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  1. #1
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    Default "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    danp (Admin) Normally, I won't use posts of this length. I feel this is a message that all who carry should read. I have permission in writing from the author to post this.

    "Of course. You can edit out the note at the top or keep it there. It's up to you. Just attribute it to a friend from the USCCA forum. You can use my screen name if you would like. I hope others can benefit from the article," is the authors request. (Request granted Spartan and Thanks For Permission To Post -- Keystone).

    “The Value of 24 Hour Carry”

    by Spartan

    [Note: I wrote this article to express what I have learned from nearly 10 years of carrying a concealed handgun. There are five specific things I have learned that might help you. I don't claim to be “an expert” – more than anything I hope it encourages you to carry your handgun as often as possible. Enjoy.]

    Although half of households in the United States posses at least one firearm, I did not grow up with guns. The closest thing to a firearm in my childhood was the cap gun I got for Christmas when I was eight, and the day that my Cub Scout troop learned how to shoot BB guns during summer camp.

    Even though my family background and early experiences didn't dictate familiarity with firearms, I sensed that guns were important. As a historian, I knew the American Revolution relied heavily on private citizens' own weaponry. Our nation simply would not have existed without privately owned firearms. I also knew the value of firearms today includes their restraining power against crime.

    I was 27 when I bought my first pistol and several months later I acquired my first CCW permit. That was almost 10 years ago. I am like thousands of other CCW holders. I am a layman. I am not a tactical guru. I don't work in a gun shop. Although I have learned a lot over the years, I am not an expert.

    I am one thing, however – I'm convinced. I believe it is a good practice to carry concealed firearms as often as possible – for me that is 24 hours a day 7 days a week. My reasoning is based on my belief that habitual carry of a defensive pistol brings five specific benefits.

    First, carrying a pistol improves awareness. In any given day our attention is focused on our jobs, responsibilities at home, and civic and church participation. Our minds become vacuums that fill with whatever comes into our lives. The last thing most people think about is personal protection.

    This is not true for those who regularly carry a pistol. There is something about adding that GLOCK or Colt to our daily dress that puts us automatically into a heightened sense of awareness. Before I carried my pistol regularly, I couldn't tell you much of what happened around me in public places. In the last ten years my ability to predict and avoid dangerous situations has improved dramatically. Isn't it ironic that those who are opposed to CCW are those who often place themselves in the most dangerous situations? Awareness of our surroundings – what a great benefit for those who carry a concealed handgun.

    Carrying a pistol also forces us to be responsible. Basic responsibility seems lost in our culture. I am told by a friend who teaches at a local high school that neither students nor their parents seem to value responsibility. He says most people he works with try their best to avoid personal responsibility. Those who handle firearms know something about responsibility. Handle a pistol incorrectly and there can be serious consequences.

    When I started to carry my pistol 24 hours a day, I immediately became more responsible. I was forced into responsibility by a 35 oz. combination of metal and plastic on my hip. I began to avoid driving my car over the speed limit – I wanted to become as law abiding as possible. I also became aware that I am the primary person responsible (or able to respond) for my personal security and the security of my family. Why should I ask anyone else to risk their own safety to protect me?

    The gun is a “mindset” setter. It forces us to develop a higher sense of personal responsibility.

    A third thing has changed since I made the decision to carry my pistol. My gun has changed from a novelty item only found in a locked box to an important tool. I once heard a preacher say that if you owned a Bible that you couldn't bear to underline or highlight, then you needed to get rid of it. He wanted his friends to get Bibles that could be used effectively. For him that meant marking important verses and making notes in the margins.

    For most gun owners their rifles and pistols are merely novelty items. They are something found in a zippered pistol rug, gun safe, or on a rack above the mantel. But aside from special collector pieces, guns are tools that are meant to be used. What value is a pistol at home when you are 10 miles away at work? Not much. Honestly, why have a pistol you can use for concealed carry, if you never carry it? It would be better for you to sell that pistol to buy concert tickets and a nice meal for your spouse. A workman has tools. For those who carry regularly, his or her tool is a familiar pistol that has moved from a box into a holster.

