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  1. #1
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    Default Liberal Press Publishing Gun Control Stories from 2995

    I was surprised to see an article in today's Newsday that says it was first published in 2995. I'm pretty sure they meant to write 1995 but in their rush to push gun control they used an 18-year-old story to keep gun control in front of readers. This used to be a respected newspaper. Pathetic is the only way to now describe them.

    After the verdict, they make pleas for gun control

    This story was originally published in Newsday on Feb. 18, 2995.

    As the longest day of the Colin Ferguson trial ended in shouts of victory and tears of relief, one after another of the survivors and the relatives of the dead stepped to the microphone and delivered impassioned appeals for gun control.

    "We don't need another picture like this in the paper," said Robert Giugliano, his voice trembling as he held up a newspaper clipping showing the photo of Marita Magtoto, one of the six who died. ". . . It could be my wife or my daughter next time. It could be me. Enough. Let's put an end to it." Giugliano, a 39-year-old electrician who was wounded in the arm and chest, joined in a hastily organized news conference outside the courtroom after the verdict.

    Now matter how "schizophrenic or paranoid" Ferguson appears, said shooting victim Thomas McDermott, "he still would have been eligible until 10 minutes ago to purchase a gun . . . without any restrictions whatsoever." Of Congress' possible repeal of the recently enacted assault weapons ban, he said, "They have disgraced, dishonored the lives of those six human beings who never got off that car."

    Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband Dennis died on the train, appeared with her son Kevin, who was wounded. "We have worked hard to bring some sense into our lives. Yet the gun manufacturers continue to make bullets that tear away flesh, guns that kill human beings. I don't know what we can say of our society," she said. "We are going to take it upon ourselves to do everything possible to make sure other people in this country don't lose a Dennis McCarthy, a James Gorycki. You haven't heard the last of us."

    You can read the entire story, if you like, below.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Liberal Press Publishing Gun Control Stories from 2995

    Was it really published in 2995?
    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Liberal Press Publishing Gun Control Stories from 2995

    Of course. This is the newspaper editor taking their time machine for a ride to gather more stories.

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