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    Default Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    Inside Today's Bulletin
    Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    By: Herb Denenberg, The Bulletin

    Everyone should have realized by now that Sen. Barack Obama is not a new kind of politician, above the partisan fray, that will unite us all into one grand coalition.

    But when you call him an old-time politician you pay him an undue compliment, as he is much sleazier and grubbier than the typical politician. Before you accuse me of name-calling, let me offer some compelling evidence that Sen. Obama and his campaign engage in tactics that are even beneath the run-of-the-mill old-line politician.

    I've already pointed out how he has called Sen. John McCain a liar and a man without honor. I've already pointed out how he has played the race card, in the style of the worst race hustlers on the political scene. There are many other examples, but one of the most disturbing is what I turn to now.

    Consider the case of Stanley Kurtz, a conservative writer for the highly respected National Review, who has taken an interest in Sen. Obama's friend, associate and supporter - the unrepentant terrorist and anti-American William Ayres. In order to get the facts on the Ayres/Obama connection, Mr. Kurtz forced the University of Illinois to at last open up its records on Sen. Obama's close association with terrorist Mr. Ayres.

    Mr. Kurtz was scheduled to appear on WGN, the Chicago Tribune's radio station, to discuss his findings. That sounds entirely routine and sensible. To make sure it was being fair and balanced, WGN invited the Obama campaign to come on too, and explain its side of the story.

    So what did the Obama campaign do? It launched an all out offensive against WGN. In an e-mail to supporters, the Obama campaign called Mr. Kurtz a "slimy character assassin" whose "divisive, destructive ranting" should be confronted. As John Fund of the Wall Street Journal reported, an "unprecedented" barrage of e-mails and calls came to WGN protesting Mr. Kurtz's appearance. To make this totalitarian-like move even more outrageous, the Obama campaign did not accept an invitation to present its side of the case on WGN. It didn't want to present its side of the story; it wanted to intimidate WGN into silencing the Obama critic.

    If that wasn't enough of an attempt to suppress free speech, Sen. Obama's lawyers demanded that the U.S. Department of Justice prosecute an organization called the American Issues Project, for its running of an advertisement about ties between Sen. Obama and terrorist Mr. Ayres.

    Michelle Malkin, one of the best investigative columnists, called Sen. Obama's approach a "gangland assault on freedom." Perhaps she is too kind, as it reeks of a totalitarian dictator who wants to suppress criticism of his standing. Sen. Obama, the man above politics, has demonstrated he is willing to stoop to the very lowest level that is un-American and defies every principal of this great country he would like to lead.

    Sen. Obama's anti-free speech assault failed to silence Mr. Kurtz and WGN. And when you read about the information finally coming out, you understand why the Obama campaign went into a panic cycle and why they were willing to use intimidation and confrontation in such a blatant disrespect to American principles. Mr. Kurtz uncovered that Sen. Obama was deeply involved at all levels in community organizing that used intimidation, confrontation and "civil disobedience" in the service of radical political goals. For more details see Mr. Kurtz's article titled, "Senator Stealth" in The National Review (Sept. 1, 2008) or Ms. Malkin's columns on the subject. I'll have more on this in a later column, demonstrating that as usual, Sen. Obama's reality is the opposite of his rhetoric.

    Ms. Malkin points out this is part of a pattern of gangland suppression of free speech carried out by Sen. Obama. She wrote, "Behind the glowing, peaceful facade lies Barack 'The Silence' Obama and his silent enabler's on the left." She goes on noting "Team Obama was on an ugly, aggressive warpath sanction by Mr. Civility" and his "Chicago-schooled campaign machine was working overtime to muzzle conservative critics ... Welcome to the future: the politics of Hope and Change enforced by the missionaries of Search and Destroy."

    Thus Sen. Obama is neither a new kind or an old-kind of politician, but represents a worst kind of politician, a new low in politics - a politician who seeks to suppress free speech and cover-up any information that might be critical of the candidate. He has already established a pattern of rejecting criticism. For example, he once walked out of a press conference when, for a change, he was confronted with tough questions. Or when asked about one of his many questionable associates, he responded that's the old politics. He doesn't want to hear criticism, tries to turn aside critics rather than answer them. When that doesn't work he does something much worse.

    I can understand why Sen. Obama wants to suppress information about his long, close and continuing association with an unrepentant terrorist, Mr. Ayres.

    Some observers feel that if some of the information that finally leaked out on Sen. Obama had come out in a timely fashion, it would have killed his campaign in its early stages. For example, these observers say if the information about Sen. Obama's 20-year close association with Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright had come out before the Iowa caucus, Sen. Obama would have lost and would have been knocked out of the race early on.

