bailout was an unfortunate but necessary move to rescue our financial system from collapse.

    For instance, Bill from St. Louis said he changed his mind about the bailout when he realized the consequences of doing nothing.

    "I was opposed to the bailout at first, but realized that the scope of this thing is global and so massive that the entire global economy could collapse if nothing was done. ...The priority has to be resolving the present crisis of confidence in our economy. Remember, if Wall Street collapses, Main Street will go with it."

    Andy from Chicago said the cost to the taxpayer will not be what the headline number makes it seem.

    "This money is not a handout to companies. It's simply giving banks and mortgage companies loans, since the banking system itself is too unstable to raise this kind of capital. And no, the government cannot just use the $700 billion to pay back all the citizens that will be hurt by this. If the companies like AIG fail, the cost will be far far greater than $700 billion. Wake up!!"

    And Surfta from Brooklyn, N.Y., says the government action is really not a bailout at all.

    "It's NOT a bailout. The government is not handing out cash, they actually stand to make a great deal of money out of this, which will trickle down to YOU. First priority should be to try to control and fix the problem, then regulate sufficiently to make sure this NEVER happens again."
    A necessary sacrifice people are full of B.S.
    They don't understand the factional Reserve Banking scam and dishonest money system that the private corporation Federal Reserve has set up to steal everything from US with just different ink patterns on pieces of paper.

    This country is TRILLIONS in debt to these same the Bankster's, with no way to pay them off, yet they offer more of the same B.S. that got US in trouble in the first place.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    Sorry I just had to laugh when I saw this one:

    "Why not take the billions and ... make funds available to home owners stuck in the loans these idiots created, marketed and sold," asked Don from Coarsegold, Calif. "It will put the money where it should be with the little guy who made a mistake, instead of the big guy who created the problem."

    So why not take the billions given my people who didn't get shit loans and give it to the morons that did? GREAT idea.
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    Here's an email that I received today. I can't verify the math but the theory looks pretty promising.

    Now this idea I like!

    I'm against the $85 BILLION bailout of AIG.

    Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to

    America in a "We Deserve It" dividend. To make

    the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bona

    fide U.S. citizens, aged 18+.

    Our population is about 301 million counting every

    man, woman and child. So, 200,000,000 might be a fair stab

    at adults 18 and up. Now, divide 200 million, 18+ adults

    into $85 billion - that equals $425,000.00 each! Yes, my

    plan is to give that $425,000 to every adult as a "We

    Deserve It" dividend.

    Of course, it would NOT be tax free. So, let's

    assume a tax rate of 30%. Everyone would pay $127,500.00 in

    taxes. That sends $25.5 billion right back to Uncle Sam!

    It also means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their

    pocket. A husband and wife would have $595,000.00!

    What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00?

    a.. Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved.

    b.. Repay college loans - what a great boost to new


    c.. Put away money for college - it'll really

    be there.

    d.. Save in a bank - create money to loan to


    e.. Buy a new car - create jobs .

    f.. Invest in the market - capital drives growth.

    g.. Pay for your parent's medical insurance -

    health care improves.

    h.. Enable deadbeat parents to come clean - or


    Remember this is for every adult U.S. citizen, 18 and

    older (including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehmann

    Brothers and every other company that is cutting back) and

    of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.

    If we're going to re-distribute wealth let's

    really do it! Instead of trickling out a puny $1,000.00

    "economic incentive".

    If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout,

    let's bail out every adult U.S. citizen!

    As for AIG - liquidate it.

    a.. Sell off its parts.

    b.. Let American General go back to being American


    c.. Sell off the real estate.

    d.. Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it

    up and clean it up.

    We deserve the money and AIG doesn't. Sure

    it's a crazy idea, but can you imagine the

    coast-to-coast block party?!

    How do you spell Economic Boom? W-e D-e-s-e-r-v-e

    I-t d-i-v-i-d-e-n-d! I trust my fellow adult Americans to

    know how to use the $85 Billion "We Deserve It"

    dividend more than do the 'geniuses' at AIG or in

    Washington, D.C..

    And remember, my plan only really costs $59.5 billion

    because $25.5 billion is returned instantly in taxes to

    Uncle Sam. Good idea? I think so.
    The older I get, the better I used to be.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    Quote Originally Posted by 1iarrowking View Post
    Here's an email that I received today. I can't verify the math but the theory looks pretty promising.

    Now this idea I like!

    I'm against the $85 BILLION bailout of AIG.

    Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to

    America in a "We Deserve It" dividend. To make

    the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bona

    fide U.S. citizens, aged 18+.

    Our population is about 301 million counting every

    man, woman and child. So, 200,000,000 might be a fair stab

    at adults 18 and up. Now, divide 200 million, 18+ adults

    into $85 billion - that equals $425,000.00 each! Yes, my

    plan is to give that $425,000 to every adult as a "We

    Deserve It" dividend.

    Of course, it would NOT be tax free. So, let's

    assume a tax rate of 30%. Everyone would pay $127,500.00 in

    taxes. That sends $25.5 billion right back to Uncle Sam!

    It also means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their

    pocket. A husband and wife would have $595,000.00!

    What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00?

    a.. Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved.

    b.. Repay college loans - what a great boost to new


    c.. Put away money for college - it'll really

    be there.

    d.. Save in a bank - create money to loan to


    e.. Buy a new car - create jobs .

    f.. Invest in the market - capital drives growth.

    g.. Pay for your parent's medical insurance -

    health care improves.

    h.. Enable deadbeat parents to come clean - or


    Remember this is for every adult U.S. citizen, 18 and

    older (including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehmann

    Brothers and every other company that is cutting back) and

    of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.

    If we're going to re-distribute wealth let's

    really do it! Instead of trickling out a puny $1,000.00

    "economic incentive".

    If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout,

    let's bail out every adult U.S. citizen!

    As for AIG - liquidate it.

    a.. Sell off its parts.

    b.. Let American General go back to being American


    c.. Sell off the real estate.

    d.. Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it

    up and clean it up.

    We deserve the money and AIG doesn't. Sure

    it's a crazy idea, but can you imagine the

    coast-to-coast block party?!

    How do you spell Economic Boom? W-e D-e-s-e-r-v-e

    I-t d-i-v-i-d-e-n-d! I trust my fellow adult Americans to

    know how to use the $85 Billion "We Deserve It"

    dividend more than do the 'geniuses' at AIG or in

    Washington, D.C..

    And remember, my plan only really costs $59.5 billion

    because $25.5 billion is returned instantly in taxes to

    Uncle Sam. Good idea? I think so.

    "Не волнуйтесь, мы будем платить за все..."-CCCP ?? Sounds like the same thing...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    by my calculations there are three too many zeros in the math. It would work out to $425 each. The 700 billion bail out is $3500 each. But then again, maybe I miscounted zeros....It's late....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    I got 425,000 as well. $3,500,000 at 700 billion. But then i did it right and got $425 and $3,500. I liked the idea up till then.

    Its tough dividing by hundreds of millions. lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    I guess it's tough for our legislatures also. That's why we have such a large deficit.
    The older I get, the better I used to be.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    yeah if this bailout passes, they'll rob us blind, they're going to be legally unstoppable.

    the people Mad as hell? Don't like it? well the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team will be here (in america) to shut you up. "civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios".

    we are really in trouble. but hey, who's on dancing with the stars tonight?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out

    I have to constantly listen to people complaining about how much the "war" is costing and that we have to foot the bill. I'm not sure what the latest figure is but where do these people think this "bailout" is coming from and who do they think is going to pay for it?
    ““Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of the right choice.””



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