Now this see.........we have 2 Border Patrol Agents unjustly Jailed for doing there job, attempting to intercept an illegal alien drug smuggler. And we have 3 National Guard Members smuggling illegals. Will these 3 see the inside of Levanworth? We'll see!
"Look......Out, the insane are running the Looney-Bin"

Guardsmen on border arrested on suspicion of immigrant smuggling

Associated Press - June 11, 2007 12:25 PM ET

LAREDO, Texas (AP) - Three National Guardsmen were arraigned in Laredo today on charges that they ran an immigrant smuggling ring.

The soldiers had been assigned to help authorities stop illegal immigration along the Texas-Mexico border.

The US Attorney's office identifies the three as 26-year-old Private First Class Jose Rodrigo Torres and 25-year-old Sergeant Julio (HOO'-lee-yoh) Cesar Pacheco, both of Laredo, and 36-year-old Sergeant Clarence Hodge Junior of Fort Worth.

The soldiers are each in civilian custody on $75,000' bail. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 19th in Laredo. Texas military forces will decide whether the men will also face military charges.

Prosecutors say a Border Patrol agent found 24 illegal immigrants inside a van Torres was driving along Interstate 35 near Cotulla, Texas. That's about 68 miles north of the border. Torres was in his Army uniform at the time of his arrest.

Prosecutors allege Hodge helped Torres pass through a Border Patrol checkpoint by making it appear they were on Guard business. Pacheco has been accused of recruiting soldiers to transport migrants for 1,000 to $3,500 a trip.

Prosecutors say the soldiers participated in several smuggling trips before last week's arrests.