    If the public gets information on Sen. Obama, it will doom his candidacy. But he has the unprecedented support, almost as if they were campaign managers, of almost all of the mainstream media. They simply do not report unfavorable news or information about Sen. Obama.

    For example, what about Sen. Obama's health, with a history of smoking and illegal drugs? He released one-page on his health compared with the 1,000-page report of Sen. McCain. But there was hardly a peep from the mainstream media. He promised public financing of his campaign but broke that promise when it was to his advantage, but there was hardly a peep from the mainstream media. He always talks about being willing to debate certain issues anytime, anywhere. But he turns down Sen. McCain's request for town meetings to discuss the issues. Sen. Obama knows he is insulated from criticism by the dishonest, fraudulent and biased journalism of the mainstream media and perhaps that is why he is so quick to break solemn promises, to flip-flop and somersault on basic issues and to ignore principles whenever it is to his electoral advantage. He is part of and in the tradition of the Cook County Chicago political machine, which will do anything to win.

    Secretive About

    This is all part of a larger pattern, with the campaign being evasive and secretive. Mr. Fund gives an example of just how slippery Sen. Obama's campaign is when asked for information. Politico asked the campaign whether Mr. Obama had ever written anything for the Harvard Law Review as a student. The campaign responded with a statement that included this: "as president of the Law Review, Obama didn't write articles, he edited and reviewed them."

    But it turns out he had written an article for the Law Review before he became its president. So the campaign cleverly avoided a truthful and full answer by saying he wrote none as president of the Law Review. But that's not what he was asked. He did write one article. For some reason, the campaign did not want to indicate he had in fact written something as a student.

    This stonewalling and covering up of biographical details of Sen. Obama's life, led one reporter to say, "They [the people in Obama's campaign] are terrified of people poking around Obama's life. The whole Obama narrative is built around the narrative that Obama and [campaign strategists] David Axelrod built, and, like all stories, it's not entirely true."

    Apparently, there is so much to be covered up, the campaign tries to suppress even seemingly innocuous material, as what he wrote as a student on the Harvard Law Review.

    This means the whole truth has not come out on some important players in Sen. Obama's "story." There are still many unanswered questions about his relationship with convicted felon, Tony Rezko, and the Rezko/Obama real estate deal. There are still unanswered questions about the role in that deal of Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi. There are still unanswered questions on Sen. Obama's connection with the unrepentant terrorist Mr. Ayres, who was involved in bombing the Pentagon, the Capitol and other locations.

    When he does get questioned about some of his questionable associates, his answers are not satisfactory. He told Bill O'Reilly on the Fox News Channel he never heard the ranting of Rev. Wright that made television. But did he never discover what Rev. Wright stood for? He admitted to Mr. O'Reilly he attended church about twice a month. So in 20 years that's attendance about 480 times, and he never got the gist of Rev. Wright's ideas. He read newspapers in Chicago, where Rev. Wright often made news. He talked to Rev. Wright. He got church newsletters. He was in the church twice a month where they sold Rev. Wright's sermons on CDs in the lobby. But Rev. Wright stepped over the line only once in 20 years and Sen. Obama wasn't there that Sunday. If he can't tell a better lie than that, he doesn't belong in politics, and he certainly doesn't belong where he is - part of the corrupt Chicago political machine.

    Good, Bad Reads

    David Freddoso in his book, The Case Against Barack Obama puts it this way: "These connections do not disqualify Sen. Obama from the presidency. But they do raise questions about his judgment. By what criteria does a man choose his friends and end up with the likes of Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayres? How does he choose his advisors and end up with people who chat with terrorists, advocate reparations for slavery, and praise Hugo Chavez as a champion of democracy?

    "What sort of nominations does such a man make as president? What kind of diplomacy does he pursue, given that so much of diplomacy consists in reading, understanding, and judging others' intentions and character?

    "That is why these ties deserve scrutiny. If Barack Obama becomes president, his good judgment, or lack thereof, will affect the entire country."

    Even a friendly biographer, Stephen Mansfield in the book The Faith of Barack Obama writes, "he can clearly be at home with anti-American sentiment." And this, as I said, is what a friendly biographer has to say. Mansfield also writes there's a lot to suggest that Sen. Obama "is conflicted about his nation." Do we really want someone in the White House who sees the American flag as a symbol of false patriotism and who is so at home with anti-American sentiment and who associates with terrorists, racists and bigots?

    Despite all the overwhelming evidence calling Sen. Obama's associates and worldview into question, the mainstream media continues to avoid needed questioning.

