Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Duncannon, Pennsylvania
    (Perry County)
    Rep Power

    Default Really? Are you seriously that stupid?

    Ok, so I go to the range today for some budget rimfire trigger time. I get there and the 25 and 50 yard slots are full. No problem I have off today, I'll wait. So I sit in the car and listen to the radio while three guys and a woman shoot. I have the windows down and I'm sitting about 30 yards behind the line. I hear the woman talking and while not really paying attention I can tell that she's annoying. She's talking about living in Oregon, and being in Scotland and generally talking more than she's shooting which irritates me cause I'd like to be shooting.
    It's obvious she knows how to shoot, she talked about hunting a little bit but she' not an enthusiast like a lot of us are. None of this is a problem until I hear her say "When I was a rookie in Oregon they issued us Beretta 44 mags." That caught my attention. I was now actively paying attention to what she was saying. It turns out that she was (allegedly) an undercover fish and game agent in Oregon. I seriously doubt this since she had trouble walking the 25 yards to the target backer. She had no stories to tell other than people thought that she was a city slicker. I wanted to call her out on the pistol claim but by now I was getting irritated by her talk to shoot ratio. The next irritating thing she does is pick up a glock owned by the guy sharing the bench with her and says " A 17 eh? It's made in Australia?"
    He replies " No, it's Austria."
    She counters " Oh, the German part of the country."
    Her son says then "No it's a country below Germany."
    Her "So it's not kangaroo land then?'
    Glock guy "No."
    At this point I'm flabbergasted. The 50 yard benches had opened up by then so I decide to go shoot my rifle. As I'm unloading my car she decides to make a call on her cell phone while sitting at the 25 yard bench. I see this, set my targets and start shooting. I was hoping she'd get upset by my shooting while she was talking and leave but it didn't work. The guy with her asked if I wanted to shoot down there and I told him I'd get there in a bit. He got the hint and they left. I realized then that he was a member of the club and that they were two guests of his from out of town. I feel bad for the guy. He brought this woman and her son so they could shoot and she makes him look like an idiot in front of other members.
    Well that's my story. Sorry if it bored you, but I figured a few of you would get a laugh out of her claims like I did.
    It's all fun and games, til someone shoots your bobber!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Windsor Twsp., Pennsylvania
    (York County)
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    Default Re: Really? Are you seriously that stupid?

    "It's an 88 magnum... it shoots through schools." /DannyVermin
    While many claim to support the right, precious few support the practice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Radnor, Pennsylvania
    (Delaware County)
    Rep Power

    Default Re: Really? Are you seriously that stupid?

    Hardly bored. I'm always amazed when somebody opens their mouth and releases a stream of ignorance. Undercover game warden? Maybe they staked her out in the hopes of attracting hungry bears to arm.
    Know your audience. Don't try to sell a Prius at a Monster Truck Rally.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Poconos, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: Really? Are you seriously that stupid?

    Great story. Ive heard people like that before. My favorite comment I have heard so far has been - "Ya know, they started issuing Glock 18s to some state troopers in some states even PA, ya know the full auto ones?"

    I could not help but laugh, I wasnt a part of the conversation, but was close enough to hear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SEPA, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Really? Are you seriously that stupid?

    Quote Originally Posted by sleeper78 View Post
    Well that's my story. Sorry if it bored you, but I figured a few of you would get a laugh out of her claims like I did.
    I'm going to really ruin your (and everyone else's) day : her vote counts the same as yours.

    Depressing, ain't it?

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