    When I first started to carry in 1997, I was constantly worried about someone detecting my GLOCK. In restaurants, I would spend more time wondering about my handgun “printing” than being truly engaged in conversation with my family. Time and regular carry ended my worries. Once you find a good belt, a good holster, and clothing that matches your lifestyle and your need to keep your gun covered, you will be fine.

    To be able to carry comfortably, you have to make the commitment to carry 24/7. Allow your pistol to become a part of you, and you will stop worrying about whether or not you are uncovered. Learn to carry concealed. Force yourself to carry 24/7 for a month, and you will be fine. You will learn important skills in a short amount of time.

    If you feel the need to put your toes in the water before you take the full plunge, do this. Carry only your holster for a week. If you can conceal your holster – you can conceal your gun just as easily. That is the fourth benefit to carrying often – you can eliminate the undue fear of detection.

    Finally, there is a fifth benefit to carrying 24/7. In two different CCW classes I have heard that if you ever needed to use your handgun defensively, a common question a law enforcement officer or attorney might ask is, “Why did you happen to have your gun with you today?” I am not an attorney, but I have heard it is helpful to be able to say, “I always carry my handgun.” This makes it clear that you did not carry, because you “happened to be looking for trouble that could have been avoided.”

    You have a CCW permit, so it is perfectly allowable to carry your pistol only one hour a year or as often as you are outside of a legally protected area (which of course depends on your state laws). Carry as often as you are able and you have a great defense should you be involved in a defensive situation.

    Nearly 10 years of concealed carry experience provides many lessons. These five benefits to regular carry are important to me. Many people who obtain a CCW permit fail to follow through and habitually carry their handgun. I hope the five lessons I have learned encourage you to carry as often as you are able to do so.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    Not a bad post. Who is this danp you speak of?

    "Cives Arma Ferant"

    "I know I'm not James Bond, that's why I don't keep a loaded gun under the pillow, or bang Russian spies on a regular basis." - GunLawyer001

  3. #3
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    Well worth the time to read!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    I wake up and it goes on and off before I get into bed. Only time it comes off is when I get to the jobsite. I go for lunch back on.

    I was on a job recently for some touch up, twenty minutes worth of work. I forgot and just went in to do my thing. Of course the job super would show up. He and the excavator came in and the super is talking to me, the excavator is looking at my holstered Glock and then at me smiling. The Super never seemed to notice

  5. #5
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch10mm View Post
    I wake up and it goes on and off before I get into bed. Only time it comes off is when I get to the jobsite. I go for lunch back on.

    I was on a job recently for some touch up, twenty minutes worth of work. I forgot and just went in to do my thing. Of course the job super would show up. He and the excavator came in and the super is talking to me, the excavator is looking at my holstered Glock and then at me smiling. The Super never seemed to notice
    Or he was acting like he didn't notice, so he didn't have to say anything.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    It (they)goes on with my pants every day, and resides next to the bed over night. If there's a better way, I havent found it. Decent write up!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    The OP is 10 years old. Lol

    This is the first time I've seen it.
    FOAC Member, NRA Member

  8. #8
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    Quote Originally Posted by M&P Chris View Post
    The OP is 10 years old. Lol

    This is the first time I've seen it.
    No wonder you haven't been here 10 years. Its a good read, likea refresher course.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    Quote Originally Posted by Qtrborecrazy View Post
    No wonder you haven't been here 10 years. Its a good read, likea refresher course.
    It is a good read. Just surprised I haven't crossed paths with it.
    FOAC Member, NRA Member

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: "The Value of 24 Hour Carry"

    Quote Originally Posted by M&P Chris View Post
    It is a good read. Just surprised I haven't crossed paths with it.
    I was thinking the same. PAMEDIC was on a roll last night.

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