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  1. #1
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    Default Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    Sen Feinstein has a long history of proving she cannot be trusted with secret / classified info. see here for additional proof.

    The "outing" of Plame caused such outrage, where is the outrage for this, which burned an actual covert operation, and put the lives of the agents at risk?

    Predator drones flown from base in Pakistan, U.S. lawmaker says
    Sen. Feinstein's surprise disclosure likely to complicate joint campaign against Taliban militants

    Greg Miller | Washington Bureau
    7:06 PM CST, February 12, 2009

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - A senior U.S. lawmaker said Thursday that unmanned CIA Predator aircraft operating in Pakistan are flown from an airbase inside that country, a revelation likely to embarrass the Pakistani government and complicate its counterterrorism collaboration with the United States.

    The disclosure by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, marked the first time a U.S. official had publicly commented on where the Predator aircraft patrolling Pakistan take off and land.

    At a hearing, Feinstein expressed surprise at Pakistani opposition to the ongoing campaign of Predator-launched CIA missile strikes against Al Qaeda targets along Pakistan's northwest border.

    "As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base," she said of the planes.

    The basing of the pilotless aircraft in Pakistan suggests a much deeper relationship with the United States on counterterrorism matters than has been publicly acknowledged. Such an arrangement would be at odds with protests lodged by officials in Islamabad and could inflame anti-American sentiment in the country.

    The CIA declined to comment, but former U.S. intelligence officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information, confirmed that Feinstein's account was accurate.

    Phil LaVelle, a spokesman for Feinstein, said her comment was based solely on previous news reports that Predators were operated from bases near Islamabad.

    "We strongly object to Sen. Feinstein's remarks being characterized as anything other than a reference" to a article that appeared last March in the Washington Post, LaVelle said. Feinstein did not refer to newspaper accounts during the hearing.

    Many in counterterrorism experts have assumed that the aircraft were operated from U.S. military installations in Afghanistan, and remotely piloted from locations in the United States. Experts said the disclosure could create political problems for the fledgling government in Islamabad.

    "If accurate, what this says is that Pakistani involvement, or at least acquiescence, has been much more extensive than has previously been known," said Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert at Georgetown University. "It puts the Pakistani government in a far more difficult position [in terms of] its credibility with its own people. Unfortunately it also has the potential to threaten Pakistani-American relations."

    Feinstein's disclosure came during testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee by U.S. Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair on the nation's security threats. Blair did not respond directly to Feinstein's remark, except to say that Pakistan is "sorting out" its cooperation with the United States.

    Pakistani officials have long denied that they ever granted the United States permission to fly the Predator planes over Pakistani territory, let alone to operate the aircraft from within the country.

    The new civilian leadership has gone to significant lengths to distance itself from the Predator strikes, which are extremely unpopular in Pakistan, in part because they are widely reported to kill civilians as well as militants.

    The Pakistani government regularly lodges diplomatic protests against the strikes as a violation of its sovereignty, and officials said the subject was raised with Richard C. Holbrooke, a newly appointed U.S. envoy to the region, who completed his first visit to the country on Thursday.

    Nevertheless, most Pakistanis believe the civilian leadership has continued former President Pervez Musharraf's policy giving the United States tacit permission to carry out the strikes.

    The CIA has been working to step up its presence in Pakistan in recent years. The CIA has deployed as many as 200 people to Pakistan, one of its largest overseas operations outside of Iraq, current and former agency officials have estimated. That contingent works alongside other U.S. operatives who specialize in electronic communications and spy satellites.

    The use of Predator planes armed with Hellfire anti-tank missiles has emerged as perhaps the important U.S. tool in its ongoing efforts to attack Al Qaeda in its sanctuary in Pakistan's tribal belt. Last month, a New Year's Day strike killed two senior Al Qaeda operatives who were suspected of involvement in the bombing of Islamabad's Marriott They were among at least eight senior Al Qaeda figures reportedly killed in Predator strikes over the past seven months as part of a stepped-up missile campaign that U.S. intelligence officials have characterized as major success against Al Qaeda.

    In his prepared testimony Thursday, Blair said that Al Qaeda has "lost significant parts of its command structure since 2008 in a succession of blows as damaging to the group as any since the fall of the Taliban in late 2001."

    Los Angeles Times staff writer Laura King contributed from Istanbul.
    Of every one hundred men in battle, ten should not even be there. Eighty, are nothing but targets. Nine are the real fighters, we are lucky to have them since they make the battle. Ah, but the one—one is the Warrior—and he brings the others home. —Heracletus

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    When you elect imbeciles to high government positions, this is the only result you can reasonably expect.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    Come on seriously, what are American lives really worth? She needs votes damnit!
    Warning: I may not read responses to OP before posting

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    I don't recall ever hearing her accused of being smart. And I would also point out that this does also reflect on the intellect of her constituents, since they keep reelecting her.
    " The Seeds of Oppression Will One Day Bear The Fruit of Rebellion."

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    It sure is gonna be interesting watching the children take charge for the next few years.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    Thats real smart, giving secret military positions away, ain't there a law against this.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    AFAIC this combined with her influence peddling to get contracts for her husband's company should land her in a cell right along side of Duke Cunningham.

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities".

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    May be we should tell Mossed she outed one of their agents. They take a dim view of that

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    This kind of crap gets men killed!!! I can't believe she's that stupid, there has to be another reason!!

    I am saddened! AGAIN, nothing in the LIBERAL press!!
    NRA Training Counselor, Chief Range Safety Officer, NRA Benefactor Member

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Feinstein violates OPSEC may have cost CIA agents their lives

    I would have preferred seeing Geraldo Rivera *AKA Jerry Rivers* pointing out to the world wide TV viewing audience, Ms.Feinstein's position with a drawing in the the sand............. during a battle....
    He was one of God’s own prototypes—a high-powered mutant of some kind who was never even considered for mass production. He was too weird to live and too rare to die....

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