Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    Note this SB 1433 wording is very similar to HB 291
    Read HB 291 review here.

    HB 291 – Handgun Safety, Testing & Certification; providing for implementation of personalized handgun requirements and forfeiture of certain handguns.


    This bill creates a new “safety standard” of “smart guns” (guns personalized to a specific user) that can be fired only by the authorized user or users. Four years after the adoption of this safety standard bill, all non-compliant handguns become contraband and may not be sold, offered for sale, traded, or transferred, or possessed by you, under the penalty of a felony of the third degree. Additionally, such handguns may not be sold, offered for sale, traded, transferred, shipped or leased or distributed by dealers after four years from the adoption of this bill.

    In the simplest of terms, if the bill becomes law, whether the practical technology to manufacture a “smart gun” exists or not, all other handguns will be illegal to possess, own, sell or transfer. There will be no compensation for the taking of your private property. However, as it will be a crime to own a “dumb” handgun, your property will be worthless. This is another bill that makes criminals out of law abiding gun owners with no focus on criminals that happen to use a firearm to commit crime.

    actual text of SB 1433

    SB 1433 Hughes (D) Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) adding
    personalized firearms to the definition of "firearm" and defining
    "personalized firearm." The bill provides for personalized firearms by
    requiring the commissioner of the State Police to report to the Governor and
    the General Assembly as to the availability of personalized firearms for
    retail sale purposes. If the commissioner determines that personalized
    firearms are not available for retail sale purposes, the Attorney General,
    every six months thereafter, would report to the Governor and the General
    Assembly as to the availability of personalized firearms for retail sale
    purposes until such time as the commissioner deems that personalized
    firearms are available for retail sale purposes and so report to the
    Governor and the General Assembly. Personalized firearms would be deemed
    available for retail sale purposes if at least one manufacturer has
    delivered at least one production model of a personalized firearm to a
    licensed importer or licensed dealer in this Commonwealth or any other
    state. Beginning on the first day of the sixth month following the
    preparation and delivery of the list of personalized firearms which may be
    sold in this Commonwealth, no licensed importer, licensed manufacturer or
    licensed dealer would be permitted to transport into this Commonwealth,
    sell, expose for sale, possess with the intent of selling, assign or
    otherwise transfer any firearm unless it is a personalized firearm
    . The bill
    provides for exceptions.
    Jun 6, 2008 - S-Introduced and referred to Judiciary

    IF enacted all your handguns other than antique's are ILLEGAL to own, sell etc.........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Apolacon Township, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    Good catch! I don't know how I missed this on the daily activity reports, but I'm a bit chagrined!

    Or is it possible that this was dumped after the reports were published?

    Sent a short message to my Senator (Madigan) asking him to oppse this if it ever gets out of committee
    Last edited by Brick; June 14th, 2008 at 07:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    You guys MUST stop this! I'm helping fight this kind of crap out on the west coast on CA...DO NOT LET THIS SORT OF JUNK TAKE UP CAMP HERE! Get rid of anyone who touches this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    IIRC the 'smart gun' is already law in NJ. They passed it some years ago on the false belief that the technology was there. I believe many $$ were sunk into Rutgers for developing a demo model. Of course the smart gun has yet to come to market and thus the NJ law is held in abeyance until the AG determines that it is suffciently available to mandate it exclusively for all sales.

    If serialized ammo doesn't solve society's woes, maybe the smart gun will


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by tl_3237 View Post
    IIRC the 'smart gun' is already law in NJ. They passed it some years ago on the false belief that the technology was there. I believe many $$ were sunk into Rutgers for developing a demo model. Of course the smart gun has yet to come to market and thus the NJ law is held in abeyance until the AG determines that it is suffciently available to mandate it exclusively for all sales.

    If serialized ammo doesn't solve society's woes, maybe the smart gun will

    It doesn't matter whether or not the smart gun law is on the books in NJ, as damn near no one can acquire a carry permit there. Unless of course, you have a ton on money, and/or know a Chief or Judge.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    ok, no matter what kind of security software there is on a computer there is a way around it, it will be the same way with "smart" guns. what these morons don't realize is that the only smarts related to a gun are the user!!! what a bunch of overeducated, underworked useless peices of society!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    Not to mention that this "smart" technology, until perfected 50 years from the day it's first introduced, will ensure that the gun will not discharge every time the user intends it to. Oops, Mr. BG, please wait while my gun reboots.

    The gov't would prefer you dead. Do not defend yourself. It will only get you in big trouble.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by FromMyColdDeadHands View Post
    ok, no matter what kind of security software there is on a computer there is a way around it, it will be the same way with "smart" guns. what these morons don't realize is that the only smarts related to a gun are the user!!! what a bunch of overeducated, underworked useless peices of society!!!
    Just because many politicians have degrees from big schools doesn't mean they learned anything. I'm starting to have doubts about the education provided in colleges these days. Many graduates and most politicians don't show common sence reasoning ability.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: SB 1433 - personalized firearms

    Gawd... this kind of crap just has to stop. I think we are going to be in for a rough couple of years...

    Could you imagine how many people will be shot by idiots telling their friends "Hey try to shoot me with my gun; it won't fire for you"

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