Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default How have YOU introduced someone to shooting?

    Just wondered if anyone would like to share the methods they have used to introduce new shooters to the wonderful world of firearms?

    This is a "menu" I put together to create even more interest when a co-worker started asking me about firearms. Once she stated that she would consider going to the range, I gave her this and told her she could choose from anything on the menu! (I had no intention of allowing her to shoot the Mossberg the first time out!)

    (No, that's not me with the carbine)
    I threw this together and gave each firearm a VERY basic description since she had NO experience with guns of any kind. You wouldn't believe how many questions she had after looking over the menu! She couldn't wait to learn how to shoot!

    Below is the text from one of my previous posts describing how it all worked out. (saves me typing it again!)

    I recently introduced a female co-worker to shooting. She was curious but intimidated due to everything the media has fed her ("the gun went off", etc.).
    Before I allowed her to touch a handgun. I explained to her that guns don't just "go off", someone has to do something to CAUSE it to fire. I explained HOW a pistol works, took it apart to show her and went over all the safety rules to the point that when she DID pick it up to shoot, she was verbally repeating those rules ("OK, finger out of trigger guard til ready to shoot" as she brought up the pistol to take aim) and I was pleased to find that she remembered the most important things (safety) and that she had a smile on her face when she finished shooting. Another misinformed person educated, and understanding why "safety first" is so important.

    She wasn't really anti-gun, she just didn't understand firearms well enough to feel comfortable with one in her hand. I started by showing her some empties in different calibers which prompted many questions. I showed her a few articles that explained firearm safety and as she became more curious, I lent her a book titled "The Concealed Handgun Manual" by Chris Bird (excellent book) and when she finished the book she said "I would like to try it!"

    She is an intelligent, successful businesswoman who was open-minded enough to LEARN enough to dismiss her fears and ended up enjoying something she never would have persued on her own.
    One more on "our side."

    Anyway, I'd like to hear your stories of "converting" the non-believers or just how you invited someone along to "trade" firearms to allow them to shoot something they never had the opportunity to shoot before. (Even us SHOOTERS can be "converted" to other TYPES of shooting!)

    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Everett, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    I work with kids more than adults.

    I run the rifle range at the Bedford/Fulton County Youth Field Days.

    I also run a youth fishing tourney in the spring.

    I love to introduce kids to the hunting/fishing/shooting world.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by BUCKMARK View Post
    I work with kids more than adults.

    I run the rifle range at the Bedford/Fulton County Youth Field Days.

    I also run a youth fishing tourney in the spring.

    I love to introduce kids to the hunting/fishing/shooting world.
    It's a shame more kids don't have the opportunity to partake in such things, you're doing a great service.

    I would imagine these days everything most kids know about guns was learned from watching movies. Now THAT is scary.
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    I introduced one of my coworkers to shooting last year. He really enjoyed it and toyed with the idea of getting his own firearm as well as introducing his kids to shooting. His kids are 12, 10 and 6.

    His bitch ex-wife wouldn't allow it though. This man is so whipped, that even living on his own, he wouldn't purchase his own gun because said bitch-ex-wife didnt want the kids "exposed to such a degree of danger" <--her own quote.

    Most often, the kids are all about shooting (God bless videogames!) but their ignorant parents wont allow it.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    I make them ask me. I specialize in anti-gun converts. First i ask them to describe to me what they think of when they hear gun owner. Of course, the response is usually "Redneck klansman, jew, black, immigrant hating neo-nazi militia member."

    Then i say, "holy shit! you're right! All of those kind of people most certainly own guns."

    They usually ask me to go shooting after letting that set in for about a week.

    Don't debate the politics, don't degrade their views, just make them as paranoid of bad guys with guns as I am. As they get more into the culture they loose their preconceived notions.

    My buddy's parents still haven't forgiven me for making him that AR-15...hell of a first gun for someone who grew up an a very left wing household.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by danp View Post
    It's a shame more kids don't have the opportunity to partake in such things, you're doing a great service.

    I would imagine these days everything most kids know about guns was learned from watching movies. Now THAT is scary.
    You're right. It is scary. The answer? Cub Scouts. Boy Scouts. It's that simple. If you poll the PAFOA members I think you'll find that many of them took their first shots in Scouting. I did. The first time I pulled the trigger I hit paper and was hooked. I've never seen a Cub Scout who didn't want to shoot a bb gun. Same with the Boy Scouts and .22s. The trainers emphasize safety and fun. And that is the best way to approach it with everyone else. Explain the Four Universal Rules. Then move to grip, sight alignment, sight picture, and follow through. Then emphasize fun. Why? Because it is.

    When they ask, tell them it is fun. You just told the truth.
    Never underestimate the value of early training.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    Just picked up my oldest a Crickett .22, pink stock of course. She watches me clean my guns, and asks a ton of questions. She can now identify some of them by name. She comes to the stores with me and looks around. We even drive to the gun club and watch guys shoot from the parking lot. She is still to young to take her on to the line. The Crickett should be ready to go in about a year. She also gets a safety lesson every time I open up the safe about open chambers, muzzle direction etc...

    I almost forgot, I converted an anti neighbor with one trip to the range with a 10/22. He now has a CandR license and buys guns like they are candy. I think his wife hates me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    [QUOTE=ar15jules;32840]Just picked up my oldest a Crickett .22, pink stock of course. She watches me clean my guns, and asks a ton of questions.

    I bought a pink Crickett .22 for my 8 year old daughter for Christmas. It's good that they have their "Own Rifle".


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    My friend took me out to A&S Indoor once a few months ago. This was the first time I'd been exposed to a gun other than a single shot .22 rifle. He let me use his dads old 38 special. I'm hooked now.

    My friend at school here turned 21 just this wednesday and instead of going to a bar I took him to the same range. We left a few hours later a hundred dollars poorer, but happy as a clam.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How have you introduced someone to shooting?

    One of my son's girlfriends is the daughter of an old anti gun hippy chick.

    My son and her came into the house when i was cleaning one of my Glocks.

    We started talking about guns and how guns were always viewed by her mom & mom friends as bad news.

    Many visits later, I was going to Greater Pitt Gun club to shoot IDPA and asked them if they would be interested in coming along for a few hours.

    She really thought it was neat to see so many people enjoying themselves with the nasty guns.

    When I asked her if she would like to shoot one, she hedged a bit but said she would try.

    We reviewed safety, shot for a few hours (she enjoyed getting better groups than my son) and had a great time.

    She kept her best target and we went out a few more times before they broke up.

    I wonder sometimes if she ever went out again or talked to her mom about her experience.

    Opinions are like anal apertures. They all stink but mine.

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