    Fund writes this failure to ask questions and get answers about Mr. Ayres and Mr. Rezko in particular and Sen. Obama in general may lead to disaster down the road. He cites the case of Nixon and Watergate and Clinton and Whitewater. If these matters had been vetted during the campaign, they would not have led to the presidential disruptions after the election.

    But there is more than scandal lurking in the background if Sen. Obama wins the election. There is a very different agenda that will be imposed by a White House that will have values contrary to mainstream America and that will lead to both economic and foreign policy disaster. As Mr. Freddoso cautions in this book, "America will not end under a President Obama, but it might be a very different place from the one we know now: a place ruled by a Supreme Court full of young judges enthralled by the notion of a 'living Constitution' that says pretty much whatever they want to say; a place burdened by higher taxes Obama has promised; an America in which the car you own today becomes illegal to make, but even the slightest restriction on abortion would be wiped away in all fifty states."

    Mr. Freddoso hopes voters will learn more about the real Sen. Obama. A good place to start is Freddoso's book. I'd also recommend Jerome R. Corsi, The Obama Nation, Dick Morris and Brad O'Leary, The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values. In addition, I urge you to stop relying on the mainstream media, which is in a complete meltdown of deception in order to sell its candidate, Sen. Obama.

    Start reading some of the publications that give a more fair and balanced view including The Weekly Standard, The National Review, Newsmax and TownHall. For daily papers there are The Wall Street Journal and Investor's Business Daily. Another key source of election information are the conservative talk show hosts including Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Mike Gallagher, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Savage and Dom Giordano.

    And all those publications and people have Web sites that are valuable. There are also many think tanks grinding out material such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. The days are growing shorter as we've now reached September, and an election will soon be upon us that might prove to be the most disastrous in American history unless the public gets better informed about Barack Obama.

    Herb Denenberg is a former Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissioner, and professor at the Wharton School. He is a longtime Philadelphia journalist and consumer advocate. He is also a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of the Sciences. His column appears daily in The Bulletin. You can reach him at

    ©The Evening Bulletin 2008
    Of every one hundred men in battle, ten should not even be there. Eighty, are nothing but targets. Nine are the real fighters, we are lucky to have them since they make the battle. Ah, but the one—one is the Warrior—and he brings the others home. —Heracletus

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    Yep.... Vote for "O" if you would like to see Ayres, Louie Farrakhan, Jesse, Al, Tony Resco and all the other usual suspects sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    Absolutely right. Obama will love to disarm everyone to Boot and that's why he has various positions on gun control depending on who he's talking to.

    He was a student of Saul Alinsky method of Community Organizing (If you google this guy that alone should scare you as he believe in communist revolution from behind the scenes). And not only was his campaign kicked off at Ayers kitchen table (weather underground terrorist) but as late as June 08 Mike Klonsky (a Maoist communist and terrorist buddy of Ayers from his chicago buring the town with the black panthers days) was blogging on OBAMA'S CAMPAIGN WEBSITE....of course once this got out Obama fired him..but who are we kidding....He wants the same Change Lenin did IMVHO!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Unhappy Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    First off, where do you get your information? Don't you understand that Republicans want to take your firearms?

    And yes McCain is a liar and Obama has a huge approval rating for Veterans, why? Because he votes for Veterans benefits, consistently. He cares about the working class people. He cares about the direction this country is going in. McCain has consistently voted against the GI Bill and will not vote for the 21st Century GI Bill.

    And then McCain opposed it and took credit for it being passed. McCain is fighting because he has no back bone any more. He's been sold out by the Corporate interests and the money.

    He's nuckin futs.

    Do you know how many people have been falsely accused of being a terrorist that are on the terrorist watch list?

    Do you know that this FEMA agent teaches that the founding fathers were terrorists? Men in the same venue that followed suit to destroy slavery in the South that was created by the British in the first place. Those men risked their lives and gave us a Country, a Republic worth defending, fighting for.

    What is going on with the education in this country?

    Do you know anything at all about what is going on with the country you swore to protect against all enemies foreign and domestic?

    Everything that is being fought in the world now was funded, established, ruled by people in the government that the USA has initiated.

    It's fascism my friend and you are a political tool so, why don't you educate yourself as such so you know what it is you are fighting for in this world, in this election and every election?

    The people you support have done everything in their power to hurt Americans.

    Here's your October surprise. Christmas is cancelled.

    Wake up and use your computer to get the facts and stop lying.

    Another bill Bush wanted passed and he comes right out and says this,

    He's right for a change.

    No disrespect to your service 5711-Marine but, you have to start facing the facts if you are going to be an American. Some people have no right being President because they have a history of stealing from the American people.

