Within the last 30 days, a new contender for silliness, subversion, subterfuge, and sabotage has arisen at http://www.repeal2ndamendment.org and has a foremost goal we can all agree upon: if you want to repeal the Second Amendment, you have to repeal the Second Amendment. It is a call for those whom don't feel the call to be self-determinant, to come together to get the bulwark out of the way. No longer will statutory, regulatory, and jurisprudential cheating suffice.

The ultimate aim is not only to engage in widespread disarmament of the citizens but also to mostly disarm police, all while noting the total lack of necessity for citizens to be armed while our military is so grand and strong and technocratic. They seemed to have forgot a big ol' Constitutional loophole, however... Repealing the Second Amendment will not change what power the federal government has to mess with guns. It may very well be that on top of a lack of power to regulate firearms, the doublestack of privileges and immunities protections covers the keeping and bearing of arms. Even conquering all of this, most states have their own constitutional provisions protecting the rights to acquire, possess, keep, protect, bear, use, and dispossess arms.

This website was obviously not put together by someone familiar with constitutional law or procedure, believing in ends without any idea of how the means ought to work. I suppose that is little different than the supermajority of posters here, but for this author being certainly on the wrong side.

The website is quick to load for most pages, doesn't look like a nutjob put it together, contains flowing paragraphs and chapters cut into pages. It's sleek. Maybe we want them to concentrate on trying to repeal an amendment instead of generating unconstitutional law or defending its repeal.

The site appears to have been synthesized through http://www.squarespace.com and I suspect nearly all pieces that seem part of the layout or background could be replicated through Squarespace's template system. That would seem to mean that anyone could come along, register domains such as repeal2ndamendment.com and repealthe2ndamendment.org and replace all the content with pro-gun pro-liberty content.

Sure to become an ally of this website, if not quoted already, is Adam "Inverse-Compensation" Winkler, whose claim to anti-gun scholarship fame is stating that he is combing through the earliest gun case opinions among the several states but somehow manages to miss the first one, the most pro-gun one, Bliss v. Commonwealth. His drivel train has caught momentum, and as a professor at UCLA, I have no idea whom might be shadow funding him. His latest purely satirical work (in a parallel world of intellectual honesty, anyway) is that the prevalence of gun ownership is the excuse for police hypermilitarization, and police now have to live in fear of 'us'. Yes, I'm sure you remember the founding father's quote saying that is the way it ought to be.