    Barack Obama could never be any worse than what the Republicans have been and voted against or for, for the last 8 years and McPain wants the same damn thing.

    IMPERIALISM - Exactly what the founding fathers were fleeing from in Britain to begin with and is what seperated us from them and the South because they believed in something worth fighting for.

    And the world is watching.

    Take Care, Chuck

    Oh and they cared about you so much that they exposed you to nuclear waste if you were in a war in Iraq at any time. Like my lover was in the Gulf War and now deals with the problems because of it and the military has done nothing to help, at all.

    Here's to bringing freedumb and dumbocracy to the world.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck1967 View Post
    First off, where do you get your information? Don't you understand that Republicans want to take your firearms?

    And yes McCain is a liar and Obama has a huge approval rating for Veterans, why? Because he votes for Veterans benefits, consistently. He cares about the working class people. He cares about the direction this country is going in. McCain has consistently voted against the GI Bill and will not vote for the 21st Century GI Bill.

    And then McCain opposed it and took credit for it being passed. McCain is fighting because he has no back bone any more. He's been sold out by the Corporate interests and the money.

    He's nuckin futs.

    Do you know how many people have been falsely accused of being a terrorist that are on the terrorist watch list?

    Do you know that this FEMA agent teaches that the founding fathers were terrorists? Men in the same venue that followed suit to destroy slavery in the South that was created by the British in the first place. Those men risked their lives and gave us a Country, a Republic worth defending, fighting for.

    What is going on with the education in this country?

    Do you know anything at all about what is going on with the country you swore to protect against all enemies foreign and domestic?

    Everything that is being fought in the world now was funded, established, ruled by people in the government that the USA has initiated.

    It's fascism my friend and you are a political tool so, why don't you educate yourself as such so you know what it is you are fighting for in this world, in this election and every election?

    The people you support have done everything in their power to hurt Americans.

    Here's your October surprise. Christmas is cancelled.

    Wake up and use your computer to get the facts and stop lying.

    Another bill Bush wanted passed and he comes right out and says this,

    He's right for a change.

    No disrespect to your service 5711-Marine but, you have to start facing the facts if you are going to be an American. Some people have no right being President because they have a history of stealing from the American people.

    Barack Obama could never be any worse than what the Republicans have been and voted against or for, for the last 8 years and McPain wants the same damn thing.

    IMPERIALISM - Exactly what the founding fathers were fleeing from in Britain to begin with and is what seperated us from them and the South because they believed in something worth fighting for.

    And the world is watching.

    Take Care, Chuck

    Oh and they cared about you so much that they exposed you to nuclear waste if you were in a war in Iraq at any time. Like my lover was in the Gulf War and now deals with the problems because of it and the military has done nothing to help, at all.

    Here's to bringing freedumb and dumbocracy to the world.
    Chuck, you sound like the typical NObama shill.
    Look at the links you posted. Your redirects didn't work
    Let's examine NObama qualifications: 150 active days in the Senate give or take. The most leftist Senator..... Voting record on firearms is always for more restrictions on the law abiding and not the criminal …..Most of his associates are the far left or just plain communists and terrorists…
    Chuck, This being your first post, sound of your post and your location it as if your one of those NObama robots prowling the internet to “set the record straight”.
    Chuck, Have you ever looked at NObama’s actual record and character going back many years?
    Do you not question why NObama will not release all his medical records or actual birth certificate?
    Do you not question why NObama is and has been the major medias choice since the start?
    Do you not question why the media had chosen McVain since the very beginning?
    Chuck, at the very least you have a bit of homework to do.

    Just my 2¢
    FeedBack:  797An OathKeeper and OC Activist, 1 of the 3%, Ed Stephan

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    Chuck, great first post, my sides hurt from laughing so much.

    How many and what types of guns do you own?
    Go sell crazy some where else, we're all stocked up here.

    Political power grows from the muzzle of a gun.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    Chuck, its funny your very first Post to the PA firearms owners (from Spokane Washington) is this trash. I know Obama has his ilk out "Getting in Peoples Faces" but now they're trying to preach his Commie Crap on the net.
    I'm guessing your a college kid who's trying to save the rest of us by helping Obama create a workers paradise from your lap top in your Dorm room as you sip hot cocoa and look up lovingly at a Poster of Che Guevara on the wall?

    As to Obama and Guns you can fool some of the people some of the time.,2933,347690,00.html

    Obama has consistently supported gun control legislation that came up while he was in the Illinois state legislature and the U.S. Senate.
    For example, when Obama ran for the Illinois state senate the political group, Independent Voters of Illinois (IVI), asked him if he supported a “ban [on] the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns” and he responded “yes.”
    Realizing how damaging this could prove in the general election, his presidential campaign “flatly denied” Obama ever held this view, blaming it instead on a staffer from his state senate race.
    But then IVI provided Politico the questionnaire with Obama’s own handwritten notes revising another answer. Members of IVI’s board of directors, some of whom have worked on Obama’s past campaigns, told Politico that “I always believed those to be his views, what he really believes in, and he’s tailoring it now to make himself more palatable as a nationwide candidate.”
    But the IVI questionnaire isn’t the only one out there.
    In 1998, another questionnaire administered by IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test didn’t ask about banning all handguns, but it did find that Obama wanted to “ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.”
    Indeed, such a ban would outlaw virtually all handguns and the vast majority of rifles sold in the United States.
    In addition, from 1998 to 2001, Obama was on the board of directors for the Joyce Foundation, which funded such anti-gun groups as the Violence Policy Center, the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, and Handgun Free America. Both the Violence Policy Center and Handgun Free America, as its name suggests, are in favor of a complete ban on handguns. During his tenure on the board, the Joyce Foundation was probably the major funder of pro-control research in the United States.
    In fact, I knew Obama during the mid-1990s, and his answers to IVI’s question on guns fit well with the Obama that I knew. Indeed, the first time I introduced myself to him he said “Oh, you are the gun guy.”
    I responded “Yes, I guess so.” He simply responded that “I don’t believe that people should be able to own guns.”
    When I said it might be fun to talk about the question sometime and about his support of the city of Chicago’s lawsuit against the gun makers, he simply grimaced and turned away, ending the conversation.
    If taken literally, Obama’s statement to me was closer to what the IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test found, indicating that Obama's bans would extend well beyond handguns.
    Obama also opposes the current laws in 48 states that let citizens carry concealed handguns for protection claiming, despite all the academic studies to the contrary, that "I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations."
    Even Hillary Clinton disagrees with him on this.

    As to McCain and the New GI bill, McCain had his own Bill that he felt the US could better afford BUT more importantly IF you actually looked into WHY McCain didn't vote (AT ALL) for the bill was he is against Earmarks. The Bill 15.6 Billion for Veterans Ballooned to just under 200 BILLION with requests for Home heating oil subsidies for the Poor that would have ended up at the time in the hands of Hugo Chavez (Citco was willing to give discounts, remember?)
    THAT IS THE ONLY REASON THAT SLIME ASS OBAMA got involved. It also increased unemployment insurance, money for fighting forrest fire etc... which McCain felt were noble efforts in their own right but that they Should come up as seperate bills to be voted on and not something to Sneak through passage.

    So get a clue Chuckie.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    Almost forgot Here's Ron Paul of All people talking about OBAMA trying to Snatch Guns!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    Quote Originally Posted by gwohsau View Post
    Almost forgot Here's Ron Paul of All people talking about OBAMA trying to Snatch Guns!
    Not touching this one (I smell a flame war about to start) other then to say I love Dr Paul..

  10. #10
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    Cool Re: Barack Obama Is The Worst Kind Of Politician

    No flame war. I want people to start thinking and putting facts together in a logical way.

    Hurricane Katrina and the Waco, TX incident proved that your guns are useless. Now what do you have to use to defend yourself from a corrupt government? Did you think it was OK because they were mostly African-Americans?

    If you don't defend the rights of any and all of your fellow citizens then you shall forfeit any and all of your rights as well.

    You have the power of the vote. Unless they are stealing elections then your vote can't be used to take the trash out either.

    The Patriot Act succeeded in taking away your liberty. Habeas Corpus has been suspended and you can be held in prison without a trial indefinitely.

    Still laughing? The joke is on you if you think that voting for McCain and Palin is going to make this country better and steer it in the right direction.

    And to think that Philadelphia, the birth place of the Declaration of Independence and the USA as a unified country and if the founding fathers saw that their Republic is now in the hands of Neo-Nazis and Christian Fundamentalists and Zionists, they would be completely outraged because they will tell you, the citizens of the USA, were not vigilant enough.

    Your guns will do nothing to save you when your lungs are full of tear gas and against the modern weapons given to our police and military today.

    Snap out of the fantasy world you live in and come back to reality. The reality is all Americans must stand together to make this country great or it will cease to exist at all. It is already pale in comparison to the way it was before the Bush's made their way to the White House.

    It's only a matter of time now but, we can change the future if we allow it. If not then we will most surely be fighting against it.

    Take Care, Chuck

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